Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Still Kicking!

28, La Nina weather. 65 for high today.

Well, she got to bring her rifle up this morning...and gone.
Got busted sneaking down the north fenceline. Barked at a dozen times.
He cow called and they stopped, out of her view. One bed down.
Old momma knew something was off and walked. The herd followed.

Dotti spotted her walking across our view from the house. Good watchdog.
The elk just hopped the fence and left.

David & momma decided to call it and head to their doggies.
Tuckered out from Mondays trek on the mesa behind me. Tons of fresh sign.
Party house up there he said. Big Hank hanging somewhere. Lots of deer tracks too.

They had a hundred or so Sat. morning across the valley for a tease. Truck hunters never saw them,100 yards from the road.
They hunted the rest of the day on good public. Alone.

Sunday was very breezy and they just missed them north of here. Lots of fresh sign. No other hunters.

Great folks. Love doggies. Dotti's buddies now.
Had to break out the cheese to get her in the house so they could leave.

Kinda feel bad they left with empty coolers.
But I can't hunt for others.
They were all smiles non the less. They saw elk 2 days. Fresh tracks and beds.

Still kicking. With Dotti. And some critters about.
Kinda feel bad they left with empty coolers.
But I can't hunt for others.
They were all smiles non the less. They saw elk 2 days. Fresh tracks and beds.
Hence hunting and not harvesting. Least they saw game. I've taken a few out that saw game, had opportunities though never came to fruition. All smiles are great hunts. :)
Enjoy reading Dotti's development. We picked up a blue nose pitbull about a year ago, after my dog of 14 years passed. Same tough setting as your experience. Didn't know if I wanted to step back into the setting. So glad we did! She is the sweetest dog and fills our house with that amazing family bond.

Would be great sometime, to share a pic of Dotti. I have a pretty solid idea if not. Sounds like one heck of a family companion! :)

This is Kintla, named after my wife's favorite lake.


Hah! Sorry, not hijacking your thread - rather complimenting your great Hunt Talk diary... Wife sent this earlier:

No hijack at all Sytes.
Having a boom moment getting a new pc to work. Making it worse. LOL
Mostly blurry Dotti pics I'm sure. Elk butts.

David has a puppy in works to try and replace ol York. An Airedale. They have 2 other dogs.
Their cammo smells of doggie paws now I'm sure.
They agreed, Dotti is a good one.
Jumps and all.
Full body bends and head shakes mid jump.

She's on the porch dismantling a elk leg bone at the joints. Rio's stash.
She offered it to me. No thanks.
In the door way now working off a thigh bone.

Hanks place. Doggie and elk heaven.
Got a ribeye to add to the horror.
They just laughed at her bone collection in the yard.
Keeps the riff raff away.
No hijack at all Sytes.
Having a boom moment getting a new pc to work. Making it worse. LOL
Mostly blurry Dotti pics I'm sure. Elk butts.

David has a puppy in works to try and replace ol York. An Airedale. They have 2 other dogs.
Their cammo smells of doggie paws now I'm sure.
They agreed, Dotti is a good one.
Jumps and all.
Full body bends and head shakes mid jump.

She's on the porch dismantling a elk leg bone at the joints. Rio's stash.
She offered it to me. No thanks.
In the door way now working off a thigh bone.

Hanks place. Doggie and elk heaven.
Got a ribeye to add to the horror.
They just laughed at her bone collection in the yard.
Keeps the riff raff away.
Cleaned the house pretty good last week before we had lots of family over. The amount of bones I pulled out from under and inside of couches and various other hidey holes would of put John Wayne Gacy's house to shame. Sometimes Duke goes straight to the source.20241121_145421.jpg
Her & Rio are the 1st dogs to never empty food bowls at the jump. Dobie trait?
She eats the fancy stuff 1st then runs in for a mouthfull of kibble during the day.

Just about to fit the collar. Still a bit large. She has been getting it off the bookcase and laying on it when I'm gone. Unchewed. 2nd from top shelf. IMG_20241124_154444940_HDR - Copy.jpg
Nap time.
Hence hunting and not harvesting. Least they saw game. I've taken a few out that saw game, had opportunities though never came to fruition. All smiles are great hunts. :)
Enjoy reading Dotti's development. We picked up a blue nose pitbull about a year ago, after my dog of 14 years passed. Same tough setting as your experience. Didn't know if I wanted to step back into the setting. So glad we did! She is the sweetest dog and fills our house with that amazing family bond.

Would be great sometime, to share a pic of Dotti. I have a pretty solid idea if not. Sounds like one heck of a family companion! :)

This is Kintla, named after my wife's favorite lake.

View attachment 350679

Hah! Sorry, not hijacking your thread - rather complimenting your great Hunt Talk diary... Wife sent this earlier:

View attachment 350680
The face of an Angel. For sure.
Made my day. Tell her that.
Hank, you were a blessing to Annette and me.
Dottie added to the fun.

Two years ago, Annette could barely walk 100 yards. Surgery on her foot fixed that, but this was the first big expedition where she was out in the woods a ways. More important than meat, she got her confidence back. Two trips to top out a couple of mesas had her sore (her back, not her foot), but very, very happy to be in the game.

Being able to see elk, finding the party spots (after the party was over), and then get set up to shoot yesterday morning made for a great trip. Will be putting in for tags there even after we move to ID.

Discovering some of the good people of Quemado was an added bonus.
Not only too much home cooking at the cafe, but good ranchers, fellow hunters, and other folks just to talk with over a cup of Joe in the evenings. Better than any cruise where they make you sit in assigned seats to get to know the folks across the table.

And, for this desk-jockey (until March 1), it felt good to be out under a pack. Well, not the first two days. But come day 3, it felt good for that pack to feel like it belonged.

So, in so many ways, as good a trip as it could have been. Meat would have been icing on the cake, but the cake was fine.

See you soon, Hank. Keep kickin'

Hank, you were a blessing to Annette and me.
Dottie added to the fun.

Two years ago, Annette could barely walk 100 yards. Surgery on her foot fixed that, but this was the first big expedition where she was out in the woods a ways. More important than meat, she got her confidence back. Two trips to top out a couple of mesas had her sore (her back, not her foot), but very, very happy to be in the game.

Being able to see elk, finding the party spots (after the party was over), and then get set up to shoot yesterday morning made for a great trip. Will be putting in for tags there even after we move to ID.

Discovering some of the good people of Quemado was an added bonus.
Not only too much home cooking at the cafe, but good ranchers, fellow hunters, and other folks just to talk with over a cup of Joe in the evenings. Better than any cruise where they make you sit in assigned seats to get to know the folks across the table.

And, for this desk-jockey (until March 1), it felt good to be out under a pack. Well, not the first two days. But come day 3, it felt good for that pack to feel like it belonged.

So, in so many ways, as good a trip as it could have been. Meat would have been icing on the cake, but the cake was fine.

See you soon, Hank. Keep kickin'

My pleasure, my friend.
Dotti is still wound up. Zoomies with a bone in her mouth earlier.
You and Annete have a get away place from ID when you need it. Anytime.
Hank, the Thankful.
10 deg, -4 dew point this morning.
NM , "It's a dry cold".

Dotti just came in from dawn patrol. Rodents and stray sticks,whatever.
Birds are big now. Lots of running.
Clipped me last week and I went down hard. I did not say "Ouch".

In her teens now. 50+lb's? Frisky is mild.
Went for a ride in the Tacoma and rode fine. On my shoulders. Barks at cows like Rio did.
She is getting her sort of watchdog bark now. I bit of yowling mixed in.
Ranch dog.

Generator hooked up. Got it running. Auto system soon.
Dotti helped of course. Licking the help.

My WI buddy is on his way. Friday he said.
Elk about. Dry ground.
2 new knives to try out.

Looks like I might make it to 70 next year.
Never thought I'd make 17 at one time.

Life is good.

31, Balmy NM. 50's and windy today.

Called Jeff in WI last night on ETA. He was looking for a belt to finish dressing for a shindig ,leaving in morning.
Asked how it was up there, "Not too bad this morning...-8"
Told him I went and fed the neighbors hoohee's and had to roll my sleeves down...chilly. LOL

He'll be here tomorrow late. He said ,"Your up this year", meaning the ranch tag. He'll leave maybe Thursday after we get some work done.
Doodie yelled " Got you some cheese". His wife sends tons of WI goodies for me. Killer lasagna! Fudge...........mmmmmm.

Lady is a saint.
Bar tended in Sturges most of her life. Helps run the farm now and volunteers for county mental health issues.
Inside joke is Dotti's name. She will correct you if you get Doodie wrong. Dough-dee.

So today I'll go to the store and stock up. Pick up My tag.
Air out the hunting clothes. Check the rifle.

Elk tracks exiting at the gate.
Coming in thru neighbors. Had to straighten a post and rehang wire yesterday.

I have a tag, and a friend visiting.

Life is good.
Early to bed, early to rise...gets Dotti my spot on the bed.
Not so fast little missy.

She came in to ask whats up with the fire? I went and put a log on the coals and hit the head.
She had her head on the pillow and grinned at me.
Rascal. OFF!

Helped me get my pants on.
Little snores from the couch now.

Moonlight and hoof steps heard from the porch.
On soft ground. Must be close. Can smell them.

Winds died. 18 out. Perfect.
But not today.

Blew it just now letting her out to p.
Her 1st close encounter, barks from the porch and a whole herd goes.
She came to my call and is ALL worked up. Crying at the windows.

Did not know they were that close.
Oh well.
Hunt starts tomorrow.

She will have to stay in and us sneak out the back.
Jeez. I shoulda known.

Lay down, quiet...working. With tons of licks now.
Not working...

She is all amped.
In the crate manana.

Jeez. What a dim bulb Hank.
Day one a dozen are going away at the crack.
Day 2 40 or so do the same.
Day 3 we see over a hundred elk ON my place. Too many eyes to get close.
Day 4 I had one dead to rights at 280 and she started walking. Along with the other 11. 1st days herd.

This morning I snuck down to where they have been bedding, elk.
I see one.
I move down thru the pinions and get to THE glassing tree.
I see 4.
Got behind a big puffy juniper and I sneak down across the open short grass and chamisa to a group of junipers. Cover. 120 yards in the open.

Get around the edge and glass. 4 bedded in a opening between 2 other junipers. A big group of trees obscures the rest of the area.
200 yards. One big fat cow broadside chewing cud. 3 behind her.
Chirping calves behind the screen of juniper, more elk.
Get set and wait. Dead calm beautiful morning. Cold and clear.

The 3 behind the big one stand. Head on or butt side.
Never shot a bedded animal. I wait as others rise and start feeding .
One of the trio turns broadside, clear of the others.

One shot and she drops like a sack. I cycle a round and as 20 elk run off to the north.
She tries once and she drops her head. Gone.
I wait.
Done. Cow down.

In the house with a cuppa by 7am. New record for us.
I had gone alone as he went to glass another area of the ranch.
We join Dotti and I tell the hunt tale.
Get out of the hunt clothes and into the work. Need the layers. Cold.

A while later we drive right up next to her and we get to work. Dotti free.
Legs up by cargo straps off the lumber rack.
Gutless, in bags and a meat bin at the house by 10:30. Hanging from my new front porch rafters in the shade.
Above Dotti. Bin in fridge.

We laugh and Dotti licks the tarp in the truck bed next to the porch.
The few drops of blood will stay on the boards.

2 old farts.
We got a ton of work done in 4 days.
My generator system got finished and running. When needed.
We ate good and Dotti might sneak off with Jeff.
I was beat when I got up.

Jeff is off to get ice in town and pull her ivories.
Possibly the finest cow elk I have taken.
He gets half.

Life is Good.
Kenetrek Boots

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