The Devil's Lettuce

I'd rather eat the banana that waste it smoking weed personally. Legalization in California was a win for the environment and conservation. It stopped a lot of the green rush of subdivision and buying up land in counties like Mendocino, Humboldt and prices have actually fallen considerably in these areas the last few years. The legalization allowed for movement of much of the production onto existing agricultural lands- in places with lower biodiversity and set up a system for mitigation of impacts to native fish and wildlife. While there is still a lot of work to be done, getting the illegal grows off the public lands and into private lands with better water, fewer special status species, and away from public lands has been a good thing. I can't wait until big ag embraces it and they make the shit roundup ready and it all moves into the valley. I bet the old cotton fields in the San Joaquin Valley are prime to grow the worlds supply of it eventually.
Don't know why I'm even bothering to post with the attitudes being shown, but I'll say one more thing and butt out. Asking if pot was a drink compared to smoke has no bearing on the post about kids. Sure, in theory it would not bother kids but that wasn't the complaint. The guy blew pot smoke in their face! Dick move. Would cigarette smoke have had the same reaction? Maybe, hypothetical question. A guy gets pissed because some asshole blew smoke OF ANY KIND in his kids face and he gets grief about it. Damn, tough crowd! Maybe it's time for this thread to go away. It's gone a long way from the first post. As usual.
Don't know why I'm even bothering to post with the attitudes being shown, but I'll say one more thing and butt out. Asking if pot was a drink compared to smoke has no bearing on the post about kids. Sure, in theory it would not bother kids but that wasn't the complaint. The guy blew pot smoke in their face! Dick move. Would cigarette smoke have had the same reaction? Maybe, hypothetical question. A guy gets pissed because some asshole blew smoke OF ANY KIND in his kids face and he gets grief about it. Damn, tough crowd! Maybe it's time for this thread to go away. It's gone a long way from the first post. As usual.
Everybody pack it in, this guy says the threads closed now.
Don't know why I'm even bothering to post with the attitudes being shown, but I'll say one more thing and butt out. Asking if pot was a drink compared to smoke has no bearing on the post about kids. Sure, in theory it would not bother kids but that wasn't the complaint. The guy blew pot smoke in their face! Dick move. Would cigarette smoke have had the same reaction? Maybe, hypothetical question. A guy gets pissed because some asshole blew smoke OF ANY KIND in his kids face and he gets grief about it. Damn, tough crowd! Maybe it's time for this thread to go away. It's gone a long way from the first post. As usual.
I'm not trying to throw attitude to anyone, and apologize if I came off that way.. in just genuinely curious. I'm stuck in a paint booth all day so I get some wild theorys that pop in my head.
I've considered and resisted posting anything, but what the hell.

I had many chances to try weed back in the day, never tried it, for many reasons, I suppose. Among them, I did not see where anyone you was into to it handling their life as well as before. I remember telling a friend who was into it, "if you can show me a person whose life has turned in a positive direction from using, I might reconsider.

I did vote in favor of both medical and recreational marijuana, for different reasons. For "honest" medicinal use, such as using while undergoing cancer treatment, I would never want to stand in the way for anyone using whatever helps.

It was a more complicated decision when deciding how to vote for the recreational legalization. In the end it came down to, it's here, it isn't going away, and I don't want to derail a young person's life with legal baggage.

I am still convinced it is a less than smart thing to do. Anyone wanting to regularly alter their state of consciousness, is burying some issue, they should face head on. That goes for alcohol, weed, meth, whatever. None of them put you on a path that I have any interest in taking.

I am curious how it will be handled in the workforce going forward. I was the chairman of the Union at the refinery that I worked at for a good number of years. Among the things we dealt with was the company's drug and alcohol policy. It was very strict and punitive. We were able to keep random testing at bay, while I worked there. Many of the other refineries that were owned by the same company did have random testing. That cost one man I knew his job, a few years before he could have retired. From what I was told he had been off on his seven days off, then randomly tested a day or two after returning to work. It takes longer for THC to clear your system, and it bit him pretty badly. Since it has become legal, that is one more thing that unions and companies can fight over.
Wait until you meet a guy that smokes weed!!! Good chance that you were out in public today or even at your place of work and had no idea that 40 percent of those people smoke weed. There are bad actors on all sides, including hunting, that give a whole subset of the population a bad name because there are a couple inconsiderate a holes out there
Agreed...I have a nose that can seperate the wheat from the chaff. It's more than 40% these days.

FwIW..if you going that hard into the paint that your smoke offends probably need to switch to edabiles or concentrate...50-100mg in your edabiles or a concentrate that's at least 85%. It ain't the 70s anymore we have the technology.
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I am curious how it will be handled in the workforce going forward. I was the chairman of the Union at the refinery that I worked at for a good number of years. Among the things we dealt with was the company's drug and alcohol policy. It was very strict and punitive. We were able to keep random testing at bay, while I worked there. Many of the other refineries that were owned by the same company did have random testing. That cost one man I knew his job, a few years before he could have retired. From what I was told he had been off on his seven days off, then randomly tested a day or two after returning to work. It takes longer for THC to clear your system, and it bit him pretty badly. Since it has become legal, that is one more thing that unions and companies can fight over.

I think in certain industries like the restaurant/food service, management knows if that they tested for weed use, they wouldn't have enough staff. So they let it slide, meaning not much conflict. I will say that whenever I get a wrong order at a fast food place or restaurant, or the pizza place botches the toppings, I assume Mr. Reefer is working that shift, and move on. No need to hurt the kid's feelings, plus I don't want my re-ordered food getting any "extra attention".
I think in certain industries like the restaurant/food service, management knows if that they tested for weed use, they wouldn't have enough staff. So they let it slide, meaning not much conflict. I will say that whenever I get a wrong order at a fast food place or restaurant, or the pizza place botches the toppings, I assume Mr. Reefer is working that shift, and move on. No need to hurt the kid's feelings, plus I don't want my re-ordered food getting any "extra attention".

One place my brother worked, they supposedly had a random testing program. They only tested employees they were sure weren't users.

As I said, it's here and it isn't going anywhere.

Another war story. We had an employee at the refinery who used weed often. A friend met him at the front gate during the shift change. He told my friend that he had quit using. My friend congratulated him and asked how long it had been. About ten minutes is the answer he got.
Good god.... if half you people put in half the amount of effort researching hunting as you have on the weed issue... We might actually have a few more good hunting threads...

Oh...the offseason... bickering... name calling... pointless threads... :ROFLMAO:
I think in certain industries like the restaurant/food service, management knows if that they tested for weed use, they wouldn't have enough staff. So they let it slide, meaning not much conflict. I will say that whenever I get a wrong order at a fast food place or restaurant, or the pizza place botches the toppings, I assume Mr. Reefer is working that shift, and move on. No need to hurt the kid's feelings, plus I don't want my re-ordered food getting any "extra attention".

So the same reason a lot of big companies with white collar employees do not test.
Good god.... if half you people put in half the amount of effort researching hunting as you have on the weed issue... We might actually have a few more good hunting threads...

Oh...the offseason... bickering... name calling... pointless threads... :ROFLMAO:
Would you like to report the person who put a gun to your head and made you click on this thread?

I don’t get posts like these. If something doesn’t appeal to you, don’t click on it. The forum isn’t gonna be all tailored to you. It’s a discussion place, for many topics. Especially in what amounts to the off-topic forum lol
Been legal in MT for a couple years now. According to a lot of folks who opposed that citizen's initiative, the sky should've fallen around 600 days ago. Today it's up there and it's blue.

I don't care, and generally view it in the same moral context as I do drinking and have long felt that way. That said, I guess one context I view it differently in is in the presence of children. I don't see anything wrong with a person having a drink at camp with their or my kids around, but if they busted out old smoky I would feel a bit different. Not saying that's a logical perspective.
COVID probably happened because of it.
Would you like to report the person who put a gun to your head and made you click on this thread?

I don’t get posts like these. If something doesn’t appeal to you, don’t click on it. The forum isn’t gonna be all tailored to you. It’s a discussion place, for many topics. Especially in what amounts to the off-topic forum lol
I clicked, I read it, no one made me do anything. Don’t take it personally… it’s a discussion forum after all…
There's a fair amount of, "This thing is worse than my thing therefore my thing isn't bad at all/worth criticizing/etc." going on this thread which I always find funny. So long as your thing isn't the worst thing, right?

I'll throw this out there:

Alcohol use (and frankly, abuse) as been openly legal and generally publicly acceptable for a long time now. I think that plays into the higher amount of negative alcohol interactions now as compared to negative marijuana interactions. In 20 (30? 40? 100?) years time of similar public and legal perspectives on marijuana how will that balance play out?

I think society would be better off as a whole if the public perception of alcohol use was less accepting. I also think things like alcohol and marijuana use should be done outside of the public eye. I get no joy from seeing someone drunk or high out in public.

The older I get the more I lean towards "Legalize it all, but require use to be at home or on private property. Cite being drunk or openly consuming alcohol/marijuana/cigarettes/vapes/etc. in public. Sell it all legally, collect the tax, put it to some good use."

Similar to others in this thread, I think recreational mind altering substances are a net negative to society no matter what Joe Rogan says. But we've pretty well proven you can't legislate it away.

And for the pedants in the thread, sure you can take the above sentence and apply it to things like caffeine and, frankly, I'd be willing to concede such points. Shoot, look at the average calorie content of "coffee" being sold by Starbucks, Dunkin, Dutch Bros, etc. and consider the obesity epidemic/health of the country. Were as many people openly drinking milkshakes for breakfast before the Frappuccino was introduced?

So, to sum up, legalize it all for those who simply can't control themselves and are going to use anyway. But, to a person, you'd probably be better off not using any of it.
There's a fair amount of, "This thing is worse than my thing therefore my thing isn't bad at all/worth criticizing/etc." going on this thread which I always find funny. So long as your thing isn't the worst thing, right?

I'll throw this out there:

Alcohol use (and frankly, abuse) as been openly legal and generally publicly acceptable for a long time now. I think that plays into the higher amount of negative alcohol interactions now as compared to negative marijuana interactions. In 20 (30? 40? 100?) years time of similar public and legal perspectives on marijuana how will that balance play out?

I think society would be better off as a whole if the public perception of alcohol use was less accepting. I also think things like alcohol and marijuana use should be done outside of the public eye. I get no joy from seeing someone drunk or high out in public.

The older I get the more I lean towards "Legalize it all, but require use to be at home or on private property. Cite being drunk or openly consuming alcohol/marijuana/cigarettes/vapes/etc. in public. Sell it all legally, collect the tax, put it to some good use."

Similar to others in this thread, I think recreational mind altering substances are a net negative to society no matter what Joe Rogan says. But we've pretty well proven you can't legislate it away.

And for the pedants in the thread, sure you can take the above sentence and apply it to things like caffeine and, frankly, I'd be willing to concede such points. Shoot, look at the average calorie content of "coffee" being sold by Starbucks, Dunkin, Dutch Bros, etc. and consider the obesity epidemic/health of the country. Were as many people openly drinking milkshakes for breakfast before the Frappuccino was introduced?

So, to sum up, legalize it all for those who simply can't control themselves and are going to use anyway. But, to a person, you'd probably be better off not using any of it.
It isn't like marijuana use only started when it started being legalized. Its been used for just as long as alcohol, had studies done on it just as long as alcohol, and been available to the public, legal or not, just as long as alcohol. I think we have a pretty good idea on the differences of the effects on a person that alcohol and marijuana have, and which has the propensity to cause the more negative interactions.
It isn't like marijuana use only started when it started being legalized. Its been used for just as long as alcohol, had studies done on it just as long as alcohol, and been available to the public, legal or not, just as long as alcohol. I think we have a pretty good idea on the differences of the effects on a person that alcohol and marijuana have, and which has the propensity to cause the more negative interactions.
Compare the number of pot smokers to the number of people who consume alcohol... Alcohol has been widely used significantly longer than pot.
Compare the number of pot smokers to the number of people who consume alcohol... Alcohol has been widely used significantly longer than pot.
I think it’s been clearly stated that the number of alcohol users and the number of MJ users are very skewed because one is socially acceptable and one is not. Everyone on this website can say they had a drink last night! There is a major PENALTY looming over everyone on this websites head if they say they smoked some herb last night….

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