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2024 dreams and plans

First I've gotta finish the 2023/2024 waterfowl season. We roll til the last Sunday of January.

February 50th birthday trip to Venice LA. For Yellowfin Tuna,

May fly fishing for Appalachian Brook Trout in Virginia

July will be mini season for spiny lobster in the keys,

September is early teal/wood duck season

October somewhere there's an open duck season (Virginia, Illinois, Minnesota, or the Dakotas)
November 1st phase waterfowl.
Botswana in January.
Been seeing a bunch of piggies on Texas hikes so I figure I should nab one of those this spring with my bow if I can.
Spring bear and tree felling in Alaska. And grayling I guess.
Got a job starting in late spring in England for a year, gonna see about tagging along on a few deer hunts over there.
Gonna see if I can get back to Alaska in the fall for salmon, then caribou, then moose and another shot at a bear.
Then probably a couple of 4 day weekend trips around Europe on the cheap. She wants to see Greece, Spain and Estonia again. No end to her bucket list.
Planning to burn 6 deer points in Colorado on either a second or third season rifle hunt. Trying to decide which season and unit still.

Then bear, deer, and turkeys back home in PA.
Trying to decide between something in WY or CO, wife wants to go this trip and she has points in WY but it just such a far trip.

I’m leaning towards a 2nd season deer tag and a OTC elk tag in the unit I hunted last year. I learned the unit really well and enjoyed it. Just not sure how busy it’ll get during OTC seasons vs 1st rifle.

I need to get on the ball and do my research before the WY deadline.

Edit: we are also kind of trying to have another kid so all those plans could go out the window.
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My main focus in 2024 will be a moose hunt up in Alaska. It is a gift to myself for my retirement from the military and has been a bucket list experience since I was a teenager.

I honestly don’t know which (if any) additional hunts I will be able to pull off. I’ll be a resident of CO for one final year before becoming a resident of MT. I’ll try to burn some CO points to maximize their value before becoming a NR. That said, I also have to get another job and it will be challenging to take any time off while starting with a new company.

My ideal scenario is to start a new job in November, spend September/October hunting multiple states, and still be married after all that.
Where in AK are you going? Guided or diy? I went this past year, like you it has been a lifelong dream since I was a kid. Good luck and enjoy AK, it's truly a special place.
I will be hunting only my home state of montana for elk and dear. Considering hunting one of the unlimited sheep units again but not sure if I will have the time to commit to it or not yet.
Where in AK are you going? Guided or diy? I went this past year, like you it has been a lifelong dream since I was a kid. Good luck and enjoy AK, it's truly a special place.
My friend and I are heading to the Brooks Range on an outfitted hunt drop camp, so partially DIY. Based on your profile picture it appears you were successful last year, congrats!
Now that I'm a Wyoming resident, whatever I draw will do!

I will continue my quest to hunt as many different antelope units as I can here in Wyoming. Lots of eastern and a few middle of the state units checked, now I need luck to hit some of the others.

Hunt birds far more often, fish for these elusive Wyoming walleye and figure out how to use this new Garmin on the boat to aid in the battle.
I'll be satisfied to go back after NM cow with our son and good hunt friends this coming season. Always thought I'd eventually splurge for a one time New Mexico Ranch bull, but for whatever reason, the want to isn't there.
The usual Texas game with family. Saw some nice bucks during & post season that should make it...
Swing for the fence a lot with no high hopes for myself. I'll be happy hunting local forest for bears and for unicorn-like cloven hooved beasts. Also, hoping to convince good hunting partners to burn up some points so I can tag along on excellent hunting trips that might involve being the guy sitting on a beer cooler with a spotting scope.
I’m going to test the theory that unguided nonresident elk hunters in WY will be reluctant to apply in the special. I suspect I will be disappointed, but I’m gonna give it a whirl. I’m also sitting on max WY deer points for some reason. Those will be put at risk in the special, as well. Hopefully, one of those two options will become a 2024 fall priority.
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Hunt WY for deer, elk and antelope as a new resident.
Draw an ID Bighorn tag finally!
( I’ll get drawn now that I have to pay non-res prices 🤣)
Put in for MT deer and antelope
Hunt ID for mule deer
Will put in for every species in NM again. Maybe pull that valle vidal bear tag again😂. My dream would be to draw a desert bighorn tag tho
Trying to:
1)Swing for the fences in AZ
2)Get my first NM tag
3)Spend some money in WY
4) Pull off some sort of backup to the backup to the backup plan

1)I strike out
2)My lifetime ban continues
3)My money is no good there
4)Months of frustration followed by a great time no matter what
Hunt the same spots I’ve hunted every year for the last 20 years, try to kill a nice bull, a trophy buck, and an antelope. Maybe toss in a cow elk and a whitetail doe. Mostly just enjoy the level of opportunity I have while I still have it. I’ve found from this forum and through talking to others out of state while on work trips that I’ve really taken for granted the level of opportunity I’ve had in hunting. That opportunity is only going to continue to decrease, as it should for the health of the species.
I enjoy winter fly fishing for trout. High temps hitting 40 next week, crazy to pass.
Kill a spring turkey in three Montana regions. Spring pike with fly. Definately hunting Idaho spring turkey with another member, if time look for pike. Bucket list Montana tiger muskie on a fly. Idaho summer bass fishing?
September grouse hunting, lake fishing.
See what happens with resident Montana draws. Main focus for rifle is continue exploring new mountain whitetail ground.
Not many grand plans for 2024. I’m gonna do 2 turkey hunts this spring, I have to travel for turkeys so turkey hunting is always time away from home. I’ll do some archery whitetail hunting this fall. I’m going to have to travel for deer now since our deer heard is all but gone. If anyone has any areas that are overrun with deer let me know. I’d be happy to shoot a doe or two, I’ll even leave big stinky bucks alone at someone’s request. We will spend the summer months harassing BWCA walleyes as usual.


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