Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

The game is changing

The end of my software career lined up with AI. One of the last things I did was start a group in my organization to start the investment. AI has HUGE potential to help predict thing, organize things and guide execution of products. It's also AMAZINGLY scarey

It is only as accurate as the data fed into it
I think that’s probably the main driver.

I’m not an expert, but I do enjoy following along with the debates and discussions around the topic. Speaking about AI generally, When it comes to the ethos of those developing these technologies, there’s also a very prevalent undercurrent within that community of belief in:

1. Whoever (companies, countries, cultures) gets it first will be at a massive and perhaps exponential advantage to those who don’t, and not being first might be the end.

2. Though the ride will be bumpy, this type of technology is really our only hope for overcoming how much of a damn mess humans are.

3. Many of the folks developing this very much view themselves as pioneers of the inevitable.

Personally, I don’t buy any of those arguments, but I do see apologists for where we are headed making them.
I often think of that corny line in Jurassic Park, "They spent so much time thinking whether or not they could, they never stopped to think if they should"
To date its pretty easy to sniff out bogus info. Those pictures of Trump a verifiable example.
I don't remember quotes well, but one was something to the effect of "life will always find a way".

Another was a flowery restatement of the "Law of Large Numbers" sometimes known as the "Law of Limiting Probabilities". It was stunning to hear it in a movie theater coming from an actor.
This is the one that came to my mind sense we're talking AI.jurassic-park-this-is-one-big-pile-of-shit.gif
I don't remember quotes well, but one was something to the effect of "life will always find a way".

Another was a flowery restatement of the "Law of Large Numbers" sometimes known as the "Law of Limiting Probabilities". It was stunning to hear it in a movie theater coming from an actor.

I definitely remember the first. As well as the chaos theory explanation in the Jeep. I can't think of the where the second one would have been.

I was just the right age and place to treat the Crichton novel and the movie as gospel.
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