Still Kicking!

Hank, have you tried just sitting with her in the truck not running and spending a little time there? Maybe leave your door open a few times then start closing it once she gets used to it. Training. Fun stuff.
I have had her laying next to it when I'm loading slash for burn pile. Laying in it's shade,just like Rio. But she backs off when I get in. Then follows me behind truck. Right there.
The other day she went up the ramp and just ate the treats and jumped off...close. LOL
I am going to bait the passenger seat today in the Tacoma with a hotdog piece. Set the ramp.

No matter what she is going for shot Sat.
She is not the boss , yet. LOL

I now have a generator in the Ford bed. Waiting.
Driver said he has been delivering them all over my area recently.

Tank coming in full for house Fri or Sat. I'll fill my large portable tanks at their place for Generac.

Electrician coming Fri. afternoon to help get generator placement set and make parts list for wire up.
I'll rock under base. Damn thing weighs 600lbs. Good thing there is a winch on my rack to move it.

Waiting to hear they have the rest of my meds at pharmacy today.

Amador , my mech. called yesterday evening. He has a Lazy-boy couch and loveseat in leather for me.
1/2 price, brand new. Guy didn't like the stitching or something...or the brown.
Said he'd have it wrapped and he'll deliver and help me get in the house.

I just have to get the old couch & loveseat out now and to dump.
And get some bedspreads ordered to cover them.LOL

My ex is going to weave rough blanket/rug to cover and guard them. SW style.

Cool this morning at the ranch. 49,feels good.
Cooler now in forecast and some rain possible next 2 afternoons.
Tri-tip thawed and ready for smoker today. I'll chance it.

Dotti is giving me morning hoggs& quiches...LOL Now back on the couch on her bankie in the sun.
Happy dog.

Happy Hank!
49 and heading into the 80's. Possible showers here later.

Some hot hunters out there.
Got update from HT'er nearby that they are quiet during day, but they have been in them. Resupplied yesterday and their game cams have been deleted they found out. Said other guys have had the same but they found NM hunters very friendly.

I've seen a few good bulls in truck beds. One huge.

Just realized today is the day I signed papers on this place...9/9/09. 15 years.
Guy I bought from asked me if I wanted to change the day to sign.
Why? It's perfect for me. LOL
Devil in blue jeans.

Blew it Sat. and got to Vet late. Rescheduled for Wed. afternoon. Place was full,so I opted not to wait an hour.
Had 2 leashes on Dottie to get her in truck. Stlll had to carry her. LOL
She got into it halfway home.
Riding the console and licking my ear with her nose out the window.
I set the ramp for her when we got home and she went down it easy. Left it there for a day and saw she has been in and out,by prints.
Wed. will be another training day.

Called a friend and he had a free afternoon Fri. Brought his Bobcat and forks.
He made a base of road rock and unloaded the generator right next to pad.
Electrician came right after and checked what I needed and said piece of cake. He'll give me a list of wire/parts.

Propane guy just called and is sick will be here tomorrow, Dr. visit this morning.
Cool, I have the base to set before for small tank.
A lumber pile to move and move trailer so I can back my truck up to porch. Make it way easier to move couches hopefully this weekend.
Need another strong back or 2.

Dotti is out growling at a tractor running next door. Letting me know a bad guy is about. Fur up.
Now she is hovering over me on the old loveseat. Bite/licking my ears. Now we're doing leg lifts with her over my foot.
There goes a pillow towards the stops at the open door and she lays there watching.
Off after a chipmunk...endless fun.

Need to take some pics today. Late summer growth and water.
Place was way over graized when I moved here.
Half dirt with a windmill pumping.
Now there is grass growing everywhere and lots of young pinions.
Brush growing again. Wildflowers going to seed.
Wetland plants growing around once dry tanks. Ducks visiting.
Saw black ibis yesterday.

Have a huge pile of firewood.
2 good trucks.
The best water there is.
Lots to do still before winter.
And Dotti wants to go for a walk.

Better go before she eats my toes.
One slipper off and she has my boot,ready.
Harness instead of collar?
No harness required. Yet.
Adjusted the medium collar and trying a bite collar. Plastic & nylon.
I need a nylon head collar. Adjustable so it is not choking. Head collar they call them.

She has a beautiful leather one for grown up times. Brass name plate.
A gift from a friend on HT.


Dotti just added that...
Just watched her walk up the ramp and get those bits.
Little steps. Big praise.

Berry pie and smoked tri-tip & provolone sammy for dinner.

Bet those pieces on the truck seat are gone.
Yep, she trotted in and checked her bowl.

Just replaced driver seat piece and more on console.

Have to cook more tomorrow. Tasty batch.
Need to clean the smoker before I smoke more.
Tri-tip was pit fired and smoked.

Back in for a drink and she's back out the door.
Smart dog. She'll get there.
Proud gal. She got them all.
In and out heartbreak.

Came in the front door and we looked.
Then its figure eights off the porch under the juniper,off Rio's dirt bed and back. A half dozen times.
Now laying in the open doorway with a bone.

Who needs social media?
Trip to the vet went OK. Some whining and some sleeping.
Went up the ramp,sort of. And knows how to get out.
Did some console riding and on my left shoulder.

43lbs, 6 months old.
Excellent health and given thumbs up on her nature by the Dr.
Adult teeth all in.
Given hugs and praise by staff. Treats. Homemade treats.
One last shot in 3 weeks and then plan the spaying. Doc said they will grind her claws then too.
He gave me a good handshake and said I did good. For me.

I was early and got gas and hit Tractor supply.
Then hit Sophia's Kitchen for Carne Adovado plate and chicken enchilada plate. 2 meals.
Did some walking/training in the parking lot, but it was hot out.

The trip home was a trip. The whining stopped quickly and she was riding the console and my shoulder.
Licking my ears and adams apple. I was laughing so hard I had to take it easy.
The best was when we passed the VLA and she started barking growling and howling at the giant dish.
The whining returned shortly on the dirt road home, then she saw the cattle.
More barking and howling.

We shared adovado and some pie. Fell asleep next to me at sunset.
I hit the hay early.

She came in and checked on me @ 0430...licks.
Today is big day.
I had moved a whole woodstack to get my truck to porch the day before.
Today I take her bed, the old worn out couch and the loveseat to the dump.
Just gotta move trailer of wood. Clean the stove pipe and carpets.

She's on her back snoring. Legs out. Little snores.
Bull just bugled and she's at the window. Growling.
Comes for a pet and back on the new fuzzy bankie.

Life is good.
She barks at the flag. Not sure what to make of it.

Watched a group of cows and calves head into the trees with the sunrise. No bull.
Orange sky with the smoke. No fires in NM.

Amador just called. Couches loaded on trailer & wrapped for trip.
Asked about bugles...he has a local tag.
Dotti input...

He'll be here tomorrow before sunset. Told him they were quiet in the daylight.
Still in the 80's. 40's at night.
Maybe he will beat his sons 7x7 from last year. Big bull.

I hear the tractor auger going. New neighbor getting work done early.
Beat the heat.
I'll see if he can help tomorrow.
Official, I am a Lazy boy kinda guy.

Dotti thought I had gone nuts when I emptied the house and took the old furniture out. Into the truck and to the dumpster, solo.
Cautious bites of string cheese. She did not understand the bone toss.
Hid on my bed while I sucked dust with shop vac.

I was beat when they pulled in.

But we goterdone....relay onto my truck and backed up to porch.
Michelle pitched in and helped. Amador still in garage clothes.
Her fancy new bed up on top of pickup bed of supplies and building material. Dust. LOL

Not a scratch on the leather, just dust that got in thru plastic wrap on road here. Like her bed.
They were sad about old Rio, but loved Dotti...and not dog folks.
"She's sooo cute". Michelle.

Much thanks and handshakes and hugs.
They drove off with sunlight left to get up to their place.

I had a pb&j and sat..............watched some of the WNBA game. Fell asleep.
Dotti's bankie and pillow on the couch and she was out like a light, she's still there.

Splayed out in puppy glory.

I think we earned a steak. A hot dog at the very least...

...wait, I remembered Michelle mentioned NM elk stew.
Dotti woke me around 0330, needed a trip outside.
Moonlight through clouds. Rain clouds.
It starts pouring right after she comes back in,and just stopped.
Late monsoon moisture hits 1st winter front from west.

I had been in recovery mode Sunday.
A walk about with Dotti and making plans for the week.
In my head.

I had called Plants of the SW Fri. when I saw they have a sale this week.
Owner called back and I have 3 Narrowleaf cottonwoods waiting for me to pick up Tues. More trees maybe and seed. 20% off.

A trip to the store and I meet the propane guy coming in to deliver tank Sat.
Back from store and tanks set.
We have steak and sweet potato fries for dinner.
Dotti gets a new bone.

I was resting Sunday when the shed guy texts he is in area and wants to talk porch fix.
Dotti barks as the truck pulls up and goes to meet them.
She remembers them, but comes right back when I call.
He approves of her condition and all.
We discuss porch fix as they have a spell between jobs and he wants to make good on porches and keep crew working.
Talk moves to elk and plants and other work I still need help with.

I text him this morning and we plan on Wed.
Way too rainy and wet today.
Maybe same tomorrow and I will be gone.
Rain stops and it is now a break between bands.
Maybe I will go get materials today.
Naah, good day to make plans.
I feel great.
Dotti has 5 bones by the door now.
Barking with hair up at something.

Life is good!
I had called Plants of the SW Fri. when I saw they have a sale this week.
Owner called back and I have 3 Narrowleaf cottonwoods waiting for me to pick up Tues. More trees maybe and seed. 20% off.
Are they 5 gal or 15 gal or bigger? If they bigger, I wonder if it's worth it to have him hold on to the trees for another month or two until the leaves fall off. Then you can load them up and drive them home without worrying about the wind beating the crap out of them the whole way. Or wrapping them up with tarp and basically cooking them down I-25. Just thoughts, depends on when you want them in the ground. But glad to hear someone had em for you
Are they 5 gal or 15 gal or bigger? If they bigger, I wonder if it's worth it to have him hold on to the trees for another month or two until the leaves fall off. Then you can load them up and drive them home without worrying about the wind beating the crap out of them the whole way. Or wrapping them up with tarp and basically cooking them down I-25. Just thoughts, depends on when you want them in the ground. But glad to hear someone had em for you
5gal will lay in the bed fine. They will drop leaves soon anyway and I will have them to send pics to G&F in Jan. Spring planting to get them settled in.
Perfect spot on end of house for aspens to drink roof water too. Drip there already. My green belt around the house.

Windy with clouds blowing by. Building for late afternoon downpours across state.
This should crank the elk up.

I had deer feeding on saltbrush here and Dotti just watched. 1st deer in a while.
Pinions dropping seeds, but no fertile ones in nearby trees. Bummer.
But tons left to try.
Got my trees and them some.
Beautiful nursery, excellent staff.
3 nice narrowleaf cottonwoods and 2 more aspens.
A big pot of raspberries and a couple Penstemin for hummers. A couple packs of service berry and western wheat grass seed.

Beautiful drive with lots of wildlife on the way.
Thunderstorms and lightning. Winds up.
1st fire of fall tomorrow morning.

Dotti was on the loveseat wiggling when I came in. Nothing chewed but bones.
Of course she helped me unload trees and dug in the orchard.
Now barking out the backdoor at ? The trees? LOL.
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