I have had her laying next to it when I'm loading slash for burn pile. Laying in it's shade,just like Rio. But she backs off when I get in. Then follows me behind truck. Right there.Hank, have you tried just sitting with her in the truck not running and spending a little time there? Maybe leave your door open a few times then start closing it once she gets used to it. Training. Fun stuff.
The other day she went up the ramp and just ate the treats and jumped off...close. LOL
I am going to bait the passenger seat today in the Tacoma with a hotdog piece. Set the ramp.
No matter what she is going for shot Sat.
She is not the boss , yet. LOL
I now have a generator in the Ford bed. Waiting.
Driver said he has been delivering them all over my area recently.
Tank coming in full for house Fri or Sat. I'll fill my large portable tanks at their place for Generac.
Electrician coming Fri. afternoon to help get generator placement set and make parts list for wire up.
I'll rock under base. Damn thing weighs 600lbs. Good thing there is a winch on my rack to move it.
Waiting to hear they have the rest of my meds at pharmacy today.
Amador , my mech. called yesterday evening. He has a Lazy-boy couch and loveseat in leather for me.
1/2 price, brand new. Guy didn't like the stitching or something...or the brown.
Said he'd have it wrapped and he'll deliver and help me get in the house.
I just have to get the old couch & loveseat out now and to dump.
And get some bedspreads ordered to cover them.LOL
My ex is going to weave rough blanket/rug to cover and guard them. SW style.
Cool this morning at the ranch. 49,feels good.
Cooler now in forecast and some rain possible next 2 afternoons.
Tri-tip thawed and ready for smoker today. I'll chance it.
Dotti is giving me morning hoggs& quiches...LOL Now back on the couch on her bankie in the sun.
Happy dog.
Happy Hank!