Caribou Gear

Still Kicking!

19 Thursday morning. Windy this week.

Went down to Reverse and voted Friday.
Almost threw up on my ballot. Yuck.
Left alot blank.
Voted for library bonds in mom's honor and for Vet's bennies for those who served.

Dotti had emptied a closet and it was on her bed in the living room when I got home. An elk and buck hide included. Towels,shirts,etc.
She had fun. Did not wreck anything.

Today I went and got pain pills and hit hardware store to replace tools that walked and some screws.
Got a big steak to make Chile Colorado tomorrow. Dotti food.
Dotti and I had apple and string cheese and then she has been frisky all afternoon.

Laying beside the fire now. Checking to see when supper is now and then.
Snow in forecast for the week. Light, cold.
Good chile weather.
First time I’ve ever seen Hughesnet and fast used in the same sentence
The newer systems have better numbers and wifi.
Beats a system that doesn't work and is a pain to get ahold of any help.

Guy's co. can't find a house he delivered to before.
And he'll get to mars, for what?
Lots of vehicles that can't drive the US roads. What a un-worthwhile venture. But it gets the big bucks....LOL.
6-12" below 8500' they say.
Wood stacked on porch.
Water jugs filled.

Power went out for 6 hrs the other day with 4".............LOL
Got parts for generator,waiting.
Oh well.
Have the old gas one and gas & starting fluid.

Prior Preparation Prevents Poor Performance.

Better grind some beans...make some Chile Colorado.
Hank, are you hunting your place this year?
Buddy from WI is coming next month for cow. The 1 tag is all I got this year.
I'll have fresh elk hopefully.

New neighbors and alot of work in neighborhood has shifted their patterns. Stock trailer o'dark thirty...outfitter camps around.
They have been crossing at my gate lately.

Dotti spotted her 1st the other day. Young cow.
Hairs up and standing her ground. From the porch. LOL

A couple inches already.
Into Fri. ,red winter warnings up.
North Mtns and CO looks to get hammered.
40 will be a mess into TX. 25 too.
Hoping my sweetheart can make meat so you have some fresh elk in a few weeks!

Have options with the UW tag to post up on public, if they are leaving early still. Depending on wind direction that day.
Today would have been perfect.
6 inches of soft powder,dead calm. In the eye it looks like on TV.
18 degrees out.

Hunting weather.
Have options with the UW tag to post up on public, if they are leaving early still. Depending on wind direction that day.
Today would have been perfect.
6 inches of soft powder,dead calm. In the eye it looks like on TV.
18 degrees out.

Hunting weather.
A foot here, upper 20's. Not many elk in White Rock, though.

16 here.
Got about 6 inches. More or less.
Snow still drifting in the air.

Dotti got her 1st kill. Bunny.
Played with it all afternoon. Tried to bring it in when I went for wood. Nada.
Rio would have eaten it.

Made Chile Con Carne. NM style. In fridge to rest a night.
Pot of pintos and rice with it tonight.

Called my rancher buddy to see if we could cross his place to look for the bull. He said I could and that was public lease.
When I told him where it was he said I'll meet you.
Bull was dead from my glasses. Lester called a wrangler and half hour later he rode up to it. Dead.

We drove over to meet cowboy dragging it behind a quad back to the ranch.
2 arrows and 2 bullet holes in guts. Fresh bullet holes. Meat shot. Even the BS.
Wrangler said looked like it was shot in the morning and died there in the open. Arrows older.
Half mile from road.
We could have hunted it he said.
Pissed we are. We all hate the poachers.

I guessed 370+,wrangler 380,Lester said 390.

Talked to him this morning.
393 green. 7x7. Huge basket,weak backs.(LOL). Mass. 50" wide and 55" long.
I'm on list for beef burger.

Life is good.
For some.
Lester has plans for the poacher...
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7x7 poached. Ugly deal. Glad it was not completely wasted.
Burger meat is fantastic for your chili con carne.
Dotti found her hunter self!

Aside from the poacher, life is good. Your posts always place perspective on the bullseye.
Met up with Michael & Kristy in Quemado to hand them a small tub of Chile Con Carne.
She has the late bull mz hunt in a unit near me. Late onset hunter with one bull under her belt already.
Said hello to the doggies and talked quickly about options.

Roads muddy,some heavy snow high,lots of hunters in unit.
They already knew the best option.
Headed for their cabin and light a fire.
Cold out.
Very cold in morning with sun.

I hit the dump and checked on truck work progress. Got mail.
Dotti was all jumps and smiles when I got back.
Roads are a mess already, barely thawed in spots.

We had Con Carne w/black beans & torts for a change.
Gave her a couple chunks of meat and a few beans. She cleaned the plate.
All frisky and interested in strange dog smells on my coat now.
Practicing her bunny kill method with the rope/ball. Lucky the window or tv has not been broken.
Or me. LOL

Good luck to Kristy & Michael.
May she fill a tag. Meat hunt for sure.
Was 26 this morning and probably 70 now.
Snow banks in the shade.
Dotti laying in doorway in the sun,with bone.
Getting big.

David58 and wife showed up yesterday and I went to town and had joe in cafe and we talked.Traded trucks at shop and headed home.They came by later and I showed them the layout and possibles.
They brought a new coffee maker and a toy for Dotti.

We walked down the stringer of trees below the house to the glassing trees.
Dotti followed her down and they checked for tracks, water and sign. The whole area.
David and I talked her shooting and he showed me some targets.
She's ready.
Dotti has new friends.

They decided to start here in morning. I caught Dotti and they drove off.

Around 9am they walked up to the house. I thought they had shots.
They had been glassing elk across the valley and watching. Nothing here.
We poked at the BLM map of surounding public. Lotta elk out there.
David said he would take Randy's advice and hunt where the elk are.
Along the mesa bases in the trees.
They headed to the road I showed them on state. Afternoon nap and glassing with wind in face spots.

They will head back here for 1st light hunt again manana. If she doesn't fill it today.

Said new lady running cafe is good. I might have to partake soon.

Got shop wired and generator setup. Clean job and lights.
Habitat cages up and fertilizer down.
Another plant and seed run to big city this week. 4 stops in an hour and home by 3pm.
New bumpers and lights on trucks.
Bluebird elk hunt weather. Soft dry ground for stalks.

New cafe lady. HMMMM. She does make good Joe.
Life is good.