Jason Lee's First Elk Hunt!!!!.........

I like worms. Remember, i got burned by an outfitter once too.......My pocketbook still hurts.
Schmalts, YAH, I know you were....

IS "POOPER" .. YOOP ? DS ? HEHE.. What a charicater he turned out to be.. You're not banned from his place now are ya? I thought he was buddying buddying up to ya, And you were almost planning to move there and become a copper like him
I haven't dropped by his site in awhile... LAst thing I read was He locked ol' Thumper out, I fuggin DIED laughing.. Once it started, It kept going, HE must have broke a sweat typing in all the IP #'s
LIke Thumper, I can Dial in to his place but it Blows so hard slow wise with a Cable or DSL that I never get around to it with a DIALUP... And he's LOCKED out my 2 fast conections.. Being a Cop he's flexing his Cyber Muscles
I got a Email from Thump too.. QUITE funny the whole situation

Anyways, Glad Jason gets to Chase an ELK this year, But don't be braggin too much yet DS, YOU know like I do that even the best of us get skunked
OK OK... maybe not, but it could happen, even with your expertise
So Yooper banned Thumper!!!
That's great! Maybe I should try to join Yoop's club!

DS, Yup, be careful about counting those elk before they hatch! A forest fire could wipe out your whole area and a drought could move the elk 50 miles and a million other things can go wrong! Prepared for heavy snows this year?
Burk..wasn't counting them before they were tagged, just going out on a limb that with a couple of hunts with Jason, something is bound to hit the dirt
....or maybe not
I think a little optimism is a good thing leading into a hunt. There is always that chance you will eat the words right along with the tag.....unless your Moosie

Either way, I think Jason made the right decision

I don't think Dumper is banned Moosie....just had a thread locked. But as far as I know, he hasn't been banned like Pug has.

Moosie, as far as Yooper and his board......no, I never said anything about moving there. You and I have already had this conversation, and I told you I would keep posting there as well as here, so don't let it bother you. I ain't backstabbing you, I just want to post there as well, if that's alright with you.

Schmalts.......hahahhahah......I guess you could say that. Actually, about everyone on 5 or 6 boards has had a falling out with this guy.
He has been banned from every board he ever went to. Yoop's board was his "Alamo" (last stand) as a friend recently told me.......and now he has managed to phuck that up too. Since he was banned, and he and I were in a pretty good exchange of ideas, I decided since I know he reads this board everyday
it would be a good chance for me to say hi to him

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 03-28-2003 08:50: Message edited by: Deerslayer ]</font>
LOL DS, I said nothing about you moving there, Just asked if he banned you like he did ALL the others
My bad Moosie.....when you said "DS, I thought he was buddying buddying up to ya, And you were almost planning to move there and become a copper like him ".......when you said that in your above post I thought that you meant I was almost planning to move there and become a copper like him
I post there once in a while, as I still like Hunterjohn, Chambo is there once in a while and I get along with Yooper. So I don't think anyone thinks you're a traitor or anything, Mark! (Well they may think you are "something" all right - but not a traitor.
I meant WISCONSIN.... Or were ever he lives

HE was always calling you a ... WELL, he didn't say the nicest things about you when you decided to pick up stakes in Louisiana to move close to Encampment because you met some guy from the net. Although he knows the reason, It was still a running joke.

SO, With your Encampment buddy out the picture, I was teasing you to move up to Yoopers state (NOT HIS WEBSITE) and Become a COP like him... Becasue You were gonig to be a outfitter in Wyoming but now you cant (WINK). I knew you posted there already, LIKE cali said, 3 people have posted there !!!!!

GET IT ? Man, I thought you caught ALL the inside jokes

PS, If you replied to my Email, Use [email protected] , I fugged up my other account for a few days
SEE my post in Fireside
Ol' Yoop lives in the UP...Upper penninsula of Michigan....but Wisconsin is close, what's in a few hundred miles right?!~

I would only become a cop at a prison if it was women's prison
.....and I probably couldn't pull it off for but for a year or so before they had me up on "miss-conduct" charges
.same reason I couldn't be a state trooper......because I would be tradin' The good looking ladys out of their tickets for a blow job....hey, at least I'm honest

And Moosie, I dumped the guiding job while Blowcan Industrys was still afloat, so it's not like I was forced out
......I just had trouble keeping up the job requirements..ie, drinking a fifth a day, shooting accurately through the cab of a truck, etc. etc.......it's a damn tough gig, and I just wasn't cut from the right metal

One more thing on Yoop.....he and I have had our differences, but I believe there is a mutual respect there, and that is the difference I think.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 03-28-2003 17:27: Message edited by: Deerslayer ]</font>
DS, I'm guessing the Differences are in the Past, I'm guessing it won't be long till you guys share a beer or two or even a hunt.... It's funny how the World spins !!!

HELL, Someday him and Me might sit down....

And, Someday Ithica and MD4me might.... and someday you and BOYK....... NEVER mind, I'm pretty sure that won't happen
Hell, bring it up! That's a good story that deserves to be repeated....

So Jason, sounds like your dance card is filling up quite nicely this fall! You're gonna have sore feet and a freezer full of good meat!

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