COVID-19 Links, facts and discussion. Politics and hyperbole welcome.

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It does seem like an overreaction.

The only reason I can think of would be to not use any medical supplies that they are anticipating a need for.

My guess though, is that people on high are scared, feel the need to signal something, and aren’t necessarily thinking things through.

I am an anesthesiologist in a state with very few corona virus cases and we have canceled elective surgeries for the reasons you stated. It seems very real that masks and gowns will soon be in short supply considering once a corona virus patient is admitted to a hospital, how many staff need to be protected while taking care of them. It would be foolish to squander this valuable protection for surgeries that can safely be delayed for a month (the surgeons most certainly know what can and can't be delayed). In addition, we know many people are asymptmatic carriers so they are contaminating everything since it's a different protocol for a known vs unknown patient. Want some sober reading, check out first paragraph in the attached photo. It's from the American Society of Anesthesiologist which had a special edition released where all the authors were anesthesia doctors in Wuhan.

You sound surprised and doubtful. Take it from someone who endured prostate cancer, suspected as a result of exposure to Agent Orange. I underwent a lengthy process and postponed the radical prostatectomy surgery for several months, but it could have been much longer with little to no additional adverse impacts. Some cancers are very slow growing and not of the critical immediate need for surgery. That would be an example of not necessarily an elective surgery, but of a surgery not requiring immediate hospitalization.

Forgot to mention, my wife’s uncle has prostate cancer, no longer has a prostate, still has prostate cancer. Bout 60yrs old, got a long life ahead of him if he can beat it. May have been cured by the removal of his prostate if they’d caught it sooner.
Finally found some numbers that help me frame the numbers from Italy a little better. Not the number I was looking for, but equally useful. It looks like worldwide seasonal flu deaths range from roughly 800-1800/day. To have 475 just in Italy pretty clearly suggests that this is worse than the flu.

Their current number of critical cases, if they are the only ones in need of and ICU bed, should fill about 1/3 of Italy’s total ICU beds. If we reach the same percentage, it would be roughly 12% of our ICU beds.

Definitely not good news. Hopefully the measures we’ve taken can slow this down significantly.
My wife has the same old job, and on Monday the same new job as yours.
Just hope not being in a big city things stay under control. Milwaukee being over a million population and cases already this is not a good indicator. Take this social distancing thing seriously people, a lot of health care workers own health is on the line.
Grim prediction for NYC.

Iv'e been spot on with my predictions of NYC, It will be declared whatever there is to declare for the highest emergency within 10 days. I hope many of you can quote me in 10 days as being wrong...
I hope America does one hell of an AAR when the dust settles:

"I’ve been working on an N95 mask production project with a team for about a week now. We just got off the phone with NIOSH. They told us that approval for a new mask production facility in the US will take at minimum 45 days, but more likely 90. A lot of people are gonna die."

Baltimore Mayor Begs Residents to Stop Shooting Each Other So Hospital Beds Can Be Used For Coronavirus Patients

A Coronavirus Explosion Was Expected In Japan: Where Is It


A single Chinese billionaire is providing more testing kits to Americans than the CDC and the entire federal government has managed—and not just a few more, more by many orders of magnitude. (5 Days Old)

Hilariously Aggressive Coronavirus Propaganda Posters From China

Iv'e been spot on with my predictions of NYC, It will be declared whatever there is to declare for the highest emergency within 10 days. I hope many of you can quote me in 10 days as being wrong...

I got out of there last week because I agree that things will be pretty bleak there. I’m thankful I have a place to get away to. Going to be interesting to return to when this clears. Hopefully my apartment won’t be ransacked...
If anybody feels like paying 600% more than it was two weeks ago for ammo they’ll hopefully not need To keep their apartment from being ransacked, has you covered. Ironic name
Just hope not being in a big city things stay under control. Milwaukee being over a million population and cases already this is not a good indicator. Take this social distancing thing seriously people, a lot of health care workers own health is on the line.

Wishing all the best for your wife. Not sure where you are at in Wisconsin, I was kinda surprised in popped up in Bayfield County. Some kid was down in Milwaukee and then went back home to Red Cliff. People that can't follow guidelines and educated suggestions are going to end up spreading this all over.

Hell, there were a couple guys on another forum asking how this fishing has been in Vilas County, they live in Milwaukee and want to come up. Really? Love the tourists, but now isn't the time. Just stay home
I haven’t read through much of this thread but I hope all you hunttalkers and your families are able to stay healthy the next few months. I’m sure this will really effect some of you financially. Just remember family and friends are more important than things. I sincerely wish everyone the best during this pandemic!
Couple thoughts.

First. Guys should post their age. 2nd they should post if they are private sector or gov.

We are staring down the barrel of 50%unemployment rate.

Unlike 08' there will be no Texas and North Dakota oil jobs to run towards.

Now maybe if your at or near retirement, or are drawing a gov paycheck it's easy to sit back and finger wag.

But for the 20-30yr old with a couple little kids who just scraped enough together to buy a house and is being told his job ended, perhaps it ain't so "sensible".

Overnight in this forum a handful of older guys who AINT EPIDEMIOLOGISTS, suddenly became them because they read 3 articles.

While they are chastising anyone who dares counter them, the employees who build scope at Leupold are screwed. While the leaders of smart are still preaching about what they read, the employees at all the factories that build the products for THIS FORUMS SPONSORS are facing economic destruction.

From a conservstion standpoint, because supposedly you all "believe" in that too, every org cancelled their fundraising. Every volunteer is stuck at home. And if you think for a MINUTE that poaching won't be on the rise, you are spending too much time on MSNBC.

Perhaps a little less brow beating on guys who are looking at 3%death rates vs homelessness, and deciding they fear the latter more.

We all can read statistics. We all know what they say. We all know what they say about rates for the "boomer" crowd.

Don't disguise your PERSONAL cause as the greater good, while berating a young guys. His desire to support his family admirable.

Now back to the usual crew of article readers passing themselves off as virologists.
Couple thoughts.

First. Guys should post their age. 2nd they should post if they are private sector or gov.

We are staring down the barrel of 50%unemployment rate.

Unlike 08' there will be no Texas and North Dakota oil jobs to run towards.

Now maybe if your at or near retirement, or are drawing a gov paycheck it's easy to sit back and finger wag.

But for the 20-30yr old with a couple little kids who just scraped enough together to buy a house and is being told his job ended, perhaps it ain't so "sensible".

Overnight in this forum a handful of older guys who AINT EPIDEMIOLOGISTS, suddenly became them because they read 3 articles.

While they are chastising anyone who dares counter them, the employees who build scope at Leupold are screwed. While the leaders of smart are still preaching about what they read, the employees at all the factories that build the products for THIS FORUMS SPONSORS are facing economic destruction.

From a conservstion standpoint, because supposedly you all "believe" in that too, every org cancelled their fundraising. Every volunteer is stuck at home. And if you think for a MINUTE that poaching won't be on the rise, you are spending too much time on MSNBC.

Perhaps a little less brow beating on guys who are looking at 3%death rates vs homelessness, and deciding they fear the latter more.

We all can read statistics. We all know what they say. We all know what they say about rates for the "boomer" crowd.

Don't disguise your PERSONAL cause as the greater good, while berating a young guys. His desire to support his family admirable.

Now back to the usual crew of article readers passing themselves off as virologists.

First that is way more than a couple of thoughts.

You chastise amateur virologists, while playing amateur economist. You pulled the unemployment rate out of your backside without any expertise.

Your soap box is not any more righteous than anyone else's.

By the way I'm nearly 69. How that means I do not care for the plight facing everyone is ludicrous. Most old farts have grown kids and a few grandkids. Most of us want a good world for them.
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