Caribou Gear

Still Kicking!

Watercolor sunrise. 59.
Clouds floating. Deciding to build or wait.

Looks like we will get some later this afternoon. Might hit 90 again before.
Humid. 60%
It was 15% yesterday @ noon.

Might have gotten an inch late yesterday.
My little valley is green again with tons of sunflowers and other yellows.
Beeplants and paintbrush. Pansies.

6 antelope just walked by my view heading north through the neighbors.
Most likely they will hit my tank and head over the rise to the draw north.
Been seeing a good size herd there lately.
Feeding in a lake bed. Little blue stem and sunflowers to feed on.

Dotti is now watching for birds and chipmunks on the deck. Or what there is.
She was doing her yoga earlier and planking across woodstacks, peeking for chipmmunks. Maybe a lizard?
Damn flea stuff has not worked. She's still chewing and scratching.
Maybe the hike to the big tank later will pay off with a bath , and mud.
It worked for Rio.

I'll wash trucks later and she will get introduced to the hose.
She was running thru the sprinkler this week.
Had her 1st hail storm yesterday and decided it was not for her.

She can untie knots.
She just removed the bead on a pocket zipper and is chewing on the string. Nose in pocket.
Yawns and smiles.
The side eye. She has that down.

Breeze blowing.
Nice cool morning @ the Rockin' JJ.
I really enjoy reading these updates. Only 11 days and I’m hitting the road, heading to your neck of the woods. Well, just a tad East anyway. Good to hear that the grass is green and tanks are filling up. Looking forward to a couple of weeks of chasing elk.
Watercolor sunrise. 59.
Clouds floating. Deciding to build or wait.

Looks like we will get some later this afternoon. Might hit 90 again before.
Humid. 60%
It was 15% yesterday @ noon.

Might have gotten an inch late yesterday.
My little valley is green again with tons of sunflowers and other yellows.
Beeplants and paintbrush. Pansies.

6 antelope just walked by my view heading north through the neighbors.
Most likely they will hit my tank and head over the rise to the draw north.
Been seeing a good size herd there lately.
Feeding in a lake bed. Little blue stem and sunflowers to feed on.

Dotti is now watching for birds and chipmunks on the deck. Or what there is.
She was doing her yoga earlier and planking across woodstacks, peeking for chipmmunks. Maybe a lizard?
Damn flea stuff has not worked. She's still chewing and scratching.
Maybe the hike to the big tank later will pay off with a bath , and mud.
It worked for Rio.

I'll wash trucks later and she will get introduced to the hose.
She was running thru the sprinkler this week.
Had her 1st hail storm yesterday and decided it was not for her.

She can untie knots.
She just removed the bead on a pocket zipper and is chewing on the string. Nose in pocket.
Yawns and smiles.
The side eye. She has that down.

Breeze blowing.
Nice cool morning @ the Rockin' JJ.
As always, thanks for keeping us real, Hank.
To keep it real, tanks are not all full.
A few. Mine.
Still bands that are not so green on the high plains.
But it looks good for a couple days,then more hot for a couple with little to none in forecast.
Then more rain. Cool.

Pretty disappointed in Dotti.
Does not like the trucks...the ride.
Loaded the dump stuff and she avoided me. Would not come to me.
Had to catch grab her in the house and carry her to the truck.
Last time for that.

She whined the whole trip.
Road on the console a couple times,but mostly whined and sulked.

Well, she better learn or be left behind.

Going down to check the tanks and dump a bale out for the girls.

Dotti can sulk in the house.

Never had a dog that did not like car or truck rides. For the most part.
Hank, for some reason didn't keep up with this thread. So sorry about Rio. Always hard.
I have to second this comment^
Sorry to hear about your dog @hank4elk .
Rio was a forum fixture, after yourself. Glad to hear you are tracking okay.
We are faced with impending sadness with our older male dog recently diagnosed with not so pleasant stuff.
I had one Chessie that didn’t like to ride. We could never figure out why. Hope you can do better with Dottie.
Think about it Hank , her last car ride she ended up at a new place . Maybe when she gets that she is coming home with you each time , she will get better in the truck ???
...or, it reminds her it was a truck drive that dumped her at this crazy old white haired guys place...LOL

I was going to leave her in it and keep her with me to go pick up the trees, but Michael will deliver manana.
I just left her inside while I dropped a bale and checked tanks and tracks.
Short grass is short,but tracks and wallow sign.

She is out in the rain now and thunder about, fearless of it. She'll learn.
Nice light show last night. For hours.
Some rain. Not a lot.
Power off before sunset and went to bed early.

Back up propane generator ordered and on way...LOL
Tank for house on way,new.
Trying to track down an electrician who can pass state inspections.

90 deg. days are hard on me getting stuff done. But I have a choice.
Playing with Dotti is fun.
And I have calls to make and websites to visit inside.

Mornings watering and enjoying the day.
Pinion trees bowing under the weight of cones,dripping sap.
Velvet ants and tarantula hawks about.

Post breakfast zoomies and figure eights around my legs for Dotti.
Chewing sap and a nap.

It's tough. But someone has to do it.
Just my luck.
Another good monsoon sunset last night. Power off & on.
Enough light from the lightning to see inside after dark.
Dotti sat in the open doorway and kept wanting to go out.
That ended when one hit just north. Rocked the ground. Close.

Then she started barking at the bolts. Very entertaining.
Another downpour and time to close the door. And a few west facing windows.

Forecast is for 80% today. 70-80% the next 4 days.
Finally the Gila area will get some. Up into CO.
The rest of the state will break more records today.

Hit 94 yesterday. 17 days in the 90's this summer. 4-6 inches low on rain.
Saw a second large gopher snake near the house yesterday. 5 feet. Cruising for rodents and baby birds.

Weather channel on mute.
Another Generac ad.
Notice this morning from Genratorsdirectonline with a tracking number. In IL and transferred to fedex for trip here.
Next week now.

Going to go look up a contractor in St. Johns tomorrow. Go to the store too.
It'll cool off now over the weekend. More rain next week.
I'll be able to get some work done.

Dotti has the watch.
Laying on the deck in the morning sun.
A young dog now, listening to the coyotes calling.

She has not destroyed anything worth anything.
Found an old gate hasp on the deck. From a junk pile.
A shirt that blew away last year and never found. Little pieces.
Elk bones and sticks are a favorite. Lots of those here.

She cruises the kitchen when I'm cooking.
Could easily grab a slice of bacon cooling on the table.
But was told No.

So far so good.
...prolly falling on deaf ears.

Weather reports from the SW can save a ton of time hunting and camping. LOL
Bet there's an app. I'm just a sap.

Pinion pitch everywhere, & on Dotti.
Good mast crop means elk will be there.
Good rains mean Gramma here.
The best feed they can get.

I was in Bozeman in the 70's.
Mission Mountain was playing. I forget where.
Was drinking heavy then.
Woke up with a redhead waitress.
Snuck out the backdoor and somehow found my truck.

MT dad's hated us Cali guys, everyone did.
'Cept the cute ones...LOL
I was in Bozeman in the 70's.
Mission Mountain was playing. I forget where.
Was drinking heavy then.
Woke up with a redhead waitress.
Snuck out the backdoor and somehow found my truck.
Haha! Gold!
Coming down good.
Crackling and booming.
Power flickering. Early today.

Dotti left her elk foot outside and wants it. A left one.
Opened the door and she lays down and watches it.
Rope ball toy I got next to her.
Only a matter of time and that will fly thru a window. Shakes her head with it violently. Banging her head.
Good practice for bunnies and hockey shots between the legs.

Storm has moved north and others filling the spot.
Rumbling grows in the distance. The Apache Mtns. darkening.

Sure glad I rocked my road.
49 yesterday morning. High of 78.
Fall feeling.
Good monsoonal flow to continue. Showers just stopped.

The shed guy texted me Sat. with a tank that needs to go in Cruces, cheap.
Just said damn, I have one coming this week.
Asked him for electrician info , he will get #.
He asked how puppy is doing.
Getting big. She's a good one.

Had to enlarge her collar again yesterday. Took an hour to get it back on her.
Truck ramp training is not going like the videos say. She just eats the treats and jumps off...LOL
But no forcing. Little steps.
So I went to store alone Sat.

She was on her bed when I got home with her bones, a pillow and a blanket.
Got the cooler in and the bags just as it started raining. Again.
We had apple and string cheese for lunch. She sits patiently for a string.

New neighbor called back late yesterday with the # of a good local electrician he found.
We talked about life and finding good workers.
His addition to little cabin is 5 months into a one month job.

Propane guy called and tank is coming Wed.
Generac is coming Wed.
Call the local guy this morning about about wiring me up.

We just went out,1st light on overcast damp morning.
Good day to get calls made and try and get spot ready.
Between showers or downpours. Floodwatch up here.
Dotti is barking at 'yotes.

Good girl. She'll get a fresh bone when it breaks today.

Meds on way. Bloodwork later this week.
Dr vid chat next week.

In the mean time I have a doggie on my lap. Barking at my image in the window.
Licks. Lots of licks.
Rio was not a licker.
But he would approve of how Dotti sticks to me. Except the truck thing.
Got over an inch last week.
77 today. Clouds,no rain till later in week.

Up early to take Dotti to vet Sat., she slipped her collar and I canceled to next next Sat.
I hadn't checked the new length. Dobies have narrow heads. Just enlarged.
Damn she's smart.
I left the truck doors open and tried the baited ramp...LOL,she picked them off and jumped.
baby steps

Waited all week for generator...Tomorrow they said Fri.

Talked to local guy that will do my electrical work. Newby,4 years here and only 4 miles away.

Just gotta let propane guy know when it gets here. And we position.

Met my new neighbor across the road. The nice couple I had met a couple weeks back looking.
He was digging post holes for horse fence. I told him a had a roll of 4 strands he's welcome to.
Almost my age and still kicking.

Today I cleared stuff from the area for generator and tank.
Dotti followed and laid in shade of truck. Filled it with tumbleweeds I pulled.
Then fired up the weedeater and did the whole area. Then chainsawed some trees in way.
Dotti just went around the house out of earshot then came right back by me when I was done.

I'll call delivery company and hound them in morning.

Just finished smoked/seared T-bone & fries.
Blueberry pie for a snack later.
Dotti is in doggie heaven under a pinion chewing on a meaty bone.

Hope I make it past 7pm...LOL too early and I wake up earlier. Listen to podcast in the dark and for bugles.

Have a HTer hunting nearby unit. He pm'ed me and asked a few ?'s They had good plan. NR's.
Sent a scout bull pic. 5x5. They saw a big one night before opener.

Getting a puppy thanks bath now.
It's tough.
Hank, have you tried just sitting with her in the truck not running and spending a little time there? Maybe leave your door open a few times then start closing it once she gets used to it. Training. Fun stuff.
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