Still Kicking!

Hank, so sorry for your loss. Hope your new pup treats you well and I am sure you will treat her well.
So sorry to hear about Rio, RIP. He was lucky to spend the last half of his life with you.


There is a bridge connecting Heaven and Earth.
It is called Rainbow Bridge because of its many splendid colors.
Just this side of Rainbow Bridge there is a land of meadows, hills,
and valleys with lush, green grass.
When beloved pets die, they go to this place.
There is always food and water and warm spring weather.
The old and frail animals are young again.
Those who are maimed are made whole again.
They play all day with each other.
There is only one thing missing.
They are not with their special person who loved
them on earth.
So each day they run and play.
Until the day comes when one suddenly stops playing and looks up!

The nose twitches.
The ears are up!
The eyes are staring.
And this one suddenly runs from the group.
You have been seen!
And when you and your special friend meet,
you take him in your arms and embrace.
Your face is kissed again and again and again,
and you look once more more into the eyes of your trusting pet.
Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together...
Never again to be separated.

Hank, deepest sympathy for the loss of you compadre Rio. Because of your postings, we could tell how important you were to each other. The many members here who have loved and lost dogs can sort of relate, yet it seems your bond with Rio was on a deeper level. We understand you are fighting for your own health and life, and sense he was your closest partner in staying positive. I hope there is comfort in knowing Rio loved you entirely, lived well and is enjoying his reward. Sending strongest wishes for strength, resolve and moments of peace.
Cried while I set up the funeral pyre just now.
A final pet and good bye.

I would not have known about the cancer if he hadn't knocked me over that day 4 years ago. He went thru it all with me.
While I got better,he grew old.
He gave me it.

He gave me the best. Of Me.
I lost one a year ago in August and man this hit me in the gut. Sorry for the loss Hank, hope you get some rain soon
Ranks right up there as one of the toughest experiences in life. I’m dang sorry to hear this. Looking forward to hearing more about the new pup as time passes
There seems to be a few blurry screens in here today over a dog most of us only knew through your words and adventures Hank. Those words truly told the story of your bond and friendship with Rio! I hope the next few weeks are filled with all the good memories of your adventures together.
93 again. Almost clouds, off and on all day.

Shop done minus a couple trim pieces.
Clean job site.
2 days and they show up early in the morning. All day,work.

I told Gilbert that since he burdened me with a puppy, they had to come back and help me build the porches. I will be busy...LOL
No problemo.
He'll bring his elec. guy & install my panel and wire it.

Finally got some sleep.

She got out of bed and followed me and sat at the door. Whined.
I took her back to her bed and this time she stayed.
I checked in on her in the middle of the night and she is on the loveseat, alseep.
She's right there next to me now. Asleep,for now.
One small pile this morning...I was

Took her out at sunrise and she followed me down the steps, slowly. She's a bit front heavy.
Ran right back into the house and tried again.
Got half way,swayed and just vaulted off.
Landed 4 feet from the steps...LOL.
She can fly up them already.

She has her spot under the pinions and does her business. On her own.
The deadly needle toothed wiggleworm.
She drew blood on my hand and after an ow she licked the blood away.

We'll try a truck ride in a bit and find out the thunder reactions later.
Good chance the monsoons are back in the west mountains.

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