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What The Hell is Science-Based Management?

In the same vein and often for the same reasons in opposition, the term “balanced-ecosystem” is used. Certainly not trying to straw-man, but to many, it seems that a balanced ecosystem is one that reaches and keeps a sort of sustainable undulating equilibrium sans any human interference or influence.
Unless I am mistaken, the same folks who promote “self-balancing ecosystems” much more often than not are also OK with unlimited free-range feral equids, oppose mitigation logging of fire-suppressed forests, and want to delete hundreds of square miles of wildlife habitat with solar farms.

If your thumb is on the ecological scales, a ban on managing predators is a dishonest position. Sure, there are plenty of examples of certain predator species in certain locations that self-regulate just fine, but it can never be all, with our insatiable thirst for development of wildlife habitat and natural resource extraction.
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