Kenetrek Boots

I got good news and I got bad news.

The pullout method, also known as withdrawal method, is a form of contraception where the man withdraws his penis from the woman's vagina before ejaculation to prevent pregnancy. It is not very effective in preventing pregnancy and does not protect against sexually transmitted infections. It's important to use another form of contraception for better protection. Something to think about for next year.
When my brother told us he was having #3, our friend that overheard told him "Don't quit your job. You'd never make it as a truck driver if you can't pull out on time". Hahaha
I’ll get a little extra time for whitetail here and the wife has already given me the green light. I work for a super woke company and they give six weeks paid time off for “bonding” plus I can add an additional two weeks of my own personal time. I’ll be able to really hunt the rut.
Congratulations, and despite all the horror stories, the snip is no big deal; minimally invasive, take the 3 days, although I couldn't due to work schedule. And no more hormones for your wife. They are not benign.

And bring home meat for the family! Caveman style.
Were the same age, wifey and I had a preg scare this winter and that’s what sealed the deal for me. Both of us were freaked out - definitely made up our minds that we were done with two.

But congrats!
I have a cousin who is 56 this spring. Two years ago his girlfriend got pregnant. She had several surgeries for some sort of ovarian cancer or something to that effect. I'm not sure, but either way, doctors told her she would never have kids again years ago. They were wrong. He was one year from retiring.
I mean Al Pacino just had one and he’s in his 70’s. We men can still make one way up there in age but why do it if you won’t be around? That’s my fear, dying before they know me, their dads story.

My wife is considerately younger and healthier so no worries there.
Congrats! Kids are so fun and will keep you young.

PS. I got snipped a year ago, went with the "no needle, no scalpel" method. It was so easy that we went for pizza on the way home. I watched football that night on the couch and back to normal life the next day. The only change to my life other than watching TV the evening of the procedure (I normally make dinner) was not exercising for two weeks.

The post-op test is an "at home" test too, so I didn't even have to go to some weird room in a doctor's office. Piece of cake!
The rut has a way of stopping all rational thought for man and beast alike…and like my wife always says “well, they could have been born in the summer but you’re not here in the fall”. My kid’s birthdays are mid-October and late November, i.e. it used to be a late winter rut at our place . Tough couple of years at first but now the birthday hunts are fantastic.
Congrats! I’m born November 21. So every year u get to spend my birthday hunting deer or moose. So not so bad being a fall baby
Congrats! Enjoy the addition to your family. Dumba$$. Coitus interruptus is not effective.
Congrats! Less than perfect timing, but such is life!

Just don't post any threads next fall about an elk hunt you have planned for late October asking us for advice on if you should go or not! Lol!

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