Caribou Gear

College Faculties A Most Liberal Lot, Study Finds - Washington Post


Matty would probably disagree that working for a defense contractor or in the mining industry has any value. Mining copper for luxury items such as indoor plumbing and electricty is bad bad bad. Building weapons that can vaporize 3rd world countries is bad bad bad. I think it's great, and if your willing to live on the East Coast to have those opportunities, then more power to you.
BigHornRam said:
My best college memory was the night I killed the possum that was getting in the garbage with a railroad tie. Chased him into a window well and flattened him.

I'm not surprised your best memory from college is killing a possum. :rolleyes: I have a hunch you missed out on the learning process, the social aspects, and the personal growth. Nothing says success like learnin' how to kill a possum.... |oo


I think Pointer had it right on the Liberal Arts degree vs. the Technical degree. It kind of depends on what you plan on doing longer term. The route to Grad Schools and Advanced degrees is likely better via the Liberal Arts degree. The route to the first post-college job is better with the Tech degree. I have seen Engineers get Masters in their same technical field, and become even more limited in employment, where if they cross to a broader Masters they become more valuable in managing people and projects. It all just depends on the route people want to take.

BHR's comments about PhDs just point out how clueless he is. Congrats to your wife and her employer for valuing her education.

But, I think you are proof of Buzz' statement, that the guys with the degrees are the ones hunting 2-5 states this year...
I have seen Engineers get Masters in their same technical field, and become even more limited in employment, where if they cross to a broader Masters they become more valuable in managing people and projects. It all just depends on the route people want to take.

Agree 100%, but IMO, we still need those people to atain PhD's in their BS/LA field of study to progress in technology... I would much rather have a PhD of chemestry designing new heart medicin than a BS chemical engineer with a MBA toiling with my "Tylonol"...

I personally don't think kids learn enough in school, especial highschool... They are to easy on the lazy kids so everyone suffers in the end.

If I was go back to school it would be mostlikely for somehting in bussiness... My wifes PhD will be, Technical Communication, but her masters is Systems Engineering... which is basically a management course for engineering. I figure if she gets about one more degree, I can quit my job anyway... ;)
BHR- You're a joke. The reason you think higher learning sucks is because you got nothing from your higher learning. As Buzz said, you get out of schooling what you put into it. It may be difficult for someone like you to understand that but most people do. I see a need for "modern conveniences" as much as the next person. In fact that is why I am thankful for those college educated people. They are coming up with more efficient and better ways of making electricity, designing dams, using raw materials, getting raw materials, etc. etc. It's really people like you who want to keep an outdated, piece of crap dam alive to support 2 welfare ranchers and 20 workers that I don't understand.

Bambistew- You're lucky to have a wife that will be able to support your hunting habit. I guess she would be lucky to have someone support her in her endeavors also.

Your a joke. You made a whole lot of assumtions on another thread that proves your full of it. Here it is.

"Funny article, it may be closer to reality than you might expect though. Two headed fish are not; but, according to what I have read in the Missoulian and heard on the news, there is a possible mine going into the Canadian side of the border that will directly effect the fishery in Flathead Lake (possibly making two headed fish). The mine will be on the Border with the United States and close to Glacier Park. The water from the mine will pollute the tributaries of Flathead Lake and ultimately Flathead Lake itself. I'm not sure where they are in the process but it would be an ugly thing to happen."

I thought we had trained Mining Engineers like Bambi to make sure that mining was done responsibly? And where do you think the finished product is going that's coming from this Canadian mine?

I got a lot out of my higher education, but what I learned was a fraction compared to what I've learned since. It's obvious you missed the most important part of your education....learn how to learn.
BHR- "Matt,

Your a joke. You made a whole lot of assumtions on another thread that proves your full of it. Here it is."

Obviously your major wasn't in English. You should have said You're a joke (As in you are). I was making no assumptions. The people who live in the Flathead, Montana Biologists, Fisheries experts, congressmen, etc.... have made those assumptions. I was merely relaying the information. There have been quite a few articles written on it. I'm not suprised you have skipped over those. Please "learn to learn"....It may help you in the future.
So what are you saying Matty? All mining is bad? Can't be done without creating "two headed fish" downstream? I guess we have no need for those mining engineers then.

And no my major wasn't English, so what? What was yours in? Tree hugger obstructionism?
BHR- All mining isn't bad, the mine they wish to put in Canada is. I haven't seen an article that states the mine would not be harmful to Flathead Lake. Personally, I never fish Flathead but that doesn't mean I want to see it ruined by some mine in Canada that has fewer rules than United States (environmental).

My major was Business Administration with a Minor in communication.

What was your major? Was it from the EIB institute?
Bambistew- It is an open pit coal mine that Montana is fighting. It will also effect Glacier National Park which is another major concern.
quote from Hungry Horse Daily News:

Gov. Brian Schweitzer is asking the Canadians to do a baseline environmental assessment of the Canadian Flathead before commencing with coal mines in the region.

Schweitzer made the request in a letter to British Columbia Premier Gordon Campbell last week.

"We support the concept of a comprehensive environmental and socio-economic baseline assessment of the transboundary region prior to new fossil fuel development," Schweitzer said in the Feb. 7 letter.

British Columbia gave a permit to the Cline Mining Corp. in November to do exploratory work in the Foisey Creek drainage about 31 miles north of the border. Foisey Creek is a tributary of the Canadian Flathead -known as the North Fork here in the U.S.

"It is important to recognize that we are not asking for any measure that we wouldn't apply also on our side of the border," Schweitzer said. "As you may know, the administration of President George W. Bush last October placed a moratorium on oil and gas drilling immediately south of Glacier National Park.

"An ongoing study of the effects of several drilling permits was terminated because the U.S. government recognized that the zone of impact was much larger than those specified well sites.

"The U.S. Bureau of Land management opted instead for a much broader, landscape-level assessment, to be initiated no sooner than 2007, which would guide future oil and gas exploration. My administration supports that decision."

A call to Campbell's spokesman was not immediately returned, but British Columbia officials claimed any mining project would come under the scrutiny of several Canadian environmental laws.

The Flathead River Basin Commission will also look at the latest Canadian mine prospect at its Feb. 22 meeting. At least one provincial official is expected to be there to give an update.
Intresting, the coal or overburden must be sussepected to be high in sulfer/pyrite content for them to be baulking this much...
jose, You really had to stretch to come up with a comeback. Sounded a little shrill to me. Also, you don't have a clue as to my motives, so stay with something you have a smattering of knowledge about.
I do admit that you have a very few good points to make, but with your "know it all" arrogant attitude it's difficult to recognize them. I was going to be a little less blunt, but your additional posts only continue to show that you have all the answers and know better than anyone else. What a real jerk you must be.
BUZZ said:
Its not real tough to pick out the people on this board who have a college education and those that dont...
Why don't you list people out and see how correct you are.

GH, that was funny.
Bambi- Sounds like my kind of woman! :D I fully support my wife's career and am glad she has the ambition she does. Now if I can just get her to reconsider wanting to move back to the Midwest...

It takes all for the world to go around; hammer swingers, ditch diggers, pointed headed professors, nerdy engineers, and hippy natural resource managers. Some would rather put in sweat equity and others would rather put in brain equity. Neither is 'better' than the other, if you are doing what you want to do and living the life you've dreamed of. If you're not, you're the only one keeping you from it.
That was pretty stupid!!! and way off topic......

What ever does this have to do with the opening topic....
Stick to the topic gunner....
High praise from someone that only managed to learn how to kill a 'possum in college....
and this isn't even close to it.... :rolleyes:

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