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Drought for the west

The latest forecast is for Lake Powell to receive 64% of its average April to July inflow. That's a little better than what happened in 2021:

"The inflow to Lake Powell was 28% of normal in 2021. April-July streamflow volumes were closer to normal east of the Continental Divide where snowfall was near to slightly above normal. The 2021 water year produced an inefficient runoff for all river basins in the Intermountain West similarly to the 2020 water year. Streamflow volume forecasts were very low on April 1st at <60% of normal runoff for most of the region. Warm temperatures, dry soils and below average spring precipitation led to a very fast snowmelt in Utah and western Colorado.

"By June 1st seasonal streamflow volume forecasts predicted <50% of normal runoff for nearly the entire Upper Colorado and Great Basins. One cause of inefficient runoff during 2021, was extremely low soil moisture to begin the water year. October 1st 2020 soil moisture values were very low in Utah, western Colorado and parts of western Wyoming. Soils in large areas of Utah and western Colorado were at the lowest moisture levels observed (since 1948) to start a water year. Very low October 1st soil moisture meant that melting snow in spring needed to first recharge soil moisture reservoirs before snowmelt could reach regional rivers."

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Thanks for posting, @Oak. Peculiar that Blue Mesa res is @ 29% while Morrow Point is @ 93%.

Morrow Point begins @ the bottom of Blue Mesa dam, and a third reservoir, Crystal, begins @ the base of Morrow Point dam. Blue Mesa dam and reservoir:

Morrow Point dam, in the Black Canyon of the Gunnison river

Crystal dam, farther down the Black Canyon
It's not looking good for the Missouri River System this summer. We tried floating the Madison a couple of weeks ago. I ended up having to drag the raft a few times because the flow is at about 60% of normal. They are holding back water trying to fill Hebgen Lake which is at it's lowest level ever. I hear Canyon Ferry is really low with most of the boat launches unusable. I'm sure things are bad down stream too.
The only good thing about the drought for me is paddlefish snagging coming up here in a few weeks. We typically go to the confluence of the Yellowstone and Missouri. If the water levels are anything like last year it'll be a great year for that but not much else.
The only good thing about the drought for me is paddlefish snagging coming up here in a few weeks. We typically go to the confluence of the Yellowstone and Missouri. If the water levels are anything like last year it'll be a great year for that but not much else.

Be a real slow year at intake for snagging like last year was
Thought I saw smoke yesterday.
Just got back from the mill in Reserve and Jimmy said his son was up on the fire line cutting with the dozer.
Collins Park stables source and it is moving east.
3 of us said at the same time ,"Horn Hunters camp"...
Potentially the biggest storm of the year is rolling into SW MT tomorrow. Up to 20” for the mountains. This could really help.
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