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If you pay $8000 for an Elk, is it a Trophy?

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Moosie, don't ya just love a good debate?



<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Those of us who don't think shooting an animal behind a fence is really hunting are not going to change our minds about that. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

REALLY ? WOW, I thought Everyone was Gonig to change their minds here.....

Has anyone "EVER" changed their minds in a internet debate ?

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Yesterday I hiked about 200 yards off the road before spotting a doe deer and killing it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Doe hunting shouldn't even be 'Classified' as Hunting. It's worse then Hunting a Game ranch !!!! You should be ashamed of yourself Oak. (By the way, What did it weigh ?)

Either way, When I shoot this Elk I win, I'll post pictures
Sh!t, the rest of us would be happy with TWO hookers that Slydog would set us up with,.. but NO... It takes Greenhorn THREE hookers to get him impressed.

(And Greenhorn, unlike Elk, the biggest Hooker ain't necessarily gonna be the best...

And if you really want to know if iti is hunting, just ask one simple question: Do you need a hunting license? If the answer is No, then it is not hunting, as defined by the Legislators of Idaho. Therefore, Legally, Sly is not offering an Elk Hunt, merely the opportunity to shoot something in a pasture.
#1 elkgunner, I'm not offering anything, go back and read, you must have missed that part while you were telling us how ethecal you are.

#2 Its funny to me how people who are against this and say they would never do it, have never been put in the position where they need that kind of help or opertunity.

#3 To say its shoot something on a pasture shows you have no idea what you are talking about and that makes me giggle

#4 as to the numbers game, I did the research you can to.

#5 I'm not slaming you for your feelings about this topic, I do think you should expieriance it first hand before you slam it or ME.

#6 as to my ethics,,, I was against this whole thing before I accompanied a disabled hunter on one of the hunts and found out just how much work it was, for myself. It changed how I thought about it and I'm sure that it would change most peoples thinking.

My ehtics are strong and if for one moment I felt that this was wrong I would say so. Its not for everyone and not all game ranches are un-ethical, those that are should not be suported by hunters and hopefully shut down. Not all play by the rules.. if you speed should you have to walk?

#7 you question my ethics and talk about all the beer you drink around the fire. thats funny
Also compairing me to MJackson, that was funny but in a sick and twisted way and thats not funny.

This is just a joke, you pass judgment on others without having expierianced it your self, first hand. You are no diferent than the bunny hugging public who have never hunted and say its wrong. Think about it. Or are you above thought like you are above hunting in a fence. It would be diferent if it was a pasture or a two acre compound, then I would agree with you.

and last but not least,, the comment about hunting a 1 1/2 x 2 1/4 mile tract of land in one mornings hunt cracks me up...LOL... if you can hunt that much timbered forrest in 1/2 day its no wonder your flustrated and hungry.

It's funny how people can pass judgement without first hand knowledge of what they are talking about. And even more funny, how many agree with them..


Hopefully this dingleberry's idea of introducing youngsters to hunting doesn't involve game farms. Pathetic indeed.

Kids should be able to grasp the concept of success not being guarenteed as well as some things being appreciated if they are earned.

Hookers... a much more interesting subject.

Check out this trophy: GAME FARM TROPHY PHOTO
I knew it was only a matter of time before Beardown chimed in about hookers ( he likes the kind with weiners). Greeny you should have that poo put on a plaque above your toilet.
Hey Gunner, You used to have to have a Licence to Target Shoot. Was that hunting ?

And Greeny, I'm with Gunner, 2 hookers would be a trophy, 3 is just down right showing off

Geeny, Also, that Bull in the back of the truck... That looks more like a 12-15k elk, not a 8k one ...HUH ?
Personally Im not into high fence hunting but one time when I was in Colardo I had a chance to go though a 3000 acre high fence operation. Most of this fellows clients drove around till they found the elk. But for sure if you were on foot you could walk for one heck of a time and may never see a elk. So I guess its up to what your looking for in life and what you call hunting. Bill
Is there a difference between hunting on a high fence ranch versus a guided hunt on a private non-fenced ranch? If I paid a guide to find an elk, lead me to it,and tell me when to shoot, would that elk be a trophy?
HEY, It's not about the Money Doug, The NEY SAYERs already pointed that out. If someone Leads you to an Elk, As long as it's not privately owned it's a TROPHY !!!
Greenhorn your perhaps the funniest comic on this board, you have no idea who I am and yet you sling you drivel without mallise. I'm damn sure not perfect but you don't see me posting nudie pic's on a public BB for all the kids to see.

What a hypocrit,,, at least I'm making an effort to help others who need the help. It seems you are just another selfserver who likes atacking people and things you have no knowledge about. What a wast of my time.
Sly dog she isnt nekid ( I almost tripped looking for her), if you need to see what nekid is I will give you the password for the adult section.

he stated his opinion like you did, you happen to like game farms he doesnt just because you dont like what someone says doesnt mean you are being attacked.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>If one was to hunt on an island where the fence was water intsead of wire, would it make a difference?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

funny you should mention island. There was an island in washington state called anderson island, had some of the best elk and blacktail hunting in the state in the late 70's and early 80s. I always thought that it would be way to easy to hunt there so never did. I do know guys that hunted it and they said it was a heck of a hard hunt, and not near as easy as the thought it would be.

which also brings to mind the texas ram hunt,

while the place was 1 square mile most didnt even cover that it was straight up and straight down. it was some rough hunting surrounded by a high fence. I was totally against hih fenced hunts, I pictured them of what they showed on the news thats a bunch of animals in a small pen and if you did miss the one you aimed at you would hit the one next to it. After that hunt fenced hunts dont bother me for exotics, but for elk and deer I dont think I could hunt on a small place like that(white tail I could do (unless they were coming to feeders)to you dont walk around its to brushy).

if the place was 10 miles by 10 miles or more I would say it wouldnt make any difference unless your driving the area with alot of hunters.

Oscar, I'm still an amateur at this doe "hunting" thing, I forgot to weigh it.
But you should have seen that spread!

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>If someone Leads you to an Elk, As long as it's not privately owned it's a TROPHY !!!
<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>On the trophy topic I believe I said that whether or not an animal is a trophy is up to the shooter. I'll bet the deer you killed this year wasn't a trophy to you, but someone from back East who has never killed a muley would probably consider it a darn nice deer. I've killed 6 free-ranging big game animals in the last two years. I only consider one to be a trophy, and probably only to me.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Those of us who don't think shooting an animal behind a fence is really hunting are not going to change our minds about that. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>That WAS a brilliant statement by me, wasn't it?

OK, so what did I do to be called a hypocrit? Because I'm not a big rah-rah canned elk hunt guy somehow means I'm a prick that doesn't help folks?

Your stories about these 5-year old cancer patients or parapalegic ladies whose last wishes are to smoke some domesticated bull elk tied to a tree are just a pathetic attempt to justify canned hunts. It's no more believable or necessary than the hooker analogies on this thread.

Believe it or not, I do help folks and really enjoy to take kids out when I can. I took 3 youths hunting this fall.
This is funnier than hell. I can't believe SlyDog would question MY ethics!!

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> #7 you question my ethics and talk about all the beer you drink around the fire. thats funny <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Sly, you gotta explain to me how my drinking a beer around the Campfire is a bigger lapse in ethics than you hunting a High Fence. I will admidt, that sometimes the beer is crap from St. Louis and the Busch family, but that is the biggest transgression I see. But please, please, let me know the Cardnial Sin I have committed by cracking a cold one next to a fire after a day of hunting? And if it helps you to know, there has been an occasion or two, when in a restraunt, I have been known to toss back a tall frosty one. Sometimes there have even been children present. And sometimes on airline flights, I have the waitress, errr, I mean Flight Attendant, bring me a cold Heineken, and keep the next couple on Ice for me... And a couple of times, when I got demoted from the infield in Softball to the Outfield, I just carried my beer out to the field with me, and set it down on the foul line, so I could drink it between batters.

So let's see, accordiing to Sly, an Ethical hunt would involve shooting an Elk in a pasture, and not being able to enjoy a frosty brew afterwards. Yeah, that is a hunt I would be wanting to do....
Hell, I'd much rather film Greenhorn's trips to the Brothel with the Three hookers...
ElkGunner, your trouble is, you will not walk a mile in someone else's (bowling) shoes.
You ever tried to walk a mile in someone else's shoes? Every time I do, the little prick working the front counter up by the Video room tells me I can't take the bowling shoes outside of the Bowling Alley. And to walk a mile inside the bowling alley means I keep having to walk by the fat bast@rds on Lane 3 that are on their 8th plate of Chicken Wings and French Fries.

And now, thanks to Sly, I have one less reason to go bowling, as I am guessing it is un-ethical to drink beer while bowling. And for the life of me, I have never figured out how anyone can enjoy any part of bowling 'cept the drinking beer part.

And Sly, I, for one, appreciate Greenhorn's pictures of the the 1/2 nekid Hooker. I would much rather see her than one of his pictures of the Raghorn bulls he roadhunts up in Montana.

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