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Crazy Application Fees - Burn Them Down!

Anyone that brags about making more money and having a nicer house than people they've never met deserves to be treated as such.
Who knows if I do. Read my post again. I was saying it wouldn't matter if I did. And plus was responding to the idiotic prior comment about real hunters not caring about costs (a lame attempt at means shaming). I could care less about ones income or house, I am probably poor compared to some members and maybe rich compared to some others. It doesn’t matter. Fees being too high affects everyone and I am not the jerk saying boo-hoo to the ones who feel it.
Blah blah blah,guess you don't like other folks having their own opinion,you don't matter.
Seems to matter to you!

Anyway, another dumb thread spiral in the books. My bad for letting off a littke steam. But it is baffling how I have had to restate the original point so many times (Application fees… like WY proposing a 75 increase). Not licence /tag fees (whole other topic). but yet (as I’m sure another will chime in) a couple people are too busy to form a nuanced thought and always want to just parrot the line that demand is up, so pay it like a good lemming, and then also LIKE it, like a really good lemming. Well you do you, lemming.
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