The Big Snip - How bad is it?

It’s not a big deal at all. The only bad part is if the two nurse assistants are really hot… which sucks when they are prepping everything and getting it taped down. Not the best hires for that role…

i swear they do it on purpose.

went and got an ultrasound for my nads once cause i was scared of a tiny bump. female ultra sound tech was my age or younger, and hot.

went to get a full body skin check last summer. the female medical assistant was like 27 and hot, the female medical asisstant intern was like 24.... and hot, the female doctor who was close to my age and also attractive said alright get naked and we'll all come back in :oops:

wtf man.

i guess that's better than some alternatives tho
Until my dying day, I’ll never forget the feeling of that second needle going in. It felt like they tried to rip the kidneys out of my stomach via my nuts. The doc struggled with the machine that does the cauterizing and no nurse was present. My wife was there and said “we use that same machine at my work” so she fiddled with the knobs until the plumes of smoke started rising. He put some titanium clips in, too, just to be safe. The worst part was they wouldn’t give me Valium until after the paperwork was signed and they wouldn’t let me sign the paperwork until the doc was in the room ready to go. So, I was 100% present for the procedure. It kicked in halfway home.

I did not take it easy enough afterwards and it resulted in some swelling, a follow up visit with an ultrasound, and a course of steroids and antibiotics. Don’t take a chance. Spend a few days on the couch.

I’d do it again in a heartbeat.
My girlfriend dropped her dog off at the vet on Tuesday for his procedure. He has a look of defeat now! :ROFLMAO:

Glad I'm more than a few years from this.
went and got an ultrasound for my nads once cause i was scared of a tiny bump. female ultra sound tech was my age or younger, and hot.

I had to have my nuts ultrasounded TWICE. Same tech...both times.

Dude was about 6'4, 260, greased back hair, white scrubs.

Pretty sure a little tear fell from my eye as he threw a paper towel at me and said, "clean yourself up" when it was over.
I had to have my nuts ultrasounded TWICE. Same tech...both times.

Dude was about 6'4, 260, greased back hair, white scrubs.

Pretty sure a little tear fell from my eye as he threw a paper towel at me and said, "clean yourself up" when it was over.


it seems there are definitely some under the radar perks to living in the medicalsphere that is Boulder and Denver - the young western millenial job abundant paradise.
i swear they do it on purpose.

went and got an ultrasound for my nads once cause i was scared of a tiny bump. female ultra sound tech was my age or younger, and hot.

went to get a full body skin check last summer. the female medical assistant was like 27 and hot, the female medical asisstant intern was like 24.... and hot, the female doctor who was close to my age and also attractive said alright get naked and we'll all come back in :oops:

wtf man.

i guess that's better than some alternatives tho

I feel you man!

Oh, also, the doc and my wife knew each other from working at the hospital, as she was working away down there she told me "we should get the families together for dinner or something!"...I was thinking, yeah, um, no thanks, I'll pass!
I feel you man!

Oh, also, the doc and my wife knew each other from working at the hospital, as she was working away down there she told me "we should get the families together for dinner or something!"...I was thinking, yeah, um, no thanks, I'll pass!
Man, nurses & doctors are just built different. Both my sisters are nurses. The amount of adult human shit they end up dealing with is mind boggling. It's fun to listen to their stories!

Nothing like organizing a play date while working away on you :ROFLMAO:
No but I do know 3 guys that had kids multiple years later. All three confirmed theirs. 1 was 7 years later..... I bet there was some serious questions at the dinner table when he found that one out.
Great, now you just validated my ladies biggest concern. Looks like I need to go find a sample cup again 🤣
Great, now you just validated my ladies biggest concern. Looks like I need to go find a sample cup again 🤣
I never took mine in. So I might be a statistic in a couple years for all I know. I figure if one makes it one day they're probably gonna be a professional athlete or something that involves the top 1 percent of society.

If a swimmer can bust through 2 cauterized ends with clips jumps the gap into the other tube and makes it to the finish line. That one is probably gonna be a first round draft pick. IMO.
It's been nearly a year since I had the procedure done. Went under the knife Friday morning, and spent the rest of the weekend resting. I was back to work on Monday.

Listen to the doctor, follow the post-op rules, take samples in when told to, etc.
I'm with @brymoore I'm doing down with live rounds in the chamber.

One of my best friends had it done and has some pretty severe long term side effects, lots of pain and... apparently less "ability". He's debating going back for the reversal as his Dr said that's about the only potential solution and even then it's not overly likely to improve the situation. When you read about 0.01% experience ____ remember, that still could be you.
I opted out of laughing gas for my procedure so the doc asked if I wanted to try a VR headset during the procedure. I'd never used any type of VR headset at all, so I said I'd give it a try. Shortly after we were done, doc proceeds to tell me he's the only urologist in the country experimenting with VR headsets during vasectomies to help reduce anxiety (what laughing gas normally does). I was also the first person he'd ever used a VR headset on since he got them. So I like to tell my buddies I was the first person in the world to get a vasectomy in virtual reality. VR was cool, some of the procedure sucked, but all went well. I went pheasant hunting all afternoon 3 days later.
Possibly the greatest advice I have ever received on this forum
I opted for the day before Thanksgiving. Food, football, four days off work. Spent quite a bit of time driving to see family so I was on my butt a lot the first couple days.
Not sure if I should tell this tale of humor or not, but hey we are among friends here right. Right?

So I had an undescended testicle and at the age of 18 the doctor says we have to remove it because it is not working and your chances of getting cancer in it are greatly increased. So I go in for the surgery to remove the testicle. Yeah.

The morning of I woke up and felt like crap. I really had a bug or something, and a fever! I go in and they still take me in to the hospital and take me to the surgery room and start prepping me for surgery. I have told them that I don't feel good and the nurse checks me out, takes blood pressure, pulse, and temperature. Yep running a fever. Still they carry on. I strip down and have nothing on but the backless gown. Like that damn thing hides anything! The very attractive female nurse is doing all this prep, and when she leaves the room I'm thinking she's going to go and get the proper shaving items to get me all ready for the big surgery. She has also at this point given me a shot of something to help me relax. She leaves. I knew I was going to have to be shaved and I was thinking this won't be so bad. At least it's a woman doing it and an attractive one at that. There's no way in hell I wanted a man shaving me.

A few minutes later a MALE nurse comes back in the room carrying a stainless tray with the necessary razors and such. Well CRAP that sucks! Can this really get any worse? He has me remove this robe that I have on and I'm laying on this table now completely naked. I would like to add at this point that I am not like gorilla hairy, but my legs are hairy and my front from the nether region to the top of my chest is hairy. My back no, but you get the point.

So nurse Ratchet starts shaving. He's got gloves on and he's shaving my legs clear down to my knees, my pelvic area, my Schmetzic (fancy medical term), and my stomach all the way up to just above my belly button. This nurse Ratchet has me pull my legs up so he can shave the backs of my legs and my ass too! WTF! Seriously this is a little much isn't it! My testicle is up on the right side in the area of my pelvic bone. Where's this incision going to be and exactly how large is this damn thing going to be. So let me help explain, I am light skinned and my hair was not especially dark, but it is a brown color. I am hairy now only from the knees down and hairy from the belly button up. I look like a frigging Oreo cookie! Nurse Ratchet leaves.

So I have been in the operating room now for about an hour. The shot they gave me has me pretty loopy. The doctor comes in and I cannot make this up, but his name was Doctor High. The doctor tells me that with my high temperature and obviously the fact that I am sick, that they cannot put me to sleep to do the surgery as they had hoped. I also would be charged for the hospital room and what care had been provided. Are you kidding me! He does tell me that they can do it "Locally" though. At this point I have had any dignity I once had ripped away, I feel like crap, and I just wanted to get it over with.

The surgery is on! I am on this table and it's fricking cold in the surgery room as all will attest. I am completey naked and I am strapped down to the table. I kid you not! Not knowing how I will respond to this torture I'm being put through, I have two straps across my legs. One below the knee and one above. I have one strap across my chest with my left arm strapped tight to my side. My right arm is free. There are two nurses helping Dr. High. One nurse helps the doctor and the other holds my hand and checks my pulse and such periodically. The doctor gives me several shots of Novicaine which doesn't feel very good until it starts taking effect. I have a large white sheet that is across my lower chest area at about the belly button and goes up above my head like a lean-to tarp you might use in the woods for shelter. This is so I cannot see what is going on and don't come unglued by what's going on.

I feel numb and I cannot feel the needle pricks (should have used a better term) so I give the go-ahead. The doc starts making a cut on my right pelvic bone area. It does not hurt but I can feel the skin pull apart and seperate. It was the weirdest feeling. He's doing his thing making cuts and what not. At one point he zaps a bleeder or two and I can smell my flesh burning. Now I'm loopy, don't feel good, have lost all dignity, and yet I come up with this great idea. I say, "Hey doc, I'm paying good money for this, can't I watch?" So Dr. High has the nurse get this large overhead mirror positioned above me so I can watch them while they are performing this surgery on me! Yep watching my own surgery going down!

It seems like it's been going on for a while and I'm starting to hurt. I can feel the pain and it's getting worse! Nope it's not in my brain because I'm watching the surgery, and that's exactly what the doc thinks! I'm watching and so now it hurts he thinks. He has another bleeder about this time and zaps it to get it to stop bleeding. I about come off of the table when this happens. I scream and I squeeze this poor nurses hand so hard that she screams! In not so subtle terms I tell the doc that he better give me some more shots to stop the pain or I'm going to get up off of the table! I finally get a couple more shots to take away the pain and they finish up. Prior to him closing things up I rember the doctor asking me if I wanted a prosthetic testcile. I told him I didn't think that would be necessary. WTH

I'm thinking that the torture is over at this point, but nope that's not the case. Because I'm so sick and I just had this surgery, they keep me in the hospital overnight. Because of this all through night about every hour on the hour a nurse would come and check on me to see how I was doing. I know that there are a lot of male nurses in the world, but apparently there were none in this particular hospital on this particular night. Each time a nurse came in to check on me I swear to God that it was a Different Nurse each time! And each time I was checked on for whatever reason they always had to check my nether region just to make sure I was doing okay and everything "looked okay". I am pretty certain that word got out and that it was a must do to go see this Oreo in the recovery room! Even I have to admit it did look awfully damn funny!

I was terribly shy and bashful growing up but after this fiasco it seemingly disappeared overnight! It was like a light switched on.

Fast forward several years and I go in to have "the thing" snipped. Since I only had one at this point I referred to it in the singular. When I was getting checked in for the snipping I explained at the front desk that I only had one testicle and I asked them, shouldn't I get "half-off"! I didn't get the procedure for half price, but they did give me a discount. The snipping procedure was a piece of cake compared to the first horrow show.

Get er done! It's simple.
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