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Drought for the west

Had some virga around sunset yesterday, mixed in a sandstorm.
The term drier than a popcorn fart was mentioned to me twice by old timers in town early voting. Bad as it gets, is the common term by locals way older than me. Sand building up around the gramma grass in places.

Only glimpse of hope is that SW NM could be in for higher than average monsoon, if it gets to us soon enough.
Another day of extreme fire danger today ,winds 40mph.
Here's hoping for some butter to add some moisture to that popcorn. Sending good vibes for a wet monsoon this year for you guys!
The weather man has been forecasting significant rainfall all spring. We get a grand total of a 1/10 inch every time. Dry as hell
We are getting a good soaker right now! How awesome. It has rained more the past week than the past year combined. Still not enough, but it is sure nice. I hope it keeps up this spring.
Is it similar green up from Glendive to Grass Range? So glad to see this

Haven’t been up towards grass range this year but I don’t think they’ve received the rain we have. Glendive is green but not as much as we are
Haven’t been up towards grass range this year but I don’t think they’ve received the rain we have. Glendive is green but not as much as we are
Gotcha. I check those traffic cameras from time to time but tough to tell sometimes. Looks a heck of a lot better than last yr for sure. 🙏
Walked through 4' lupin today. Crazy how wet and green it is. River is up, but still tons of snow, and cool Temps in the forecast
Our wetlands are still receded. By a fair bit actually. The timing of the rain could not have been better though. Grass that was 1” tall last year is 12” this year. The vetch is coming in incredibly thick as well.
Our wetlands are still receded. By a fair bit actually. The timing of the rain could not have been better though. Grass that was 1” tall last year is 12” this year. The vetch is coming in incredibly thick as well.
Still Me 0. Salmon 5.
The Clearwater is absolutely blown out. Even above the North Fork confluence, where they are dumping water from Dworshak Dam.
Walked through 4' lupin today. Crazy how wet and green it is. River is up, but still tons of snow, and cool Temps in the forecast
I hope it's just me being a smartass... NCW building up it's fuel load for later...
I never would have guessed in late March that wed get so much water in April and May. The spring-fed bog behind my place thats been dry since last spring (first time it had dreid up since Ive lived in the place) is now full again. Green everywhere. What a pleasant contrast to last year.

Only 'downside' is these extremely wet springs put a hurting on the huns so Im expecting a valley in their population cycle this year locally. Oh well!
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