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If you pay $8000 for an Elk, is it a Trophy?

Oscar, how do domestic chickens affect the wild herds of free-range chickens you hunt?

Now, how do domestic elk affect the wild herds of free-range elk you hunt? Go back and read that "six page" quote and it'll give you some answers.

Oak.. If someone else had Asked me I wouldn't have gone BACK

Alright, Time for Quotes and Cut and Paste..

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> The possibility of disease transmission from game-farm animals to free-ranging wildlife populations. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Isn't is Also a Posibility that a Car car Run you over ? NO MORE AUTO's Isn't it a Posibility that Bigfoot could... OK, I'll no go there, you'll blush

Words like POSSIBLE, WE BELIEVE, It might, Could, Is all thinking, Just like your thinking and My thinking.

NOW, Enough of that. Lets Talk CHICKENS !!!


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Investigators found 38,000 chickens in a crowded barn, forced to spend their entire lives in their own excrement and waste. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


Chickens are as smart as mammals, including some primates, according to animal behaviorist Dr. Chris Evans, who runs the animal behavior lab at Macquarie University in Australia and lectures on his work with chickens.

AND HEY... If a DOCTOR say's it, We should all believe it

Oscar, if someone gave you a bottle of pills and told you they would definately make your peepee 4" longer, but there's a possibility that they would then cause it to shrivel up and fall off, would you take them?

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>How does it Affect hunting if Someone hunts a Domestic Elk.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Come on Moosie, can't you read? This is great though...I think this thread is getting almost as big as "cjcj's soapbox."

To answer your question, I would say that "hunting" elk on game farms affects hunting in many ways, but mostly just because it helps keep elk farmers in business. The existence of elk farms negatively affects wild elk, and that affects hunting. How could it not? Your question would be the same as asking "how does CWD affect hunting?" Don't you think it's obvious? Or are you just trying to keep this thread going?
OAk.. BAD Example !! Those of us that use our PEE PEE's all the time are OK with their Size. I wouldn't take a Pill that would grow it 4" with NO possibility of falling off.

Washington, I CAN read...

Here's what I jsut read :

"To answer your question, I would say that "hunting" elk on game farms affects hunting in many ways, but mostly just because it helps keep elk farmers in business. "

All that says is It does Affect it, But I (I.E. YOU) HAve no Fetching Clue how. And, you're mad because Someone is making money off of it.

"The existence of elk farms negatively affects wild elk, and that affects hunting. " YET, Once again it's a Blank Statment that is As Dumb as my FREE THE CHICKENS statement.

"Your question would be the same as asking "how does CWD affect hunting?" Don't you think it's obvious?"

2 totally different topics. I DO agree CWD affects Hunting. 100% I do. I've never Stated Otherwise. That Being said, I'm NOT against Elk ranch's. thats like Saying I'm Against AIDS therefor I'm against Prostitution. I'm not Agianst Prostitution but AM against Aids. Need more Examples or Should I slow down my typing ?

"Or are you just trying to keep this thread going?" Actually I've tried KILLING it many times. It's A stupid Thread to me. I think there should be "NO" debating over Elk Farms. But then Again, Some do, and Posts is what Keeps my board going...
So, what you're saying Oscar is that game farms have NO effects on wild populations of animals that are hunted? I want to be clear on that before I start my new topic.

How about this example: The guy running the roller coaster at the amusement park tells you that the coaster hasn't actually been serviced in the last six months. It still runs just fine, but there's a possibility that it could fly off the track due to lack of service. Would you let your kids get on the coaster? I doubt it, because you care too much about them to put them in a situation that would endanger them like that. So it really comes down to how much you care for the wild populations. If you had to choose, which would it be, the health of the wild elk you hunt or the health of the game farm industry?

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Washington, I CAN read...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


Just can't comprehend huh? All I can suggest then is that you go back and read the RMEF statement, but just a little bit slower this time...
Washington hunter. I can Understand things that Make sence. If I cut and Paste a PETA 6 page Document and You didn't agree I could to Say you can't comprahend. Or, the truth would be it's So Ludacrist you understood it but CHOSE not to believe it or bother reading it a Second time.

Unlike the choice's you choose. I choose my own too. And no matter how Wrong yours are, with the game farms and the men wearing dress's and all, I still respect your Choices. (I'm guessing respect isn't the right word... Uhhh at all.. So let's use tollerate (Which also isn't the Write word cuz It's spelt wrong

Oak, I think You're out of Material man, I remember when you used to be good at debating
What was that about a Dumb example of a Rollercoaster that hasn't been checked in 6 months and Ask if I'd put my kids on it. That would be like Me asking you in a Space ship landed would you get on it. You're using Moosie Tactics now

I have a Good Idea, Why doesn't someone Reply saying I can't understand, then I'll say something Witty and Say they Can't, then I can be told I need to Read 6 pages of text and I will change my mind unless I'm stupid, Then I'll say HOW I dropped out of School at 16 and Now Own my Own Busness making 80k a Year and hunt 74 days to boot, then Someone Can say I'm a Prick and I like to hump Dead MOOSE, and I'll call them A poo poo head.

After that, We can Make Posts about how it's the OFF SEASON and we actually need something to Kill so we're not Fighting on the Internet and HOW us Fighting is Just giving PETA amunition about hunters. Someone Else can Jump in and say how Stupid that argument is and They should shut up. Someone Else will say some Dirty words. Yet Another person will say that litle Kids read this Board and We should not Ever say "Chit" or "Fugg" because kids come to Hunttalk instead of the 10,000,000,000,000 Other Sites that Have EASY access to all the Cuss words and Sexual Positions a Guy, gal or Animal could come up with. Then, Someone will cry about us not staying on the Topic and I'll come in with let's Settle down.

Someone will then Leave, Spin off and Start their own Website (And it will never make it
) and then it will be hunting season again and I'll go out and kill something impressive like I usually do

Uhhhhh who wants to be the First person to Get this Snowball Effect happening. Cuz I'll bet Dollars to Donuts it will....

Hey Washington hunter, Just like Prostitution, One doesn't have to Use the services not to try to Stop it. I feel the Same Way about the ranch's. And no, I'm not saying I like Sleeping with Sheep... Although I'm not Denying it either...

Uhhhh I forgot what part of this Debate we were on.. Someone else's turn

OHH YAH, If I shot a 8k ELK, To Me it would be a Trophy. And, thats all that Matters !!
Actually I think they Suck.... But thanx for Changing your View from my postings, I WIN, YOU LOOSE YOU DORK...

Seriously though, I could care less if you agree or not. My point is you've posted 100 times how Bad they are and asked why can't I see it. YET, I've posted 100 times about FREE THE CHICKEN's And you can't see that either. So.... Maybe it's not just me thats blind ?
Then Consider yourself UNETHICAL !!!! You probably Crack open a Beer after hunting too ... DON't YOU !! Don't YOU !! Why should the Life of An Elk be more Valuable then a Chicken ?~?~?~ Next you're going to say You don't care if someone Shoots a Ground Squirl !!!!

SNIFF SNIFF... (Teary-eyed).. SAY IT AIN't so !!!!!!!!!!!!


I've seen you post that no-one should Own an Elk... YET haven't Given ONE reason except that RMEF says there is a Chance that it could spread CWD. And, "It's just not right". Can ya not come up with something else ? At least know Why you're against something.

Heck, Steal one of Oaks reasons, or Greenhorns or BUzz's... they all have at least a reason.

MAybe I missed it in the Prior 5 pages were you wrote it was Wrong yet didn't give a Reason.......
Moosie the reason why is so obvious..BECAUSE WE SAID SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-25-2004 14:30: Message edited by: michaelr ]</font>


PS, If I shot a 8k animal, be it a Elk or a Chicken, I'd consider it a Trophy. WHY ? Because I wouldn't spend that kind of money on something I didn't think was worth it.

Like Oak said, A trophy is in the eye of the Beholder. ONE of my best Trophy animals is a forked horn I killed with my bow. One of my other Best trophy's is my Montana BULL from the year before. Both Special to me.
If you don't have elk farms then all the people[ not hunters] would be in the mountains messing up your hunt because they don't hav ea clue on what the hell there out there don't in the first place.
It would probably be better if therewas a few morer farms out there.

Just a thought.


The RMEF statement seems to say the sky is falling, anything that can go wrong will go wrong the way we think it will. I wish they gave some valid reasons for those opinions, I haven't seen that. Others have mentioned before that they are getting animal rights type people in their membership a lot.

Its fine to own elk, anyone can in this country, not just the kings, not just the government, as long as they are managed well, that's the role of the government in our system. They are managing CWD well it seems like, at least they're working on it now, where they didn't for decades, that's where they discovered it, in a high fence place, that's where they are doing research on it. High fence places are valuable for many things.

I like the save the chickens argument, save the horses, save the cows, etc. Some wild, some for research, its all pretty basic stuff that we need.

Don't forget the point that anti-hunters are against all hunting, one step at a time. They don't say, hunting with a rock or a spear or a bow is ok, they are against that too.

High fence hunts relieve a lot of pressure on what little tags we have for the less than 10% of the population we have that hunts now. More of them would be better, at least in states that know how to manage them well for the good of all hunters.

I like the definition of wild where they run from you if they are wild and they don't if they are tame. Wild animals don't become tame, putting them in a fence, or having them partly managed by agricultural organizations. Some people have got hung up on that.