The Devil's Lettuce

Really then why can’t you smoke in restaurants but can drink with your dinner?

If there were no ill effects of blowing a product into someone else’s lungs then it should still be legal right?
Also, I dunno how many times as a child I accidentally grabbed my dad's beer can. Thinking its my soda not paying full attention. Take a big ol drink. So again anything around a child shouldn't be considered okay. I don't really care either way what people choose. It's just funny how one can justify it to themselves one is better in public around kids.
Also, I dunno how many times as a child I accidentally grabbed my dad's beer can. Thinking its my soda not paying full attention. Take a big ol drink. So again anything around a child shouldn't be considered okay. I don't really care either way what people choose. It's just funny how one can justify it to themselves one is better in public around kids.
That actually works both ways...if you've ever accidentally taken a swig from your teenage son's smokeless spit cup.
That's my point if traditionally you had to smoke hops. You wouldn't think anything of it. So say a guy has a thc soda at the restaurant you feel any different? You can drink thc too is my point. So at all these public events where alcohol is... if thc sodas were served instead of people walking with joints... you feel different then?
I don’t live in hypotheticals.
Also, I dunno how many times as a child I accidentally grabbed my dad's beer can. Thinking its my soda not paying full attention. Take a big ol drink. So again anything around a child shouldn't be considered okay. I don't really care either way what people choose. It's just funny how one can justify it to themselves one is better in public around kids.
Who is justifying anything, I simply stated it is different. No where in any of my posts ever have I advocated for being drunk or drunks around kids. Some here are trying to spin it that way but it is not what was said.

So because I didn’t denounce it I’m advocating for it?

Blowing anything in anyone else’s face is second hand smoke. It has been proven over and over that it is bad and causes health concerns.

If someone else is drunk it doesn’t cause you health concerns. You are free to do whatever you want. No one is forcing you to be part of it.
Really then why can’t you smoke in restaurants but can drink with your dinner?

If there were no ill effects of blowing a product into someone else’s lungs then it should still be legal right?
I don’t know if you’re being obtuse on purpose or your reading skills just aren’t up to par. I’m not saying blowing smoke in kids faces is okay. I’m saying any type of substance being used in a bad manner around kids is not okay. You just have a bone to pick with a certain one cause your hobby farm has a neighbour you don’t like.
I don’t know if you’re being obtuse on purpose or your reading skills just aren’t up to par. I’m not saying blowing smoke in kids faces is okay. I’m saying any type of substance being used in a bad manner around kids is not okay. You just have a bone to pick with a certain one cause your hobby farm has a neighbour you don’t like.
Or maybe your skills are not up to par. I said it was Different!

You are trying to change the narrative, I am defending my position that I said it was different. Maybe your love for a substance is clouded your responses, IDK.

Choosing to be near a person consuming or has obviously consumed alcohol is a choice. You can make it and deal with the consequences of your choice.

Standing in a line and someone fires up, then blows it in your face is a situation you were thrown into against your will.

Everything that happens afterwards is a choice, but that initial interaction was against your will. Your choice to not inhale smoke was taken from you.

In the original post I responded to, it is most certainly different.
"If someone else is drunk it doesn’t cause you health concerns. You are free to do whatever you want. No one is forcing you to be part of it."
It does cause health concerns if they are driving.
I don’t know if you’re being obtuse on purpose or your reading skills just aren’t up to par. I’m not saying blowing smoke in kids faces is okay. I’m saying any type of substance being used in a bad manner around kids is not okay. You just have a bone to pick with a certain one cause your hobby farm has a neighbour you don’t like.
Moved on from unlicensed policing knife sales.

There is no making sense of it. If someone spills alchohol on me/my child, blows smoke in my face, spits chew at my feet - drives distracted by phone addiction or impaired by being drunk/high it really makes no difference. Theyre a prick and the act is essentially the same. People either get it or dont.

Too bad a feedlot doesnt open next door, someone might be even more full of shit and have a stench of a different kind.
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"If someone else is drunk it doesn’t cause you health concerns. You are free to do whatever you want. No one is forcing you to be part of it."
It does cause health concerns if they are driving.
True if you don’t know they are drinking.

if you knew beforehand as was in the original statement it is a choice to get on the track with them.

That is what I was referring to.
Weed smokers are like crossfitters, or vegans, or people who run ultramarathons. They will die on the hill of convincing you that, not only is it harmless, you should probably be doing it too.

Most of the rest of us just kind of go, "Eh, it's not for me and I'm not convinced it's harmless."

But they will not allow that ambiguity. They must convince us to agree with them. Smoking cannot simply be passively allowed or ignored, and it certainly can't be questioned, it must be celebrated!

As with the other types of people mentioned, it is exhausting.

*Said with only a hint of sarcasm. Only a hint.
"If someone else is drunk it doesn’t cause you health concerns. You are free to do whatever you want. No one is forcing you to be part of it."
It does cause health concerns if they are driving.
It frequently causes lifelong mental health problems if they are your parent, sibling or spouse.
Weed smokers are like crossfitters, or vegans, or people who run ultramarathons, and Canadians. They will die on the hill of convincing you that, not only is it harmless, you should probably be doing it too.

Most of the rest of us just kind of go, "Eh, it's not for me and I'm not convinced it's harmless."

But they will not allow that ambiguity. They must convince us to agree with them. Smoking cannot simply be passively allowed or ignored, and it certainly can't be questioned, it must be celebrated!

As with the other types of people mentioned, it is exhausting.

*Said with only a hint of sarcasm. Only a hint.
This...and username checks out. ; )

*same hint of sarc
Or maybe your skills are not up to par. I said it was Different!

You are trying to change the narrative, I am defending my position that I said it was different. Maybe your love for a substance is clouded your responses, IDK.

Choosing to be near a person consuming or has obviously consumed alcohol is a choice. You can make it and deal with the consequences of your choice.

Standing in a line and someone fires up, then blows it in your face is a situation you were thrown into against your will.

Everything that happens afterwards is a choice, but that initial interaction was against your will. Your choice to not inhale smoke was taken from you.

In the original post I responded to, it is most certainly different.
I dunno, I’d say being around a drunk person while trying to take my young kids go kart racing would be a situation I’d be thrown into against my will. Which brings it back to my point. Using any sort of substance to the point that you’re a detriment to those around you is a dick move. Alcohol contributes to that a hell of a lot more than weed, and it’s a lot easier to hide.
It frequently causes lifelong mental health problems if they are your parent, sibling or spouse.
I didn’t thinks about that perspective in my post. I was focused on the scenario of standing in a line that I originally commented on. In your aspect the choice is infinity more complicated and may not be a choice. I will concede on that.
Weed smokers are like crossfitters, or vegans, or people who run ultramarathons. They will die on the hill of convincing you that, not only is it harmless, you should probably be doing it too.

Most of the rest of us just kind of go, "Eh, it's not for me and I'm not convinced it's harmless."

But they will not allow that ambiguity. They must convince us to agree with them. Smoking cannot simply be passively allowed or ignored, and it certainly can't be questioned, it must be celebrated!

As with the other types of people mentioned, it is exhausting.

*Said with only a hint of sarcasm. Only a hint.
Bro have you tried CrossFit though bro
I dunno, I’d say being around a drunk person while trying to take my young kids go kart racing would be a situation I’d be thrown into against my will. Which brings it back to my point. Using any sort of substance to the point that you’re a detriment to those around you is a dick move. Alcohol contributes to that a hell of a lot more than weed, and it’s a lot easier to hide.
How is it against your will. Is the drunk pouring shot down your throat at gunpoint?
I don’t live in hypotheticals.

Who is justifying anything,

Blowing anything in anyone else’s face is second hand smoke.
Lol you are though. I imagine this story really just some smoke lofting your way like it was with my kids in line. "blowing smoke in your kids face." Not once at the fair, and people were using publicly all over, and in the same lines on atleast 2 rides. Did I feel like someone was forcibly blowing smoke up my child's lungs. No... Is it irritating yes, absolutely... but we had plenty of oxygen outside. Is it irritating to have a bunch of drunks walk out of the beer gardens not paying attention, and knock your kid over in line because they are too intoxicated to notice... yup absolutely.. and to assume the same drunk people hopped in a vehicle and drove away at some point... but im not whining about it.. dudes were having a good time... and my kids okay... I'm still gonna say drinking crowd is way less considerate then the cannabis crowd. Or less aware. Safe. Whatever you wanna say... I'm sure the guy in public your talking about makes alot of other good decisions in his life. Just remember some people are just shitty my man. I'd rather either substance stays home personally if you wanna use... or at minimum none around if children are able to attend the event. But I really doubt you let someone go face to face with your child and cloud him out.
How is it against your will. Is the drunk pouring shot down your throat at gunpoint?
Is the guy smoking French kissing you at gunpoint in order to make sure it all goes into your lungs? Have your legs turned to cement in this scenario and you’re unable to move? Had the cloud of smoke become sentient and is pursuing you Predator-style hellbent on giving you lung cancer? We can argue semantics all day if you like. We get it, you don’t like weed cause your neighbour has a weed farm and it smells sometimes. I hope you’re runnin for council goes well, and you affect change, and they make a movie about your life just like Erin Brokovich. They can call it Karen Michigan.
I get your point, Tony. Even if others don't. Standing next to a drunk isn't going to harm a kid unless he physically touches them. Blowing pot smoke in their face is the same as an assault. I don't think I would have handled it very nicely.
Weed smokers are like crossfitters, or vegans, or people who run ultramarathons. They will die on the hill of convincing you that, not only is it harmless, you should probably be doing it too.

*Said with only a hint of sarcasm. Only a hint.

Wait to you meet a crossfitter or BJJ person that smokes weed.


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