PEAX Equipment

The Big Snip - How bad is it?

Doc told me to take 2 valium an hour before the procedure and have a driver lined up. Felt like I was floating into and out of the office. I chatted with the doc and nurses for the whole +/- 30 minutes I was in there getting it done. Went home and fell asleep on the couch for like 4 hours. Piece of cake and no complications afterwards.

The next night I drove to an amateur boxing match to watch a friend of mine compete and got to meet Evander Holyfield. I probably should have chilled for another day as I ended up sore and achy for a little longer then necessary, but then again I wouldn't have met Holyfield.

100% recommend, no regrets.
I’ve shared this on here before, but you should go in knowing that 1 in 3 vasectomies end in death. Best not to overthink it.

The August day I was sterilized was pretty glorious. Did the deed, my wife bought me some cheese fries and drove me home from Missoula while I ate them and poured a road beer or 3 over a couple painkillers. You haven't understood the true virtue contained in a cheese fry till your newly-subdued balls are swollen and you're stoned and your wife's driving you home after what is arguably the closest you've ever been to kicking the bucket.


This is always a topic with my wife. She wants this because shes having the kids, taking the birth control.

Between the smoke, pain, recovery, grapefruit sized testes, and the heeps of embarassment involved in these stories - think ill hold out for hoping for a pill. Lol
I’ve shared this on here before, but you should go in knowing that 1 in 3 vasectomies end in death. Best not to overthink it.

The August day I was sterilized was pretty glorious. Did the deed, my wife bought me some cheese fries and drove me home from Missoula while I ate them and poured a road beer or 3 over a couple painkillers. You haven't understood the true virtue contained in a cheese fry till your newly-subdued balls are swollen and you're stoned and your wife's driving you home after what is arguably the closest you've ever been to kicking the bucket.


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Has no one told you? Have you not seen the obituaries, the mass graves, the fact that nearly every urologist’s office is adjacent to a Society of Cremation?

The room in which it happened for me was clean, but they had left out the blood filled mop bucket in the hall from the guy before.

Bless you child.
Everyone has already commented on this one but it's not bad if you listen to your doctor. I came straight from the procedure and didn't ice for a while. My boys swelled up to the size (not exaggerating) of paw paws (if you aren't from Appalachia you might not know what those are), it was concerning. Iced them down and all was right with the world again. Fast forward 8 years and my second wife and I decided we wanted to try for a kid so I had a reversal, that was a legitimate big deal, full surgery in an OR, cash out of pocket. In the end it was all worth it (both ensuring no more kids with wife 1 and getting the reversal for our youngest who is now 7).
I had great sedation, but 'they' did swell up a bit so I couldn't really do my job for 3 days, but it's so much more easy for the man to have it done compared to the women, in any case they have been through enough providing us with children!
But, as we were driving in silence to the hospital my wife said 'this deserves a week's fly fishing in Ireland, take yourself of with your friends', that took my mind right of the 'snip'
I've had worse things happen in my life. Just make sure you do nothing for 3 days even if you feel good. Had a friend go duck hunting a few years back 2 days after his vasectomy. After waddling around in his waders in mud for a day his nuts swealed up to the size of grapefruits.
Yeah, I did swell up pretty good for a bit but other than that, a piece of cake.

Just remember, when it's all over and done with you're going to be recognized as a very impotent person.
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