Kenetrek Boots

Diet and Nutrition

I’ve given a lot of thought to going carnivore. Just to see if I could do it, and if it’s actually sustainable.

It's definitely sustainable. I've been doing it for over two years and have never felt better. I'm 5-8, was 210 before starting carnivore, now I'm at 160. A few months during the middle of hunting season I was down to 150, just from constant exercise every day and eating less than normal. And it's not expensive either, just think of all the things most people buy at the grocery store that I don't buy. Don't buy any fruit, vegetables, breakfast cereal, nothing. Just meat, cheese, and some dairy. Plus I have a couple freezers full of deer so that helps too. Oh, and I don't buy ribeyes. I'll buy chuck steak or whatever is on sale. Or sometimes don't buy any beef at all.

I really don’t think an all meat diet is nearly as dangerous as media would lead you to believe. There are Inuit cultures that nearly live on all meat and fat diets that when studied are really quite nutritionally healthy.

Nutrition has become so grossly politicized it’s probably among the top 5 most difficult things on this planet discern truth in.

I don’t think all out carnivore is probably the best approach for anyone, necessarily. Especially because it can so easily be done wrong. Veganism is really hard to do right, and inherently difficult to be nutritionally complete most notably due to a lack of animal products.

But anyone who believes red meat will give them cancer and heart disease need to do some re evaluating of the actual literature.

Robert Lustigs books are a good place to start IMO.
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Nothing but BS in that article. There's absolutely zero nutrition in fruits and vegetables that you can't get from eating a diet of animal products only. Fruit is especially bad, as it's nothing but sugar.
I don’t care what you eat. However, saying fruit is bad for you because it has sugar in it is blatantly false.
Well it's certainly not good for us. If you exercise a lot you can handle a little sugar. But either way fruit is not beneficial in any way.

People can make up their own minds. I’m not going to engage in this argument anymore. Diets like this are cultish as hell and promote bull shit like fruits are not beneficial in any way.

People can make up their own minds. I’m not going to engage in this argument anymore. Diets like this are cultish as hell and promote bull shit like fruits are not beneficial in any way.

I didn't realize it was an argument. Just trying to provide some facts. Eat all the fruit you want.
No, not true at all. With carnivore you get all the nutrients you need. Vegan you're severely deficient in many things.

Thanks so much for your insight . . . that said the only diet that has been truly studied is a Mediterranean diet, which happens to include both. It is interesting how we confuse our principles for facts. Different times in life for different diets, different people need different things.
I would definitely listen to or read Keto Flex. I haven't had the discipline to implement anything completely, but we've been taking points from the book and implementing them as best we can. It was developed specifically because of people hitting the wall with keto, and the idea is to change it up periodically to prevent that from happening. Basically mimicking a diet and eating habits that we evolved with.

I committed last year to myself to make some serious lifestyle changes and get myself as healthy as I possibly can. My 5'8" frame was an obese 220 at the beginning of last year. I'm currently sitting at about 175, but I know I need to get down to probably around 160, as I still have a full+ handfull of fat I can grab around my mid section. I hit hit the gym everyday, and do a mix of cardio and weight training, and I also try to eat reasonably healthy. The issue I am having is I have seem to hit a wall and cannot get past the 175 mark. I know the change has to happen to my diet to see the next level of results.

I figured I would reach out here and see if people could maybe share what has worked for them. I tried keto, it really sucked. I guess try again. lol
You are making the effort,and done well.....mabe your body is saying '' thats a healthy weight '' for you...........I';5' 11 and am 225. but at 75+ , No health issues and eat a lot of fish and hot wings/chicken hot legs,air fried.......have an occasional beer/shot of TEQUILA.........not into diets....Did try the salad only routeen....after 3 days, I was feeling physically ill.......2 sirloin steaks and a pile of mashed potatoes fixed that.........
I put on the weight after retiring. I am fairly active......grandfather was 5'7'',survived 2 world wars/ gassed at 2nd.battle of YPRES....hit twice....died at 99
4 months before his 100th.birthday.
his average weight was 170-180lbs. he ate everything that flew/swam /ran / just HAd TO BE SERVED piping hot. Best of luck.
I have always had trouble gaining weight. I was always 185 @ 6'2". Most was 220 when I was young framing.
So battling cancer now and my weight dropped to 163 in Oct. Dr. said eat more & often, your fighting. They actually approved of my meat heavy diet.
My numbers were low in sodium and I had to go back on a statin. He wanted me to boost my calcium and omegas. I am taking 2000 calcium & 1500 D tabs. Omega 3 .
I am on hormone replacement thearapy, female pills.
So my last blood work shows all numbers right in the middle. Like perfectly. I am back up to 178 now. Building muscle. Gaining weight,
I eat breakfast most days which I never did. Cereal,pancakes,bagels,bacon & eggs. PB&J sammiches. PB&honey. Lots more honey again. Any fruit and veggies I can get and eat before they go bad.
Any meat.I mostly eat elk. I had 1/4 beeve in the freezer too last year and added a hog.
PIE. Ice cream. Some sweets like a donut or cookies,homemade cookies. Oranges,apples. Lots of cheese & milk and fish .if I see any good.

I could barely walk into the clinic in Sept & Oct.
Yesterday I cut a downed tree to branches and that into firewood. A truckload. Enough to last a few days.
I was done by noon. I spent the afternoon snacking & napping. Ate 3 pork cheese & avo burritos for dinner.
BLT's with avo on for today. Whole wheat bread.
I'm 67 about to turn 68. Still kicking, beating cancer back.
It’s not worth sacrificing your quality of life to reach a weight goal. If you hit homeostasis at a certain weight and it is going to require some freak diet to get to a goal, that requires some thought.
You would have to maintain that freak diet forever if you want to maintain that weight forever.
IF will definitely get you there if you have a feeding window of 5 hours in the day or even OMAD.
I wouldn’t focus on body image if you are sleeping well, performing well and healthy.
I'm 5'11" and 170. For most of my adult life 155-160 lbs was the best weight for feeling good, looking good, and strength. Now on the doorstep of 40 I find it much harder to consistently stay that low. For the last month or so I've been in a good routine of averaging about 60 mins of daily exercise and strength training. Weight has stayed the same but I was able to convert several lbs of fat to muscle. Blood pressure is lower, breathing is slower, I sleep better, I'm more relaxed, and I have good energy. I feel strong and healthy despite having some handfuls of fluff I can grab around my middle, but I can live with that.

Here are my habits for maintaining, in order of importance:
1. Very little liquid calories. They don't make me feel as full as actual food, and tend to creep up total daily caloric intake
2. Adequate sleep
3. 2-3 quarts water daily, to where I pee clear or at the most light yellow. Sometimes I'll down 20 oz immediately before a meal to help fill my stomach to eat less.
4. Regular exercise. I focus a lot on glutes and quads as legs naturally atrophy in middle age.
5. Limit processed carbs. This is tough for me because I have a terrible sweet tooth!
6. Two generous servings of fresh veggies and fruit each daily.
7. Majority of meat intake is lean meat, mostly wild game.
8. Portion control
9. Check in with friend or spouse for accountability
10. Food prep and limited dining out.
Well it's certainly not good for us. If you exercise a lot you can handle a little sugar. But either way fruit is not beneficial in any way.
if you exercise a lot you better being getting glucose from somewhere… because even the best “fat adapted” (buzzword) can only burn fat as a fuel source for so long. It’s not as efficient. Pretty soon muscle and fat are being used as fuel sources (bad) and once you eat again, body stores most calories as fat to protect itself. All of the above statement assumes long term application. I’m not saying if you do one workout fasted that you see screwed.

Also I’d be wary of talking about evolutionarily developed diets where a certain subject of people have a diet that over a ton of time has been adapted because of their surroundings. Their physiology would be different than say an Americans. Just look at heart disease rates in Asia over the last 20 years or so as they suddenly interjected more meats into their historically non meat heavy diets.
Dr Berg is absolutely the best! Whatever he says has been proven true! Our bodies do not differentiate between fruit sugar or man made sugar. Sugar is sugar….period! Less than 25 grams a day is recommended for ALL sugar sources.
Alright holdup. Just want to pull out the bullshit meter there right now. The way the body reacts to a soda is VERY different than the way the body reacts to a banana. For very simple reasons, the fiber attached to said banana.

I would bet my life that if two guys lived by your less than 25 grams a day model and ate identically, the guy drinking soda would not be nearly as healthy as the guy drinking soda.

Additionally this guys video above is pretty nonsensical. No one only eats fruit for the day… so we are not looking to get protein from said fruit. Additionally he keeps talking about liver overload and shit and referencing high fructose corn syrup - vast differently than the fructose in fruit.

I agree with him that you should have more veggies than fruit in a day. And that there are sugar rich fruits, but saying you may never want to eat fruit again is dumb AF
Alright holdup. Just want to pull out the bullshit meter there right now. The way the body reacts to a soda is VERY different than the way the body reacts to a banana. For very simple reasons, the fiber attached to said banana.

I would bet my life that if two guys lived by your less than 25 grams a day model and ate identically, the guy drinking soda would not be nearly as healthy as the guy drinking soda.

Additionally this guys video above is pretty nonsensical. No one only eats fruit for the day… so we are not looking to get protein from said fruit. Additionally he keeps talking about liver overload and shit and referencing high fructose corn syrup - vast differently than the fructose in fruit.

I agree with him that you should have more veggies than fruit in a day. And that there are sugar rich fruits, but saying you may never want to eat fruit again is dumb AF
Meh! Ignorance is bliss. Keep on keeping on! One thing about it, time WILL have its say one way or another and usually by then… will be to late.
I committed last year to myself to make some serious lifestyle changes and get myself as healthy as I possibly can. My 5'8" frame was an obese 220 at the beginning of last year. I'm currently sitting at about 175, but I know I need to get down to probably around 160, as I still have a full+ handfull of fat I can grab around my mid section. I hit hit the gym everyday, and do a mix of cardio and weight training, and I also try to eat reasonably healthy. The issue I am having is I have seem to hit a wall and cannot get past the 175 mark. I know the change has to happen to my diet to see the next level of results.

I figured I would reach out here and see if people could maybe share what has worked for them. I tried keto, it really sucked. I guess try again. lol
Congratulations on the progress. Studies show the biggest risk for you now is not that you don’t get those last 10 lbs, but rather that you boomerang past 220. FWIW I would focus on finding food and exercise level that maintains your current state for the long haul rather than making big changes you can’t/won’t stick with for future decades.