Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Jason Lee's First Elk Hunt!!!!.........

Probably a pretty damn accurate vision of me and Jason in the backcountry, Elky!!!! :D :D :D
Keep it going guys. I am laughing my ass off..Love the hat

DS, ah come on now weatherby's are not so expensive. you can get the synthetic version for $650. Not bad i'd say. Or you could be like me and get one as a gift..! :D

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-05-2002 18:02: Message edited by: Boman ]</font>
I was only there once when Dirk and Cole Ross were guiding in that area. A buddy of mine was being guided by them and he paid my way to tell him what I thought about his chances. I hunted with one of the guides that couldn't even bugle. He wouldn't get more than a couple miles from the trail. We then went up what was called 7 mile ridge and the dumb ass got lost! Go figure. The positive side to this was that I did see some elk asses and some nice mulies. we were getting up toward the top of the ridge and I told him he needed to slow down as the sign was getting fresh and they would probably be bedded at the head of the draw where the wind would swirl. Them big bulls like that. It's a built in alarm system for em. I was thinking I might try and get back over there somewhere for a good mulie hunt this next year. I was impressed with the bucks but I don't think there were any monster bulls in the general area from what I seen.
Yeah....LOL..I know all about the guides that are hired that can't even bugle!.....Hell, I was hired as a guide a few years ago, and had never even seen the country I was guiding in! :eek: hunter definitely knew more about elk hunting than I did at that point! I was able to learn a shitload....FROM THE HUNTER I WAS GUIDING!LOL :D .......and he did tip me at the end of the hunt, because I got off my ass and hiked him all over intil we got in a shitpile of bulls!....I retired from the guiding industry the next year........about the time I learned how to elk hunt!LOLOL :D ;)

Ray, if you do decide to come down....I'd be glad to gather some intel for you on that area from my buddies......they know a lot about that country, and may have some good genral info you may could use......
Crap DS.. You ARE right.... :D :D

(I think thats my standard answer from now on ;))

YAH... If any post stays too serious for to long I'd kick the guys of fmy board !!! Carry on CLAN :D :D

HOW much for one of them hats ?!?!? I can just picture DS and Jason Lee up in the Hills around a campfire with them on with those Stickers I sent out in a membership package !! HAHA Around a campfire and Drinking beer that they packed in 20 miles back from the road....

NOW, I picture that... then I picture me sitting next to them
Now Moosie...I was intending on inviting you...actually did picture you next to us, but I know your about as hooked up as condom in a whorehouse where hunting Montanny goes! :D have made it to the next level bud!...left us little guys behind! ;)

...or, you could come pack Jason in and I will take your spot in the Monster Bull Paradise Hole......yeah, that could work

LOL!!! think Yellowstone is ready for another fire!?! :eek: .we may just burn us a trail out of there! :D ...that be cool to see that much fire while we sitting around phucked up on Maui-Wowie!......Jason seems to be hung up on the "big bull" thing.....I think he's a catchin' the fever! that Rig you posted a pic of earlier the rig you guys are taking on next year's "Jackson Run"! :eek:
Uh,,,negatory on that recording request there Nut!..........might be incriminating eveidence on there! :eek: two whacked out potheads cruising the Lamar Valley with rapid Gunfire being their only source of heat and light! :eek: :eek: much attention do you think gunfire in Lamar Valley would bring? :cool: ......
Don't you guy's shoot your whole wad on the first course before you get up in the hills, or the outing won't be any fun... :D
Elkhunter, cool idea with the hat. Not bad, but you're not thinking right You can only support 24-32oz's at one time. My solution, 100oz camel pack of moose drool(some Montanny beer). Drinking that much beer thru a straw really kicks.:D

And as for the whacky weed, I would suggest special brownies
, that way you can keep going all day. You would'nt have to worry about spooking Elk by lighting up, just keep smacking away. Before long you'll be in the spirit world and they won't even be able to see you (trivia/what movie was that in)

And Jason remember, when you're really fugged up, I mean completely blasted, take a look at DS, don't he look like a bull elk. Right there in front of you! :D :D
I'll garentee you ol DS can gut a bull with a beer in one hand, we got photographic proof!
And don't get me started on farting...if you stuck a cowcall up his ass at 3am, you'd have a whole herd of bulls around your tent by daybreak.
(hey DS, did you ever get thoses photos I sent ya ?)

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-05-2002 22:52: Message edited by: Anaconda ]</font>
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