PEAX Equipment

Jason Lee's First Elk Hunt!!!!.........

Jason.... if you like coffee in the morning, bring your own! Bring plenty of d-cell batteries for Marks' old jam box, and a spare o-ring or two for the propane heater!

Oh, yeah... for God's sake, whatever you do, DO NOT bring canned beer! You think those horses are packed down heavy... just show up with a 12-pack of Coor's Light cans! ;)
As I'm laughing my ass off, some how I get the feeling you guys are taking jabs at me :rolleyes: ....that is some funny shcit!

Elky..where can I get one of those buggys!?

Yep Ray...mostly grits, with just a few cuts of bacon ;)'ve never hunted with me so you still think you can beleive what I say! :D

Dan is right about me getting in a hurry.....I think that is the only time I got edgy with him on our trip.....When I'm up...I'm gone.....when he's's time for the hour long ritual getting from the tent to the back of the horse. I do get in a hurry when sitting idle.....I can't stand not being out there hunting.....

Canned beer is fine Jason ;) Indy was on one of those candy assed "hunt from the road" hunts, so I insisted on bottled beer. :rolleyes:

Randy, as far as what part of the rent goes to the horses......a boot up their ass works just great.......Dan and Indy can attest to this fact.......I don't take shit of my ponies, and they know it. When I saddle up, no problems.....they get a sweet boy saddling up, KATY BAR THE DOOR!...they can tell the difference in a hurry
What is wrong with hunting from the road? That is my favorite way to hunt along with behind fences. :D
So I would bring bottles. Only way to have a beer.

Geez just think of the response ya could get at other forums for posting that
:D Oh and Jason make sure ya get the "full curl effect" :eek:

You forgot to mention your spot light! Personally, I use one with at least 1,000,000 candle power. :D :D

I guess guys don't know the challenge of driving, and drinking, and trying to shoot out the window of your truck without spilling the beer! :D ;)
You guys are cracking me up with this thread. Sounds to me like Jason Lee will be just fine. If I may make a suggestion on the gun.. treat yourself to a .340 weatherby. They are fun to shoot and will handle an elk and a griz just fine. I love mine with all my peepee.. But if not your .280 would work fine I magine..

DS, yep we can work something out. I'll email you when I finally get done hunting this year. I've got my last chance at a cow this weekend. I hope alittle more snow comes..A teacher of mine used to say: Answers are a dollar. Good answers are $5 and the right answer is $20...
Bo...Good thing there are not many right answers around here! :eek: :D ........that could get expensive! ;)

I know full well the talents you guys put on display having to balance a drink and get a shot off through the window at the same time!...and it gets even tougher when doing it at night! :eek:

Ray......I don't get down that way much as I have found some great hunting farther to the west...but I am real familiar with the area.
Good sheep and goat hunting down there as well. I have some buddies that hunt there is that the area of Colorado you like to hunt?
I have a feeling this topic will be the first to reach more then 5 pages of Useless info ;)

I wouldn't go so far as to call it "useless"... after all,he's not asking which hat to wear. :rolleyes: Or which pajamas...and the bibs or pants question has been resolved by his lack of ass.
I agree, not totally "useless", anybody think spurs are important? I thought that would be an especially useful suggestion. :rolleyes: DS says there's grizzlies after 'em, so you may consider sleeping with the boots and spurs on also, there's another suggestion!
Actually, his lack of ass problem could be solved by suspenders, which would allow him to wear pants. The spurs are a good idea if the bear starts eating at that end.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> You think the drinking/driving/shooting part without beer wastage is hard, hell, try field dressing those guys with a one handed beer handicap. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Not to worry guys, not to worry. We now can do it all and maybe, just maybe, Moosie will incorporate these into his fine selection of Hunt Talk hats. This is what every hunter has been waiting for. This is available now in the blaze orange style for your safety while out drinking/driving/shooting. One can never be too careful. This would look very cool in the woods and especially if there is any PETA folks around. Have the Hunt Talk logo on the front, your Hunt Talk handle on the back and two of your favorite drinks on the sides.

That could work Elky!

And Moosie......has there been a topic on your board that went more than a half a page that actually had USEFUL information on it?......I must have missed it if it was! :D
Hell, this kind of bullshitting is what got us all dumped from HIS in the first place :eek: Joshy Baby can't have these types of topics on a "serious" hunting either talk about his hunts over there are your traeding on thin ice..... :rolleyes:

Anyway...I think the pot idea is a marvelous one Jason!....can you imagine sitting around a campfire......hearing schit in the bushes while your toking a bong......betting on weather the noise is a Grizz or not, then just busting out laughing at the prospect that it might be! :D ......better than shittin' your pants! :cool: ...and I'm not sure regular drug laws apply to 20 miles in the backcountry....
...unless your crossing the Rio in south Texas ;)

...and wear your wool...your flannel....or your camo for that matter.....I'm not sure a Grizz cares much about what his snacks are wrapped in! :eek:
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