
Jason Lee's First Elk Hunt!!!!.........

Now Mark, don't go confusing the issue! I was speaking solely of flying out to help you pack the cow out once you shot it! I wasn't suggesting that you allow me to fill your tag... come on! I don't want to get a bad rep on Moosie's forum! :rolleyes:
Hey ...smokin' Grizz!.....packin in pot!....straying into the Park!....yeah, I'll do some things.....but party hunting! :eek: ...those guys are the worst scum alive! :mad: ...I do have my boundarys ya know ;)
just kicking this Idea around for now

mauser 98 action
hart barrle
McMillian stock

Thats about as far as I got.

I feel sorry for the poor bastard that has to start at the beginning of this thread to see what we are talking about :rolleyes:
JASON.... TRUST me.. I've read this thread twice and Still don't know what you're talking about ;)

INDY.......NO bad rep.... ;)

DS, YAH, I know more about what goes in between the lines then what's actually posted !!!! Sometimes it's hard to remember what the difference is *WINK* !!!!

There's a real good gunsmith on 16th St. just East of the Motor Speedway, Custom Guns by Verne Trester. He's done a lot of work for me over the years...

Thanks Moosie.. I feel better now.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-08-2002 17:09: Message edited by: IndyJay ]</font>
INDY.. you drinkin' ?!?!

There's a real good gunsmith onb 16th St. (onb ?)

He's don a lot of work for me over the years... (don?)

MAN... MAYBE this IS "Con~tajus" ;)
Damn Indy...ya know your having a bad day when da moose is correcting your spelling! :eek:

Ray.....maybe your friend took all the signs so the boundary won't be too well marked ;)

We'll know we've gone a little far when we hit the Lamar Valley...... :rolleyes:
Hey DS, I'll volunteer to help you pack out the cow if you want to go? It would have to be the end of Jan though. I should be healed up enough from my surgeries by then.. :eek:

Jason Lee, have you talked to Greeny about his Remington custom shop .300 rum? You might pick his brain about that one. I am considering getting one of those.
I've had three guns from Remington's custom shop and I never found them to be any more accurate that the off-the-shelf BDL's.... but hey, this isn't supposed to be about hunting, right?

What kind of a turd do you think a human arm would make after be cycled through a grizzly?
I would still like a Model 7 with a 22' barrel in .358 Win, but not if the Custom Shop doesn't do good work. Otherwise, I'll just go to a "real" custom shop.

As to part 2, I guess it depends on how long the fingernails are...real or fake...painted or au nateral?
What models of Custom guns from Remington did you have? I am looking at the Alaskan Wilderness Rifle... Tell me what the deal is? What yours were like..You know everything

I think this whole Grizz thing is WAY over-rated! :rolleyes: ..........Griz's are just big pussies! :D ......and I think the first time Jason goes after one, he'll fold up like an acordian!......and I'll be able to see this clearly from atop my horse across the way!

..and like I always say.....a dead bear just don't scare me much :cool: :D

Thanks for the offer Bo, but I'm just not sure whether to go after another elk or not. Maybe the Christmas break will find me more eager. Either way, I helped out The wyo Game Dept buy buying the tag! ;)

......and I have confidence this thread will hit 100 posts in the next hour or so

Bowman, take a look at the custom shop Mt. rifle, it's a pound or two lighter.

Jason, don't let thoses grizz stories spook ya none. After eating DS's cooking, and taking a few dumps around camp, all the bears and most of da elk will be running for the next county-up wind
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