Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

The Big Snip - How bad is it?

Probably worst experience of my life. I've been hit with a tazer and it wasn't as bad. Now that I've scared you, let me elaborate. I was told the needle shot was the worst part. Well that wasn't bad. Felt the incision and was like, ok. He grabbed that tube, gave a tug, and I felt it from my sphincter to my throat. Let out a gasp and doc says you ok? Trying to be tough, I give a nod. He cuts the tube and I about pass out. Then the cauterizing and I'm breathing deeply and gasping for breath. He stops and says, do you feel that? I yell F@$k yeah! He says oh crap, that's not good. Gives me another shot. Never felt a thing on the other side. Moral here is if you feel anything, ask for more numbing stuff! True Story.

Now as far as recovery, physically a couple days of rest. Mentally, still not over it. 😂
Well, guess I'm staying intact 😳😂
My good friend and Family Practice doctor was doing my "snip" as the last patient of the day/week. So basically we were in the procedure room alone, and after he taped "Mr Happy" up and out of the way, he started to tell me his own snip story.

He had a resident working with him who was quite impressive for a young doctor. Instead of going to a urologist or a Family Practice partner, he was going to have this resident do the deed. Things started off well, a little sting of the local anesthetic, the incisions accomplished, and then everything sorta ground to a halt. The resident got confused in identifying the vas deferens versus other anatomical features, and then froze, not wanting to hurt his mentor. They wheeled in the mirror used for deliveries, raised the table into a more upright position and then Dr. Kevin then helped the resident ID the vas, tie and burn and close, mostly with verbal coaching, but at one point was holding the tissue forceps while the closing the incision.

And a reminder to one and all, there can be enough sperm living on the distal side of the snip/burn/ablation area that 20 or more "emissions" are needed to happen before a reliable "all clear" lab result might occur. And that pesky 1% recanalization Jeff Goldblum stated...

Life finds a way!

Had another buddy that got it done by his father in law on the kitchen table..... after a half a bottle of Jack Daniel's.
Watched it completed on my recently divorced buddy by our other buddy who is Dr. It was on the kitchen table of the airbnb and he was drinking Glenlivet 15 YO. Good Times!!!
Well if you have scar tissue from foootball or anything like that it’s more difficult, I felt like the dr had his whole fng finger in my sack, also had to have more numbing I could feel it from balls to diaphragm. Afterward frozen peas are your best friend. Felt good the next day, then about a month after I got an infection and ended up in the ER worst pain of my life, or so I thought. Got over that and then about 3 weeks later it comes roaring back and that was the worst pain of my life, I don’t remember cantaloupe size because of the pain, but that’s how the hospital categorizes them by fruit size, I was told cantaloupe when I checked in and I definitely remember grapefruit size on my swelling of the boys. By the time 4 days in the hospital is over you have no shame because every shift change they gotta look at your junk. I scared several people off from getting the snip. Dr said I was one of 100,000 that get the infection, I’m convinced it was his damn finger that went so far in that did it.
You snipped guys are thinking backwards! When my wife and I were done having kids, I talked her into taking Lybrel for birth control. Lybrel stops menstruation in women. It’s absolutely a safe method of birth control. No flows or PMS. Her OBGYN was advising her patients to use it.

I didn’t get snipped, I had “access” 365 days a year, she didn’t try to kill me once a month and my wife was happy not having to deal with the flow.

Win win win.
You snipped guys are thinking backwards! When my wife and I were done having kids, I talked her into taking Lybrel for birth control. Lybrel stops menstruation in women. It’s absolutely a safe method of birth control. No flows or PMS. Her OBGYN was advising her patients to use it.

I didn’t get snipped, I had “access” 365 days a year, she didn’t try to kill me once a month and my wife was happy not having to deal with the flow.

Win win win.
Mine literally hated pregnancy so much she demanded her tubes be tied immediately after child #2 was born. The doctor tried to talk her out of it, saying that it wasn't a good time to make rash decisions, her response was "I've had 9 months to think about it, I don't care if he wants more kids or not, I'm done!" No point in us both getting it.
You snipped guys are thinking backwards! When my wife and I were done having kids, I talked her into taking Lybrel for birth control. Lybrel stops menstruation in women. It’s absolutely a safe method of birth control. No flows or PMS. Her OBGYN was advising her patients to use it.

I didn’t get snipped, I had “access” 365 days a year, she didn’t try to kill me once a month and my wife was happy not having to deal with the flow.

Win win win.
Did you see the list of drug complications and side effects for birth control?
Everyone should make their own informed decision, but some people don't want the hormones messing with their body, plenty of drawbacks for ladies going on it, osteoporosis being one of the bad long term issues with using bc. Not to mention most women experience decreased sex drive and decrease pleasure while on bc.

What's the main drawback from the snip? A little pain for a couple days? And then problem solved for the rest of your life? Seems like men could participate easier than women could in this 🤣
I’m scheduled for the big snip snap next Tuesday, for yall that have had it done, how bad is the recovery time? Anything to make sure I do/don’t do?
Honestly not bad. I ripped my stitches before I was even home... but heals quick... I can't speak for everyone. But I had a little pinch in certain movements for about a year. Nothing bad though. Recovery about a week if that.. it's mostly in our heads.
I’m scheduled for the big snip snap next Tuesday, for yall that have had it done, how bad is the recovery time? Anything to make sure I do/don’t do?

It's normal to feel nervous about a vasectomy. The procedure is minor and generally causes minimal discomfort. The benefit is a permanent and effective form of contraception. It's important to weigh the pros and cons and discuss any concerns with a healthcare provider. Be sure to ask for the leftover tubes as they make nice jewelry and can be used to impress a future spouse.
Had another buddy that got it done by his father in law on the kitchen table..... after a half a bottle of Jack Daniel's.
Would be hard not to make the …..we’ll now you know what your daughter sees in me joke.
Did you see the list of drug complications and side effects for birth control?
Everyone should make their own informed decision, but some people don't want the hormones messing with their body, plenty of drawbacks for ladies going on it, osteoporosis being one of the bad long term issues with using bc. Not to mention most women experience decreased sex drive and decrease pleasure while on bc.

What's the main drawback from the snip? A little pain for a couple days? And then problem solved for the rest of your life? Seems like men could participate easier than women could in this 🤣
IUDs are the shit! Copper ones don't alter hormones in any way. Win win.
Mine literally hated pregnancy so much she demanded her tubes be tied immediately after child #2 was born. The doctor tried to talk her out of it, saying that it wasn't a good time to make rash decisions, her response was "I've had 9 months to think about it, I don't care if he wants more kids or not, I'm done!" No point in us both getting it.
As a middle aged doctor myself, I’m very happy to see the era of the patriarchal doctor who thinks they know best start to fade away. The patient should be in control of their body. No kids and twenty years old, fine, you do you. It’s insulting to think just because we have more medical knowledge that we also know a patient’s thoughts and desires.

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