
The Big Snip - How bad is it?

Listen to your doctor. Probably plan on doing nothing for 3 days. You’ll most likely feel pretty good and like you can do anything you normally would. Resist that urge. I had several friends warn me from their own experience or friends of theirs that felt good and did normal things. They ended up in a lot of pain and severe swelling of the nuts in several cases. Just plan on watching movies and being generally lazy for 3 days.
2 stories, both not good. @Addicting 's story is on par. My wife wants me to get it done. I refuse.

1- My old man had it done. Later on he told me his nuts swelled up to the size of grapefruits. Had to go back in to fix it and took months to heal.

2- Was at a clients house and saw a pic of his family. Commented that it was a beautiful family with 5 kids. He said #5 was an accident and that the snip failed after #4.

Last, it's $20k to reverse it from what Ive heard.
Probably worst experience of my life. I've been hit with a tazer and it wasn't as bad. Now that I've scared you, let me elaborate. I was told the needle shot was the worst part. Well that wasn't bad. Felt the incision and was like, ok. He grabbed that tube, gave a tug, and I felt it from my sphincter to my throat. Let out a gasp and doc says you ok? Trying to be tough, I give a nod. He cuts the tube and I about pass out. Then the cauterizing and I'm breathing deeply and gasping for breath. He stops and says, do you feel that? I yell F@$k yeah! He says oh crap, that's not good. Gives me another shot. Never felt a thing on the other side. Moral here is if you feel anything, ask for more numbing stuff! True Story.

Now as far as recovery, physically a couple days of rest. Mentally, still not over it. 😂
Well I heard enough, nope.
Wasn't bad. Definitely rest up after. Feeling the tugging was strange as well as the smoke coming up. Not much you can do with the nurse standing there looking at your junk while you imagine the doc with a knife!
I wonder if Cam would follow that advice?
In the realm where the wild winds roam free,Lives a man with a spirit, unchained and bold.Cam Hanes, his name etched in the trees,With every heartbeat, an adventure unfolds.

Amidst whispers of change, a decision profound,A vasectomy chosen, a path redefined.Yet in the depths of his soul, a truth resounds,The hammering spirit, unyielding, refined.

Through valleys and peaks, where the echoes dance,He hammers away, with relentless grace.For the fire within, no scalpel can chance,His essence unbound, his spirit in place.

With every stride, he forges ahead,A testament to strength, in the face of the storm.For it's not in the seed, but in the will to tread,That Cam Hanes finds his relentless form.

So let the skeptics ponder, let the whispers fade,For he'll keep hammering, undeterred by the fray.With each heartbeat, his legacy's made,Cam Hanes, forever, will find his own way.
In the realm where the wild winds roam free,Lives a man with a spirit, unchained and bold.Cam Hanes, his name etched in the trees,With every heartbeat, an adventure unfolds.

Amidst whispers of change, a decision profound,A vasectomy chosen, a path redefined.Yet in the depths of his soul, a truth resounds,The hammering spirit, unyielding, refined.

Through valleys and peaks, where the echoes dance,He hammers away, with relentless grace.For the fire within, no scalpel can chance,His essence unbound, his spirit in place.

With every stride, he forges ahead,A testament to strength, in the face of the storm.For it's not in the seed, but in the will to tread,That Cam Hanes finds his relentless form.

So let the skeptics ponder, let the whispers fade,For he'll keep hammering, undeterred by the fray.With each heartbeat, his legacy's made,Cam Hanes, forever, will find his own way.
Got that tattooed as a tramp stamp? 😀
Definitely worth it. Take the full three days to recuperate. Myself and two buddies got it done last year, experiences varied.

I got the young doctor, I had valium on board when I left home, procedure was probably 15 minutes total. Smoke wasn't nearly as bad as I anticipated. There was a little tugging and what not. Got some more painkillers afterwards. Wife drove me around and I had no responsibilities for half a week.

My buddy had the old seasoned doc, no pre sedative, just the shot and right to business. He has a blood condition and drove across the country the next day with ice on his crotch. Due to the blood condition he was told it might swell to a basketball, but unlikely. No excessive swelling.

Other buddy drove himself, got it done, and grocery shopped on his way home. Never missed a day of work. Guess he's tougher than I am.

1. Shave yourself before the appointment so someone else doesn't do it for you (young doc told me to do this, old doc neglected to inform my buddy so he was shaved on the spot)
2. Highly recommend not letting the nurse untape your junk from your belly, do it at your own pace
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