Governor-Elect Gianforte Names FWP Transition Team

I have no problems with the number of ranchers as long as they aren’t all of the “kill every elk, but you can’t hunt my property because I have paying clients coming next week,” variety.
Glad to see there are some people on there who are good choices.
It’s hard to mess up the public land hunting any further than it’s already been messed up. So why not allow the ATVs to rip up what doesn’t get put up for sale? I suspect there will be a lot more money made on hunting in Montana in the upcoming years, especially the elk hunting.

Good thing I know someone who lives in another state that I can go least there will be opportunity for a couple generations in WY. They vote red but they also use science to manage wildlife...for the time being at least. MT gets someone from New Jersey who caters to special interest and Ag to figure out what needs to happen with public wildlife. Not a single biologist on the list that I can see... but hopefully someone on the list stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
Wasn't the previous fwp leaning more towards peta types?

Doesn't it sound like this group will lean more towards hunters?

Just an outsider looking on. Haven't hunted MT for 15 yrs
Wasn't the previous fwp leaning more towards peta types?

Doesn't it sound like this group will lean more towards hunters?

Just an outsider looking on. Haven't hunted MT for 15 yrs

Previous FWP leaned heavily toward landowner/big ag and pretended to care about hunters through unlimited opportunity at the detriment of the herd’s health.

This FWP will flip the leaning boat upside down.
Until quality comes up, the landowner tags will be affordable enough that I can afford them.
I guess I should stop complaining and look forward to less competition and better hunting.
I wonder if we’ll get the ones like NM has where you can buy one from a ranch and then hunt the whole unit?
It’s hard to mess up the public land hunting any further than it’s already been messed up. So why not allow the ATVs to rip up what doesn’t get put up for sale? I suspect there will be a lot more money made on hunting in Montana in the upcoming years, especially the elk hunting.

Thanks for posting that Greenhorn.
Anybody that things Kerry White is cool because he masks himself under the title "Citizens for balanced use" doesn't know chit about the man.
Thanks for posting that Greenhorn.
Anybody that things Kerry White is cool because he masks himself under the title "Citizens for balanced use" doesn't know chit about the man.
Merely one early example of this gubernatorial train cars derailing. Sadly, I predict many train wrecks ahead for Montana due to the chosen leadership whose values align strongly to the right ... but far flung from Montana's legacy and historical values with respect to wildlife and public lands.
Thanks for posting that Greenhorn.
Anybody that things Kerry White is cool because he masks himself under the title "Citizens for balanced use" doesn't know chit
Can someone please tell KW that elk and public lands aren’t Democrats?
Maybe that would help his perspective.

#elkarerepublicanstoo #conservativeforpubliclands
Seriously, why does this surprise anyone? He has had his eye on this office for a decade or more. No one does that unless they want to change things,,, significantly.

This legislative session will be historic. There will be lots of changes,,, elections have consequences,,some more than others.
Can someone please tell KW that elk and public lands aren’t Democrats?
Maybe that would help his perspective.

#elkarerepublicanstoo #conservativeforpubliclands
KW despises wilderness designations.
He associates "wilderness" as a movement by democrats. He therefore contends that the non motorized aspect of wilderness is an imbalance towards the total picture of shared use on public land.
I disagree. Wilderness designations are not a plot(by democrats) to block access.
Hence the annoying " citizens for balanced...".
I believe we set wilderness aside and focus on forest service balanced use. Again, this ridiculous sticker that is circulated " Share It" suggests that all things are not non-motorized vs motorized.
Fine let's split forest service 50/50.
KW would have a fit as would all the folks sporting " Share it".
Balanced use fairness can be best described as “all for me, you can have whatever is left.”
I notice an amazing phenomenon in life. Everyone is much easier to get along with when they do what I want.

In all seriousness, there is an element of the Republican Party in Montana that operates from a perspective of reaction and hatred of what they feel threatens their ability to achieve the “American Dream”as they define it. I am sure there are similar elements within the Democrat Party as well on the opposite side, however I don’t see them currently in position to affect change to the extent that vocal, extreme, partisan elements of Republicans are. Nationally, yes. In state, no.
As a pro-life, conservative minded, registered independent, it saddens and disgusts me to see what passes for “Conservative” among many in the current crop of MT Republicans.
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The sky is falling!
Really, given that Bullock did not do anything to right the ship tells me this is more people pissing and moaning because their guy didnt get elected. I wish the governor well and hope his agenda will help our predicament.
The sky is falling!
Really, given that Bullock did not do anything to right the ship tells me this is more people pissing and moaning because their guy didnt get elected. I wish the governor well and hope his agenda will help our predicament.
My complaint is because the people GG panders to, hangs out with, and agrees with on the topics of wildlife management and natural resources have been telling us their intentions and showing us their priorities all along. I believe them. I disagree with them.
Screwing over the people who fund FWP by waging war on elk at the direction of Ag interests who view elk as unwelcome competition is not conservation, conservatism or in harmony with the values the Republicans claim to hold.
Did Bullock do it well? No. Will GG be better? Not if his past actions are any indication of his future policies.
What do I base my pessimism on?
Exhibit A could be the last name on his advisory board.
Who is going to be most influential in this administration? The people who want to work within the administration to leave a lasting legacy that benefits me and my kids or the ones who work to ensure a legacy of power for their political club? Time will tell.
Right now, I don’t have confidence that the transition administration has the cognizance the two aren’t necessarily one and the same.
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The sky is falling!
Really, given that Bullock did not do anything to right the ship tells me this is more people pissing and moaning because their guy didnt get elected. I wish the governor well and hope his agenda will help our predicament.
Maybe with all their pushing it was more to keep the ship from tipping further over?
If you were anti war, you would dislike Hillary Clinton as the Secretary of State, as National security advisor, foreign diplomat etc.
but you wouldn’t necessarily be happy to see her replaced with John Bolton or Dick Cheney.

That’s where Montana is with elk/FWP.
The sky is falling!
Really, given that Bullock did not do anything to right the ship tells me this is more people pissing and moaning because their guy didnt get elected. I wish the governor well and hope his agenda will help our predicament.
You are looking at this through the narrow prism of the partisan affiliation of the Governor. Yes, he's partly culpable, but you're completely ignoring the legislature and their role in this.

Let's revisit this in four years. If @Greenhorn decides public land elk hunting is better than it is now, I'll buy you a half rack of your beer of choice.

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