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Still Kicking!

I sit under a tree and pick off the ground. LOL
The amigos were shaking and whacking branches when I got back from the store.
10% fee for picking I said. Don't pick them all.

The dad had been let loose and stopped by with GF, post surgery. Ouch.
Under a pinion. Picking and eating fresh nuts.
Dotti helping everyone. Pine pitch on her.

They got my old shed leveled and sided with old roof steel. Used windows in. Cool. Tool & hardware shed.
Back next week.

I went and dropped new fence wire & some manure by the habitat cage site.
No alfalfa and fresh ground plants all around. Bull rubs.
Wallowing in the tanks. Mud.
A herd of antelope came and drank. I just stood and watched.
Mid eighties in Oct. is weird. In NM very.
Trees turning, but need water.

The crew finished the gable barn ends yesterday. I asked for the silver wood out and got the insides.
The tool shed I wanted the rusty side out, it's inside.
The door is hung but does not close.

I had mentioned a couple other things I needed, but said that's OK. I'll get to it...
No. I'll stack the lumber.
I'll sort out the metal from the trash pile.

I did get all my tools moved into the shop. Truck & trailer loaded/unloaded.
The only damage was the rat nest on my old joiner. It'll need naval jelly.
But it was like that when I bought it for $25 40 years ago. 6 inch Craftsman.

Arranged for my road guy to come over next week and help me set the generator.
Got the pad set. Myself.

Nice quiet morning.
Dotti in the sun on the back porch. Chewing a cutoff.
She chewed up every pencil those guys set down. LOL
2 new spools of stringline,strung out.

Flickers checking the new digs.
Goldfinches feeding on dried sunflowers.
Tarantula migration time.
Nice 6 foot gopher snake hanging around the house. Big.

Pinions jays going nuts out there.
The blue pigs the neighbor calls them.
Huge flocks. They'll strip a tree pretty quick.
Very noisy.

Dotti is out chasing bunnies. Finally saw them.

Baby tarantulas on the march.
Nuthatches walking up & down the porch posts.
Flickers watching me from the beams.
Owls out earlier.
No bugles.

Small dump run today. Take it easy.
Pick up a couple more bales for the gals.
Moldy alfalfa cheap. They love it.

Eighties again today. 40's at night.
Time to clean the stove pipe.
5 cords split and piled.

Life is good.
Nice visit with David and wife.
Peach melba pie & joe for brunch.

HTer's. She has a late cow tag.
Great people.

Dotti approved of them. LOL
She had the zoomies til dark.

We checked the tanks and sign.
Game plan for late Nov.

Teal on the big tank.
We gave them room. They came back.

Winterfat has returned. Now at least 5 ac. growing in the SE corner.
We picked pinion and rubbed pitch for a while.

They left and I reflect.
This place was so over graized 15 years ago.
Wildlife habitat now.

Busy week coming. Dr visits for Dotti & I.
Lumber to move & stack.
Wire to run.
Get ready for winter.

Red sunset, on the porch.
Dotti does figure 8 zoomies around the house.
Life is good @ the Rockin Double J.
Great record of your one and only life, @hank4elk .If I may ask, what elevation is the Rocking JJ?
7450' @ the well head by house. 7500' at old homestead dugout and the windmill is 7350'. Not as flat as it looks.

Hope I'm not boring folks.

Never took many photos hunting or fishing. Solo ventures in my life mostly. Rarely took a camera on all those many backpacking trips.
Someday I'll go thru the shoeboxes and albums.
Somewhere is a pic of me @ 8yrs in NM. 50 miles south of here in a campsite I still stay in.

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