The Devil's Lettuce

Is the guy smoking French kissing you at gunpoint in order to make sure it all goes into your lungs? Have your legs turned to cement in this scenario and you’re unable to move? Had the cloud of smoke become sentient and is pursuing you Predator-style hellbent on giving you lung cancer? We can argue semantics all day if you like. We get it, you don’t like weed cause your neighbour has a weed farm and it smells sometimes. I hope you’re runnin for council goes well, and you affect change, and they make a movie about your life just like Erin Brokovich. They can call it Karen Michigan.
You missed the boat, I stand by my post of being ignorant.

One good thing about this is, I can safely say I won’t miss much with you being on the ignore list. Bye Felicia.
I get your point, Tony. Even if others don't. Standing next to a drunk isn't going to harm a kid unless he physically touches them. Blowing pot smoke in their face is the same as an assault. I don't think I would have handled it very nicely.
Thanks Dave, they can change the narrative all they want to try and justify. What you posted is the root of my post calling it different.
You missed the boat, I stand by my post of being ignorant.

One good thing about this is, I can safely say I won’t miss much with you being on the ignore list. Bye Felicia.
Yeah tuck tail and run. Wonder if you’d kick up as much of a fuss if your neighbour was a pig farmer. Those can get pretty fragrant too
Weed smokers are like crossfitters, or vegans, or people who run ultramarathons. They will die on the hill of convincing you that, not only is it harmless, you should probably be doing it too.

Most of the rest of us just kind of go, "Eh, it's not for me and I'm not convinced it's harmless."

But they will not allow that ambiguity. They must convince us to agree with them. Smoking cannot simply be passively allowed or ignored, and it certainly can't be questioned, it must be celebrated!

As with the other types of people mentioned, it is exhausting.

*Said with only a hint of sarcasm. Only a hint.
This hasn't been my experience with stoners at all. They seem to be much more live and let live then the just say no crowd IME. I think a lot of what you're describing is a push back caused by the crazy societal double standard that has existed with weed over the last century. Some have gone to the extreme and celebrate excessive use but that's not the majority of users. I also am a bit bias on the subject. I personally don't smoke but I work in home health/Hospice and have seen that there is absolutely a positive side in the medical field. As for blowing smoke in mine or my kids face obviously not cool but in my mind a cigarette is the same amount of uncool. Yet way more people will freak about a joint that double standard I referred to.
Wait to you meet a crossfitter or BJJ person that smokes weed.

Wait until you meet a guy that smokes weed!!! Good chance that you were out in public today or even at your place of work and had no idea that 40 percent of those people smoke weed. There are bad actors on all sides, including hunting, that give a whole subset of the population a bad name because there are a couple inconsiderate a holes out there
I'm by no means saying smoke is safe at all first or second hand... @Addicting but I also won't complain about it more than I would a cigarette like @WildWill mentioned and others. It's inconsiderate just like a majority of people.
I'm by no means saying smoke is safe at all first or second hand... @Addicting but I also won't complain about it more than I would a cigarette like @WildWill mentioned and others. It's inconsiderate just like a majority of people.
I am there with you, any type of smoke would have gotten the same response I posted about it being different. I clarified that in post 337.

The issue is some want the narrative to be different and keep throwing out the alcohol is better/ worse than weed argument.
I am there with you, any type of smoke would have gotten the same response I posted about it being different. I clarified that in post 337.

The issue is some want the narrative to be different and keep throwing out the alcohol is better/ worse than weed argument.
No I get ya I go off on tangents sometimes, I was just curious if you would veiw it the same way if someone was drinking thc vs smoking it... my apologies for dragging it off a bit.
No I get ya I go off on tangents sometimes, I was just curious if you would veiw it the same way if someone was drinking thc vs smoking it... my apologies for dragging it off a bit.
Hes not really being honest about that, he apparently thinks being drunk around children is okay but weed is the devil. And when people bring up any substance around kids is bad its 'changing the narrative'
Hes not really being honest about that, he apparently thinks being drunk around children is okay but weed is the devil. And when people bring up any substance around kids is bad its 'changing the narrative'
And what I said wasn't necessarily just too him either. I just didn't wanna quote everyone else that's saying smell or smoke... so I ask anyone who's complait that smoke or smell is the reason. If it was a drink like beer. Would you all feel differently? Is the smoke what's taboo? I just turned 32 so I grew up with it being accepted I'd say alot more then not... my dad was a drinker so I'm kinda skewed there too. I find it just the same as any other substance really. It's been accepted more of my life then not, and having a aunt with MS I'm fine with medical or recreational... more or less want to figure out the thinking behind it... is it just purely the smoke? If someone had a brownie or soda with thc and no smoke would people feel the same way? That's really all I got... just genuinely curious at this point...

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