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Drought for the west

Upper Yellowstone says 90%. It feels about that when I am out. Not great, not terrible, certainly better than last year at this time where the last weekend of January I hiked - not snowshoed or skied - past Elk a mile or so up East Rosebud (didnt make it to Rimrock).
Unfortunately everything has been skirting us to the north… lions share in WA and Canada. The mts have snow but the water contents not that great and lower elevations still are way behind (we live at about 3900’) ☹️

At this point, I’ve come to terms with the thought I am going to be filling my lungs with smoke June thru October again this year. It’s dire.

Thinking about starting to smoke cigarettes. Out of spite. Shake my fist at the burning mountainside and shout, “you can’t beat me, fire, I already smoke!”.
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That's nice to see around here. There have also been several center-pivots installed around here recently on previously flood irrigated fields. That's not something you usually see in this valley. Multiple benefits there, reduced water application, reduced fertilizer leeching, reduced salt and selenium inputs to the Colorado via return flows.

Clay Newcomb had a couple of podcasts a few months back discussing regenerative farming and soil health. Decent listens.


This new drip irrigation system is something I would like to look into more. Water conservation needs to start now.

I'd bet that most of their claims are horseshit.
1. I bet you need one of the barrels at the start of every row
2. Very little if any flow control
3. No ability to remotely control flows
4. You probably have to replace the entire distribution line when it does plug up with sediment.

We work with a ton of drip irrigators for both berries and grapes and no one is relying on filterless gravity drip. Is it better than flood? Sure, but that's like the least efficient form of irrigation.
I'd bet that most of their claims are horseshit.
1. I bet you need one of the barrels at the start of every row
2. Very little if any flow control
3. No ability to remotely control flows
4. You probably have to replace the entire distribution line when it does plug up with sediment.

We work with a ton of drip irrigators for both berries and grapes and no one is relying on filterless gravity drip. Is it better than flood? Sure, but that's like the least efficient form of irrigation.
I'm skeptical about every new mouse trap that comes along. Definitely would want to research it completely before investing in it.
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