2024 dreams and plans

Hopefully can pull a random tag somewhere for elk, if not have a few options:
1. Spring bear in MT early May
2. CO archery deer, have quite a bit of points saved up. Gonna try for a good archery tag
3. Hopefully pull a WY random gen (if I draw this, I won’t go hunt CO)
4. Late Oct/early Nov Wisconsin archery hunt

Not many grand plans for 2024. I’m gonna do 2 turkey hunts this spring, I have to travel for turkeys so turkey hunting is always time away from home. I’ll do some archery whitetail hunting this fall. I’m going to have to travel for deer now since our deer heard is all but gone. If anyone has any areas that are overrun with deer let me know. I’d be happy to shoot a doe or two, I’ll even leave big stinky bucks alone at someone’s request. We will spend the summer months harassing BWCA walleyes as usual.
I gotta get things figured out and get to the BWCA. It's been on my to-do list for a long time.
Southwest Montana Region 3, Research, eScout, boots on the ground scouting before seasons, learn draw system, make memories, archery practice, long range rifle practice, save up the $.
desert sheep in Colo, UT, AZ and NV

looking forward 4 sheep in a year. Skipping drawing sheep in NM for lack of time.
The Khunter we knew last year on the moose hunt wouldn't skip NM.
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I will be hunting only my home state of montana for elk and dear. Considering hunting one of the unlimited sheep units again but not sure if I will have the time to commit to it or not yet.
What unit have you hunted? I'm really contemplating attempting it myself solely for the challenge. I don't expect to even see let alone harvest a sheep. If you wouldn't mind me picking your brain. Shoot me a DM.

Coues Deer Mexico 🇲🇽 ( done)
Bear Hunt, New Brunswick
Fishing Alaska
Caribou Alaska
Elk, British Columbia
Whitetails, New York, Illinois and KY

Hopefully I draw another tag some place as well.

Struck out in Alaska draw tags, same so far for Deer and lope in AZ.
Still have all the other states to see what if any thing comes in.
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