
New FWP Director

A wise man once told me that the Depts of the State of Montana are snakes that live just fine without heads.

Turns out it’s absolutely a fact, and though I believe we shouldn’t judge anyone before they even start a job and that we should be optimistic and build relationships with the new Director, I also think folks often overestimate the influence of a director - an individual who is usually just executing the Governor’s priorities- particularly in this age of extreme micromanagement from the Executive Branch.
The commission that GG picked we can thank for no mule deer does/fawns being slaughtered on public lands…. I’d say was a pretty significant deal.
Maybe. This is literally the only talking point you have. How about the Director botching the deer/elk draw consistently and over allocating tags? How about GG’s FWP putting the wrong number of permits in the regs and then not bothering to fix it? How about them putting more pressure on public lands by increasing elk permits to levels that guarantee their NR cronies a tag as long as they can draw the combo? How about the commission that GG appointed getting in legal trouble multiple times for violating meetings laws? All is well here though…
Maybe. This is literally the only talking point you have. How about the Director botching the deer/elk draw consistently and over allocating tags? How about GG’s FWP putting the wrong number of permits in the regs and then not bothering to fix it? How about them putting more pressure on public lands by increasing elk permits to levels that guarantee their NR cronies a tag as long as they can draw the combo? How about the commission that GG appointed getting in legal trouble multiple times for violating meetings laws? All is well here though…
And they should be held accountable for all of the missteps. But if you don’t celebrate the wins and support them when they do, then they will be entirely unwilling to listen to you.

They are still people- if they don’t see a benefit from helping you out, then they will just tune you out entirely. Give credit where credit is due- good or bad.

I’m still sore about them screwing the odds in my favorite little “guaranteed” antelope district after GG couldn’t be bothered to read a regulations book. But that doesn’t mean I can’t give them credit for banning muley doe tags on public land.

It’s easier to get mad and throw a tantrum, but that hasn’t worked for anybody since they were 2 years old. It’s harder to swallow your pride, stand up there and calmly (but firmly) push for science. Some here have done the latter, and we all owe them big for having done it.
Maybe. This is literally the only talking point you have. How about the Director botching the deer/elk draw consistently and over allocating tags? How about GG’s FWP putting the wrong number of permits in the regs and then not bothering to fix it? How about them putting more pressure on public lands by increasing elk permits to levels that guarantee their NR cronies a tag as long as they can draw the combo? How about the commission that GG appointed getting in legal trouble multiple times for violating meetings laws? All is well here though…
Luckily we have quota ranges for buck and bull permits so that can be fixed the following year. Oh wait, they got rid of those too…
I agree with @Ben Lamb that a little patience and good will gets us a lot farther than grabbing the pitchforks and torches before we even know what we're going after. I don't know Director Clark personally, but I've talked to a lot of people who do, and I've heard very positive reports. And from my perspective, I don't necessarily want a biologist in this role. I want biologists out in communities doing the important boots on the ground work they were hired to do. In my opinion, a department head needs the ability to lead collaboratively and empower and defer to their people so they can do what they are trained to do. From what I'm hearing, Director Clark fits that description. I'm optimistic that she will continue to move the good work that FWP is doing forward while identifying opportunities for growth. At the end of the day, I'd rather be at the table, and kindness and respect goes a long way to getting an invite.
Maybe. This is literally the only talking point you have. How about the Director botching the deer/elk draw consistently and over allocating tags? How about GG’s FWP putting the wrong number of permits in the regs and then not bothering to fix it? How about them putting more pressure on public lands by increasing elk permits to levels that guarantee their NR cronies a tag as long as they can draw the combo? How about the commission that GG appointed getting in legal trouble multiple times for violating meetings laws? All is well here though…
I suppose you think Temple conducted the draw himself.

I was not real pleased with the botched draw, or when they issued to many sheep tags and had to say “kidding”. However I never cast a stone… one of my favorite quotes is “let he who is without guilt cast the first stone “
The Gianforte Administration has been pretty clear through language and actions that they want FWP to prioritize landowners needs and desires for wildlife management. This appointment seems to be continuing in that same vein. I am glad to see that the new appointee has experience in directing a state agency. Intentionally or not, the last two directors have really crippled the agency. There's a lot of mistrust between the agency staff and HQ/Director's office staff.

This administration has been successful in minimizing scientific input and expertise from biologist and field staff, and elevating management decisions based on social and political desire.

This last commission meeting reduced trout limit in the Western and Central district from five to three. This was not requested by FWP, they said this regulation change would have no affect on the population. Seems like this was something that Walsh wanted and trying to codify a personal ethic about catch and release.

I guess that is what "common sense rather than an attitude and a degree" gets you.
I suppose you think Temple conducted the draw himself.

I was not real pleased with the botched draw, or when they issued to many sheep tags and had to say “kidding”. However I never cast a stone… one of my favorite quotes is “let he who is without guilt cast the first stone “
So you don’t believe in accountability? I’m not casting any stones. I’m saying that if you hold the position of director and can’t even conduct a draw correctly, maybe you shouldn’t be in that position. Also, it wasn’t just Dustin, Hank fu*ked it up too.
The Gianforte Administration has been pretty clear through language and actions that they want FWP to prioritize landowners needs and desires for wildlife management. This appointment seems to be continuing in that same vein. I am glad to see that the new appointee has experience in directing a state agency. Intentionally or not, the last two directors have really crippled the agency. There's a lot of mistrust between the agency staff and HQ/Director's office staff.

This administration has been successful in minimizing scientific input and expertise from biologist and field staff, and elevating management decisions based on social and political desire.

This last commission meeting reduced trout limit in the Western and Central district from five to three. This was not requested by FWP, they said this regulation change would have no affect on the population. Seems like this was something that Walsh wanted and trying to codify a personal ethic about catch and release.

I guess that is what "common sense rather than an attitude and a degree" gets you.
Those who believe biologists aren't needed in the Directors office indeed got their way when Eileen Ryce, respected head administrator and phD biologist was dismissed by FWP Director Temple. Centralization of decision making, at the expense of regional biologists discretion has been the direction of FWP under GG and Temple. Morale of field biologists has never been lower. The new Director has a lot of repair work to do if FWP is to regain its reputation and morale.

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