Jason Lee's First Elk Hunt!!!!.........

Boman... I certainly don't claim to know everything but.... I've had three Custom KS Mountain rifles. .270, .280, and 30.06. All required trigger jobs to increase my ability to shoot them more accurately. None were as accurate as a Browning A-Bolt Stainless Stalker 7mm Rem that required a trigger job and some glass bedding for a price about $200 less than the Rems... just my experience...
Ok will do Anaconda..

Indyjay, thanks as well. Very interesting to me that their custom gun would need that much work..

Ok back to the subject.. Where do I get one of those hats..How much beer can you get in one of those and how do you keep from spilling the beer? as the commercial goes.. Its all about the beer.. :D
Don't want to get too far off the topic, Boman. Don't get me wrong on the Custom Shop Rems... they're nice guns, they're very light weight but I prefer a sub-3lb trigger pull and these came just a little heavier than that.

Now, who said "beer"... cold and free are my two favorites!
..I owe you a shipment of Fat Tire.....I'll get it to you before the Holidays ;)
A bet is a bet(Fuggin Broncos).... ;)

Well...4 pages of good info that will no doubt be invaluable to Jason Lee on his first elk hunt!...If I had this kinda help on my first one, it might not have taken me so long to harvest an elk! :D

Jason......this kind of outpouring from a forum of your bretheren let's ya know just how much your loved man!....but you syill can't have my Bud! :cool:
Since ya taking ponies, pick a lightweight saddle, So when ya shoot that fugging horse you don't mind packing a light saddle out on your own.
Now, why would he need to shoot a horse? So far, the horses have been our saving grace......dragging all our shit in, and a bunch of dead elks out!.......they have been the one constant.....so I would really hate to see one of them shot.....
Indyjay, no problem. I appreciate the info. it's hearing this stuff from guys like you that helps make decisions for guys like me. first hand experience is so much better than hearsay..You know.. Plus you've got great taste in beer!

Have you guys tried Sunshine Wheat beer from New Belgium? I like it too. It used to taste like the Fat tire tastes now. I ordered a Barrel of it... that's right a barrel of it for my graduation...beer...good..
No problem Lost......advice is still free....except the good advice..it's $20 a line.....thankfully the bill for these 4 pages of info will not amount to much! :eek:

Bo...if they brew it.we've tried it in our elk camps!.....two years ago we had like 10 cases, and no two 6 packs were the same! :D ...and yes, we did manage to go 4 for 5 on elk, so we kept it all in perspective! :cool:
Bo... I brought back 7 cases of Fat Tire and one case of Sunshine Wheat! Even managed to turn a slight profit on it!

Tough to beat a belly full of gumbo, a roaring fire and a cold Fat Tire... of course, any blow job I've ever had beats all three hands down!
keep trying Cali and you will have 5 pages before you know it.