Jason Lee's First Elk Hunt!!!!.........

In an effort to help get to five pages, this little escaped has turned real sour real fast...

Who pissed in who's cornflakes??

To quote a line from my favorite movie, "What we have here is a failure to communicate!"

Batches, we don need no stinking batches! As for DS' previous post... a self-inflicted case of "monkey-butt"? Not by this Flatlander!

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-13-2002 12:13: Message edited by: IndyJay ]</font>
Just a point of order here... Cali, I'm just stirring schit on the Hanoi Jane post in the adult section! I don't for a second agree with what she's done...

Ammo is a good idea! Just one bullet is all he'll need though!
But you'd still do her wouldn't you Indy? ;) .....uh, don't answer that :rolleyes:

Now as to that bullet......should we let Jason carry it himself, or should I do like Andy Griffith did and keep til the opportune time and then give it over to him?
DS... If y'all were Real hunters.. YOU would use Ninja throwing stars, like W.W. and me did this year.....
Nope Moosie..I haven't earned my Nnja suit yet......gotta smoke a big one to get that. Maybe this season ;)

Cali......the jury is still out on Jason.....we've neither elk hunted with him nor had sex with him yet, but a full report will be forth-coming you can be assured! :D
Indy....even at the risk of losing the respect of thne boys down in the porn section! :confused: ..that would be the worst! :rolleyes:
Don't ever grow up DS, you'll lose your boyish charm.

Indy, if Jane ever offers, do it in a way that she won't enjoy.

Jason, I hope you learned some thing here.
Yepper Moosie.......Jason dropped the big bucks on a few high dollar guided hunts. Somebody get the word out to Blowcan so he can contact the authorities. There may be some illegal outfitting going on here
...Dumper still visits here, maybe he can be the liason(Dumper, that means you can tell Blowcan

Jason MAY be tagging some shit, and it won't be from a truck or near a road. Might even try for the fabled "Wyo Slam"
Either way, Jason opted against going with Blowcan Outfitting International, and decided to go with another "low-profile" outfit....he said something about wanting a guide that was partially sober
......we'll see how it all turns out

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 03-28-2003 08:52: Message edited by: Deerslayer ]</font>
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