Kenetrek Boots

Governor-Elect Gianforte Names FWP Transition Team

The sky is falling!
Really, given that Bullock did not do anything to right the ship tells me this is more people pissing and moaning because their guy didnt get elected. I wish the governor well and hope his agenda will help our predicament.

Given that the GOP held the legislature for his tenure, most of his success would be be playing defense. Pretty hard to enact an agenda when the other party holds the majority in legislature.

Greg will not be encumbered in a similar way, we will get a big share of his agenda, maybe all of it.
The sky is falling!
Really, given that Bullock did not do anything to right the ship tells me this is more people pissing and moaning because their guy didnt get elected. I wish the governor well and hope his agenda will help our predicament.
Were you paying attention to all the bad bills Bullock vetoed that the legislature pushed through? Next session will be worse without the safety net of a reasonable Governor to put a stop to some real bad bills.
If you were anti war, you would dislike Hillary Clinton as the Secretary of State, as National security advisor, foreign diplomat etc.
but you wouldn’t necessarily be happy to see her replaced with John Bolton or Dick Cheney.

That’s where Montana is with elk/FWP.
Bringing the “H.C.” name into a thread even if it’s to make an easy to understand point is not permissible and has potential to derail us....
1/2 star penalty and a spaghetti noodle slap across the face as punishment. 😏
Balanced use fairness can be best described as “all for me, you can have whatever is left.”
I notice an amazing phenomenon in life. Everyone is much easier to get along with when they do what I want.

In all seriousness, there is an element of the Republican Party in Montana that operates from a perspective of reaction and hatred of what they feel threatens their ability to achieve the “American Dream”as they define it. I am sure there are similar elements within the Democrat Party as well on the opposite side, however I don’t see them currently in position to affect change to the extent that vocal, extreme, partisan elements of Republicans are. Nationally, yes. In state, no.
As a pro-life, conservative minded, registered independent, it saddens and disgusts me to see what passes for “Conservative” among many in the current crop of MT Republicans.
Well stated @Gerald Martin. As I like to say “I didn’t leave the Republican Party. It left me.”
Bringing the “H.C.” name into a thread even if it’s to make an easy to understand point is not permissible and has potential to derail us....
1/2 star penalty and a spaghetti noodle slap across the face as punishment. 😏
I’ll just say The Big C from here on out. That can mean whatever the audience wants it to.
Were you paying attention to all the bad bills Bullock vetoed that the legislature pushed through? Next session will be worse without the safety net of a reasonable Governor to put a stop to some real bad bills.
This is so true. I'm scared to see what these lunatics come up with when there is nobody to stop them.
The sky is falling!
Really, given that Bullock did not do anything to right the ship tells me this is more people pissing and moaning because their guy didnt get elected. I wish the governor well and hope his agenda will help our predicament.
Previous FWP leaned heavily toward landowner/big ag and pretended to care about hunters through unlimited opportunity at the detriment of the herd’s health.

This FWP will flip the leaning boat upside down.
The AG lobby us much smaller in numbers than the hunter lobby. I guess the question I have is why dont hunters in MT have an effective lobby?
The sky is falling!
Really, given that Bullock did not do anything to right the ship tells me this is more people pissing and moaning because their guy didnt get elected. I wish the governor well and hope his agenda will help our predicament.

The AG lobby us much smaller in numbers than the hunter lobby. I guess the question I have is why dont hunters in MT have an effective lobby?
Because the AG industry is much more heavily represented in the legislature.

Since you’re so confident, let’s elevate this into a net, public land elk hunting better or worse in four years. I hope I lose it, but I’m not confident.
You are looking at this through the narrow prism of the partisan affiliation of the Governor. Yes, he's partly culpable, but you're completely ignoring the legislature and their role in this.

Let's revisit this in four years. If @Greenhorn decides public land elk hunting is better than it is now, I'll buy you a half rack of your beer of choice.
You are assuming I'm partisan. I'm not.
Because the AG industry is much more heavily represented in the legislature.

Since you’re so confident, let’s elevate this into a net, public land elk hunting better or worse in four years. I hope I lose it, but I’m not confident.
At this point I'm not sure its possible to get much worse.
And it's not just elk. Mule deer hunting has declined precipitously since I started hunting in the 90's.
The AG industry my be over represented in the legislature, but it's not farmers and ranchers electing them.
Were you paying attention to all the bad bills Bullock vetoed that the legislature pushed through? Next session will be worse without the safety net of a reasonable Governor to put a stop to some real bad bills.
Yea, I did. Many were good bills.
I don’t give a shit what your partisan is. You made the skin is falling statement. Back it up n
Then why did you bring it up?
And I think you understand the "sky falling" comment was sarcasm.
Not taking a shot Golfer.
KW retracting his comments is not an apology but more of a "oh shit".
Gianforte won't care.

I posted in sarcasm, figured KW response was more of oh shit someone saw what I did. Now I better try to clear it up. I agree GG won't give two shits about it moving forward.
I posted in sarcasm, figured KW response was more of oh shit someone saw what I did. Now I better try to clear it up. I agree GG won't give two shits about it moving forward.
Yep. I got your intent.
Thanks for posting it.

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