Jason Lee's First Elk Hunt!!!!.........

Would love to hook up with some inside info on that area. Give me an e-mail if ya want.
Oh chit!!! It's friggin Beer30>over and out. I'm 25 minutes late for it already. CRAP
RAYBOW.. you moving to Montana ? I missed that post !!!

DS, HELL, YOU know I would rather shoot a spike with you then one of them Honey hole "FIRES" with a nasty big looking bull around it like this :


YOU know I would BRO ;)
Moosie...your full of shit! :D ..but then, that's no newsflash! :eek:
Here's your "luck" Ray ;)

Yes Dan..I got those pix......and they are great! I will put the phoyographic evidence of just how much skill it takes to gut a bull while sipping a cold one takes! :D

One thing about me...no matter how far I'm in...there's always a cold beer around!
...hell, I packed it with me on that sheep pack in on foot!

Randy....did you get your elk up there in 20?...never heard?
LOL! :D ,.........good point brother!

I figure the plan will go something like this.....we'll go in...will start laying down some cover fire......then pick it up with a heavier onslaught of lead being laid down.....kill all the shit we can the first day or two......pile it up for A Grizz attractor......then back off a few thousand meters and wait......if they wanna play, they'll have to pay.......the Grizz may be back on the endanger list before we get outta there :eek:
well, i thought long and hard(like my dick) about which gun to take...after that last post from ds I have figured which one....Gonna take the bushmaster ar-15. with about 10-30 round mags.....

on another note

So this pirate walks into a bar and he's got a steering wheel attached to his crotch. The bartender says "Dude, do you know you have a steering wheel attached to your crotch?". The pirate says "Aaaarrrrrgh...it's drivin' me nuts"

You guys are gonna have to work harder if this is going to be 5 pages of worthless info:D
Jason: Jay's on the right track, but use a slow burning powder, that'll make the 'smoke' linger if there's any wind.

DS: My CO hunt didn't put anything in my freezer, but I sure got into a bunch of them, just couldn't connect. My hunt was in 19, my dad & brother are hunting 20 next month (maybe if I offer to help them 'pack it out" they'll help me fill the void in my freezer
I cut the living "$#%&" out of my thumb :mad: and it greatly handicaps my typing (and when you're "all thumbs"--like me-- you were handicapped to start with :D ).
After I heal-up abit, I tell the details (about my hunt, not my thumb --it was a good hunt though ;) ) --it's taken me forever just to type this!
300 RUM ????? oh yea its already a proven elk killing machine thanks Jason hehehehehehe
Yea...I'll be needing that back....just getting ready to call the police and tell them that a guy that lives in Iowa stole it...and if I look some where I have his address......hum........Just kidding.....off to the gunsmith I go this week
Nothing, I sold that to 2fold when I bought my motorcycle in july.

I am going to have a gun build for me if I can scrounge the money up. Talked to a gun in Greenwood that said just about everything that I wanted to hear when he was making his spill for a custom rifle so Im going to go down there and check some of his work out.

Probably go with the 300 rum again since I still have the brass, bullets and dies to reload with.

only 2 1/2 more pages to go so moosie can get his wish:D
Bou....got your mail and here is your heads up on that,......I know you have a very high security clearance with my government, so I am not sure if this note was supposed to be in code or what?! ;)

Indy......I think ol' Jason is having an "Elk-whacker" built. He is indicating he wants something new for this trip..imagine that! :D ...any old excuse!

Randy....shit!...you shoulda come by when you were here!......I had 4 elks in the freezer, and have alreadu given 3 plus away!
A guy is coming by for a quarter or two yomorrow...but if any is left, your sure welcome to it! I am mostly in it just to kill schit......care less about the tablefare, and always make sure my friends get plenty. Heck, I have a late season Wyo cow tag that runs into January, but I have no desire at the moment to whack one...so "i'll most likely just eat the non-res cow tag :rolleyes: .....I thought I would like to do that hunt when I bought it last year.......but after a pretty good season...my sheep, Indy's bull I helped him with, my bull and cow, dan's bull and cow...well, let's just say my "kill glands" were satisfied for a while. Now if that tag was for a bull!!!!!!I'd be on it! :eek:

Moosie...this info is only useless....well, to those that can't use it. Heck, I'm copying it word for word!...there is a wealth of knowledge hidden deep within these 3 pages...

I've got a bunch of (71)30 cal. 180gr. Failsafes I'll give you for the price of the PT's cover charge and a couple beers! Who's the guy in Greenwood? Does he live just S. of 465 off the 31 exit? Can't think of his name but I've heard great things about him..

DS... I'd consider flying out to help fill that Wyo cow tag! I ain't killed near enough schit this year!
Now Indy.....you know party hunting is illegal.....and the unit it is near the park. It's not 81, but it is still a ways over. It goes unti January and Buzz has one as well.....we are supposed to do some scouting, I'll just have to see how my time goes.....

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