Yeti GOBOX Collection

The Big Snip - How bad is it?

It was like when they pulled out William Wallace's guts in Braveheart. The procedure sucked. I hated it....but it was short.

I had mine done about a month ago. Due to cancer about 15 years ago, I only had to have half a vasectomy and the procedure was still terrible.

The recovery was nothing. You can get back to hammering in 72 hours. I had it done on a Monday, hammered Thursday, hunted Saturday with the hounds and played beer league hockey Sunday. I iced and took Tylenol and it really was not a problem. I know two guys who got hematomas, but those are pretty rare.

I still have to bring in a sample in two months to make sure the tadpoles are dead.

Pro tip: make SURE the Valium has time to kick in. Mine kicked in when I was like five minutes from home post surgery.
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I’m scheduled for the big snip snap next Tuesday, for yall that have had it done, how bad is the recovery time? Anything to make sure I do/don’t do?

Couple days of taking it easy, some weird bruising, more mentally traumatic than anything :)

The worst for me was the doctor was female, the two nurses who were in and out were female, and there was a young med student watching, and here I am with my pants around my ankles. I just put my hat over my face and pretended I was somewhere else for 15 minutes.
I think they spent more time trying to talk me outta it. One thing i do know though.... don't go snowmobiling 24 hrs afterwards. I saw a guy getting wheelchaired out and while I couldn't help but notice when he stood up. He looked like he was packing a couple of baked potatoes in a grocery sack.

Then my number gets called in and my immediate questions Were WTF was that and 2 Wtf was that...... his reply, blunt force trauma. Don't snowmobile the next day! Now that'll scare guy in the moment.

Good luck
Had it done, great decision and easy as pie. Just followed the stop instructions and wore some damn tight briefs for support for a week or so. It’s a super common Oreo duet and the vast, vast majority of people do great. It’s the squeaky wheels that are the loudest and don’t let that scare you.
I’m scheduled for the big snip snap next Tuesday, for yall that have had it done, how bad is the recovery time? Anything to make sure I do/don’t do?
It's a little unnerving because your awake and they use local anesthetic. The recovery wasn't to bad sat in a recliner and iced off and on for a couple of days. There was definitely some swelling but sweats and gym shorts were comfy. I was back at work after 2 days and wearing jeans sitting in my pick up was a bit touchy but really not bad. No heavy lifting for a little while and you can't use your tackle for a couple of weeks.
Make sure they numb it completely, or you'll shoot out of the chair and through the ceiling. Ask ne how I know. That being said, 3 hrs later I walked the streets of Golden with my then gf. The next morning I was up at 4am for a morning of walking corn fields on a dove hunt, went for a hike the following day, and then back to work the day after that, whichh was a Monday. Never had to ice it, or take asprin, pain was very low, not sure why "men" make such a big deal out of it, women who give birth and are up and about a day later must shake their heads at us
Couple days of taking it easy, some weird bruising, more mentally traumatic than anything :)

The worst for me was the doctor was female, the two nurses who were in and out were female, and there was a young med student watching, and here I am with my pants around my ankles. I just put my hat over my face and pretended I was somewhere else for 15 minutes.
My nurse was smoking hot, I thought that was the best part lmao. Only time I've ever paid to have a chick touch my junk
I’m scheduled for the big snip snap next Tuesday, for yall that have had it done, how bad is the recovery time? Anything to make sure I do/don’t do?
After Tuesday, there will be a vas deferens between you and me.

Disclaimer - I acknowledge that my comment should perhaps be moved to the Dad Joke thread.
I had it done a decade or so ago...stock up on frozen peas and beer.. Frozen peas are for the boys, beer goes great with the post op pain tips...4 Valium is probably a little too much to take before the procedure...When they hand you the sample cup as your leaving don't ask if it's OK if your sample has saliva in it in...especially if your wife is standing behind you..plan on 2 full days rest. You can do stuff during those 2 days but it will just prolong your recovery.
Nothing to it. But it’s a sensitive spot. Mine was more a blow to my ego.

They had me up in the freaking stirrups, spread eagle. I hadn’t been told to shave. Doc was disappointed and did it himself. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Then dumped what felt like a gallon of iodine on me. Just a quick but very uncomfortable poke in the plumbing pipes to numb them up, and the worst part is over.

My wife was right down there watching the whole thing in fascination, telling the doc that she could have done it.

A dulled tug that literally feels like it’s pulling at your core.

We used to use a truck cigarette lighter to coirtorize (sp?) calves after dehorning them. When the sizzle and smoke hit me, I knew it was Karma.

The doc looks up at me and sees that I am about to pass out. He yells “Nurse” and EVERY nurse (all hot and young) pours into the room to fan me while I am laying there exposed, little buddy trying to retreat, butt crack wet with iodine drips. Embarrassing.

Then the doc tries to distract me by telling me of a guy he knows who gave himself one.
I shake my head and declare emphatically: “What a F-ing idiot!” He pauses then responds, “That was me.” 😬

A day on the couch with frozen peas on the boys, walking a little more tenderly than necessary for the attention, feeling 75% back to normal the next day.

Having watched my wife give birth twice naturally like a freaking soldier, this was the very least I could do.
The Dr. advised that only 1 in 1000 gets an injection. That was me 😖. Out of work for over a week.

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