Caribou Gear

Still Kicking!

She tried to let me know...puked & crapped in the truck. LOL

Road finished.
Shop finished,-electrical.

I might have to file elder abuse, against myself. LOL
Sound asleep next to me.
Clouds building.
You're running the puppy gamut hank...good times;)
100 yesterday, 105 on Mon..........yikes. Sun has been brutal.
Clouded up and spit for a bit.
Cooled to 70 in a short time. Nice sunset walk.

Dotti is sound alseep next me .
Little snores, like Rio.
She is finding his bone treats he buried.

Outside doggie, she sits in the doorway surveying the land.
Had her 1st encounter with chipmunks.
Watching the woodpile. Bunnies!
Good Girl. Watchdog.

Clouds melting as it gets light.
Soon to rebuild and let loose.
Next 3 days should provide some relief.
Pack the road. Water the plains.

Pinions pushing sap have stopped the beetles. For now.
Saw a Grosbeak and a Orange Tanager yesterday.

Rain dance later, need to burn the pyre...Rio has his place covered.
We are blessed.

We have a family. HT.
NM green season.
Wildflowers & gramma grass. Bunchgrasses and pine cones.
Afternoon storms and flash floods.

Road & shop done just in time.
Had to clear half my bedroom for a dobie den. XL cage.
I had to leave her for a few hours for a store run. No problemo.

Had a bite of doughnut and ham & cheese sammy...I know,I'm bad.
Hand training. Voice command.
Dotti is a very smart girl.
She knows she has a home.
Just gotta make sure she gets thru this 1st year on a ranch. Me too...LOL

Second trip to town in the truck today.
Forgot papertowels.
For me.

She is a lady and has her place outside.
Her own.

Well, Rio did leave untold bones laying about and buried.
She is most appreciative.
We will honor him this evening.
90% chance today. 8 on the 1-10 dial.

Rained all around us yesterday,but spit on me.
Flooding in Ruidoso, bad. Up by LV.
Fires out locally.

Stayed home and let her explore.
She found Rio's elk foot stash, buried for perfect softness and rot patina. Ate 3.
Has a short horn shed she found somewhere.

Almost had a run in with the largest Gopher snake I have ever seen. It went back into the woodpile. Fattening on chipmunks and bunnies. 6+feet and 3 inches diameter.
She never saw it...right in front of her.

Her cautious exploring circle is growing.
Zoomies turn into a vault next to me and a battle which ends in an ouch, and she gets it. She turns to licks.
Runs out and comes back with a stick...better than me.

She is growing fast. Eats more than Rio it seems.
Had some salmon last night.
Tri-tip tonight if rain holds off.

Elk tracks everywhere.
Good thing.

She just came in with a thigh bone.
86 and muggy yesterday.
Foggy and wet outside, now.

Started the smoker after a trip to town and cleaning up puppy puke.
She has to get used to rides in the truck.

Tri-tip on @ noon.
Visit from HT buddy and his doggies. Gave him a bunch of MZ stuff.
Had to keep the little one inside for that, they play rough.
They looked for Rio and found the brushpile.
We sat and talked in the shade of a pinion for a while.
Storms all around and sunny.

Rains started after 9pm and lasted a while. Needed it.
Antelope here early for water. Elk still feeding.
Heavy rain maybe today and thru the week.
The Gila getting plenty, finally.

Time to light the pyre.

Trip down to Reverse later. Have paper towels.
Boy, that was a doozy of a thunderstorm ...all night.

Yesterday I had to pull a steak off the smoker and try and shield it from the rain that came 2 hrs early. Lasted 5 minutes.

By 2pm I was stuffed from early supper and Dotti was sitting by the window, watching lightning strikes all around us .
Rain & lightning. All afternoon.
Went to bed @ 7pm...LOL It was pouring rain.
We've been busy.

Called the builder Thursday and said, " You owe me, this puppy is a terror. LOL."
He had a cancellation and will be here Monday with crew to build my porches this coming week.

Getting tools into shop and assembling the hardware & such.
Was going to weed eat the work areas around the house,but that was put on hold till it dries out some today.

Dotti is a good girl.
Smart and growing too quick.
Her living room bed is covered in bones,socks and chew antler and a horn by the door.
She gets her 1st prime rib bone today.
Here's a good story. I told part of it in weather music.

I was working with my uncle David building a sculpture for a bank lobby on Wishire & Gower,LA.
Up on a scaffold assembling,"Nebula". Huge brass swirl of tubing, bent into perfection.
We had the weekend to finish.

Friday morning a film crew comes into an already busy jobsite and yells everyone has to leave. Clear out!
Dave tells them shove it. Yelling ensues.
Dave climbs down and confronts the loud one. Instantly surrounded by movie folks.
I'm down in a flash and right there,ready.

David holds up one finger,wait. He goes out the door and across the street to a pay phone and makes a call. A minute later he is back on the scaffold.
Within 5 minutes Dept. of Water & power crews are blocking both streets and setting up to tear up the streets.
All work stops and we watch.

We were on the scaffold Sunday afternoon quietly eating lunch watching the film crew work.
Watched Eddie Murphy get thrown out of a big window,twice...or his stunt man.
Everyone was there.

Monday noon we have scaffold down & we are done. Pictures taken.
David takes me to his hangout.
Lunchtime at the Bull & Bush. Off Sunset.
I have known the owners since I was in diapers.
Dave has an open stool on the end of the bar,at all times.

We are eating lunch. I had Dover sole and a beer. Place is always busy.
Everyone who is anyone in LA at the time went there.
Cops, movie stars, sports people. I met Ali there...

Sitting sipping cold tap beer.
A whole new bunch comes in and tries to get a table...LOL

The movie guys.
Dave whispers to the owner. He goes to the guys sitting next to me and tells them to hit the road,they had enough.
4 stools open for the movie guys.
Eddie Murphy sits next to me and says "howdy." Starts to order a drink.
Rodger tell him his money is no good here.
He places a Johnny Walker black, neat in front of him and says, "lunch is on David."

I had switched to coffee. I drank and they drank.
I drove us home in Dave's 65' Porche.

The next spring I took Dave and aunt Pebble to watch Beverly Hills Cop.
Dave had no idea of who Eddie Murphy was til that day.
90's,afternoon thunderstorms.

Could be a record year, for green chile.
Saw a roaster going last week. Early.
Water & heat=big chiles.

Smokey from AZ fires.
Cloud cover in mornings.
SW NM is very green. 2 more months of monsoons.

Fat sausage racks showing up.
Healthy cows and calves.

Dotti has found the chipmunks.
Barking at them. Hair raised.
Good girl.
Her bone pile has grow to cover her bed.
Need to dump them outside again. Let her thin the favorites.

Trying to get her to sleep on her bed in the crate.
She races in and comes out with bones,treats.
Last 2 nights she has come in and slept on the extra pillows...not in the cage. LOL

Pretty much housebroken.
Grown twice her size in 3 weeks.
Still trying to bite my face and ears,playing. Turn to licks after a NO.
Leash training going,sort of. She naturally heals off on a walk.
Flips out with the leash attached.
Little steps.

Got weeds down and moved beams and posts.
Hardware,screws & nails out on a pallet to be covered in emergency. Close to work.
Sharpened chisels.

Gilbert called last night. Hurt back Thursday,but got 2 model hogans built over the weekend.
He say's Wed. they'll be here.

Dotti sits in the doorway,patiently waiting for her porches.
Jumps next to me and she edits this note. With her paw...
Dotti had her 1st kill...
sort of.
She found the mouse I chucked that had drowned last night in her waterbowl.
Drop it is in the lingo now.
Prying open jaws is method.

27 lbs.
3 months old.
On track to be a 60+lb gal.

Crew on way.
Should be fun when stringlines go up.
I'll crate her while strings are up. Dogs and strings are a no go.
More leash and truck time today.

Long day tomorrow with a ride to Alb. to drop off Tacoma for new bumpers and lights fixed. Bring back neighbors truck,rebuilt suspension.

My mechanics wife got bit by a tick during their CO fishing trip.
4 trips to one ER and nothing. I sent him to my hospital and they instantly jumped into action.
On heavy antibiotics and not on her death bed anymore. Rocky Mtn.Tick Fever.

He had never heard of ticks...NM guy.
I have only seen one in all my years hunting & hiking here. On a Gila elk 8 years ago.
On heavy antibiotics and not on her death bed anymore. Rocky Mtn.Tick Fever.
Wow! Spring bear, seems my clothing sprayed down with my former horse permethrin jugs, and I'll still find a tic burrowed. Thankfully only one on occasion though many that surround as I'm perched glassing.

To think of Rocky Mountain Tick Fever hitting, rough! Glad she gained the treatment/antibiotics necessary.

Sounds as though Dotti is quite the character! Haha! Great to hear and ALWAYS enjoyable following along with your posts.
Just now catching up on this thread.
I am so sorry to hear about Rio.
You two were a pair.
Dotti had her 1st kill...
sort of.
She found the mouse I chucked that had drowned last night in her waterbowl.
Drop it is in the lingo now.
Prying open jaws is method.

27 lbs.
3 months old.
On track to be a 60+lb gal.

Crew on way.
Should be fun when stringlines go up.
I'll crate her while strings are up. Dogs and strings are a no go.
More leash and truck time today.

Long day tomorrow with a ride to Alb. to drop off Tacoma for new bumpers and lights fixed. Bring back neighbors truck,rebuilt suspension.

My mechanics wife got bit by a tick during their CO fishing trip.
4 trips to one ER and nothing. I sent him to my hospital and they instantly jumped into action.
On heavy antibiotics and not on her death bed anymore. Rocky Mtn.Tick Fever.

He had never heard of ticks...NM guy.
I have only seen one in all my years hunting & hiking here. On a Gila elk 8 years ago.
I had RM tick fever in '84. Misery for 4 months. Thanks for keeping us posted, Hank. Shinin' times.
Crew showed up and I tired to explain my plans and set up stringlines ...

So I had to leave and go get meds.
Came back to out of square and sloping deck...half of it.
These guys have never seen full demension lumber before.
Prefab builders...or sumpin.

Schooling ensued. I did not blow up. I told them it was my fault and expected too much.
I had planned to reset all points and elevations.
Hopefully they have not cut all good boards for who knows what...

I had to leave Thurs. by 0930 and locked the gate on way out. I went to drop off Tacoma and pick up Dennis' truck. Passed them heading to Grants.
Talked to dad and explained. Stop until Mon. and we'll get it fixed. Make it work. My fault.
Dotti had stayed home in the crate/cage.

I sat and pondered. Dotti ran up and down,in and out of the house. Brought half her bones out on the deck. Played.
Dennis walked down Friday and we set elevations and pondered what to do.
Drank coffee in chairs on the deck.
Dennis played with Dotti and I came up with a plan. Salvage job now.
Life these days.LOL

I had been noticing my left eye was weepy and a little out of focus. New peepers installed last Nov.
I called clinic and set a date for year post op April. A tech would call back. And did.
Gal said I have an opening Sat. at 0900. Check eyes and see what DR says.
I was there at quarter to 9 and at ten til a tech called my name.
Everything is fine. I should be using eye drops more and the left eye is only a point or so below so I have 20/25...?
Doc ( a doll,like the tech) said everything is fine. No problems really. You might need to up the readers to 2.25 for fine work.
She just became a dobie puppy owner too. Lots to talk about there.

Home by 12:30 and Dotti and I enjoyed the rain off and on all day.
Had hoped to smoke bacon today but that is on hold until Tues with less chance of rain and Monday passes with building lesson for const. crew.
I'll have to keep my cool.

No one is effing up my life.

Dotti has her bedroom blanket and every free item to play with in living room. On her bed.
Going to pick out the socks & such and dump the bed outside.

I think I need a slice of pie. Ponder things today.
Suns peeking through clouds. Rain stopped ,for now.
Right eye dominate and crystal clear perfect vision.
For enjoying the view from decks...LOL
Light rain @0400. Stars starting to show.
Coyotes right out front.
Clearing until later this afternoon. 12 hrs to smoke bacon.
Get it going. On by 0630. 6 slabs.

Gilbert, the shed guy, texted me back. I had said I will fix it myself.
"That bad?" ...yes. Told him to send me bill for time. He declined.

My bro called back Sunday. I thought he would maybe offer to come out and help.
...he just reminded me there are no more journeymen carpenters.
"Can't afford to pay twice for work. Done right. Get a competent tape and board holder."
He's right. I'll see if my wood guy is free for a couple days.
Retired guide. Guided in the Gila for 35 years.
He can use some $ I'm sure.

Scored a slice of blueberry and peach. 2 slices of "Keech"
Sarah gave me a big condolence hug for Rio and best wishes with Dotti. And some bacon for her & I.
Swamped as usual. Short handed. Home ec. class with local kids filling in.
Church gang filling seats.
Cowboys and travelers.

Dotti was still on her bed chewing bones when I got back.
We shared a big lunch.
Gone an hour and no problems.

90 degrees out still @4pm. A few drops here & there.
Door open, out on the "Porch" in a chair sipping joe.
Dotti does zoomies into and out of the house. Tries to drag a blanket out...spills the 1st cuppa on the rustic wood decking.
No problemo.

We got this.
I hate you had trouble with your builders. As the son of a retired shop teacher and a contractor myself, nothing gets to me more than seeing something that’s not square, level, or plumb. I can spot it a mile away and it boggles my mind that others can’t see it. Wish I was closer. I would help you get it done.