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College Faculties A Most Liberal Lot, Study Finds - Washington Post

Greenhorn said:
tenbears, you obtain a college degree?
Sheesh Greenhorn!!! You didn't already know that answer???? |oo

Actually, the reason that Liberals make up 80% of the Professors is simple. Most universities require a PhD for their professors. And most conservatives aren't smart enough to earn a PhD. Just look at the posters on this site, and you will see there is a strong positive correlation between highest level of education obtained and tendency toward enlightened/liberal thinking. :cool:
CJ said:
Greenhorn... If you know your right on something you have the balls to prove it out and stick to it. [Tom Cruise, a few good men ] is a great example.....The real world means not what you face in a textbook or on paper... but real life consequences such as a soldier when his life is on the line,[can`t go by the book] or hey it worked in the lab?[controlled conditions] but might not in the "REAL" world. Hope this is good enough for you GH. or else i had better shut my yapper as this is way to much ..splaning to do. :)

That is funny that you give a movie as your "real world" example.... :D If you want a "real world" example, try Erin Brockovich. And I am guessing she isn't a "conservative" any more....
JoseCuervo said:
That is funny that you give a movie as your "real world" example.... :D If you want a "real world" example, try Erin Brockovich. And I am guessing she isn't a "conservative" any more....

This coming from a guy who thought Micheal Moore made a great movie? :rolleyes:

Gee how did you ever get thru law school or did you? :confused: Erin Brockovich as well as "A few good men" were both movies made from books... :) but i guess the example i used.. whether "real" or contrived was lost on you anyway. hump

The Bar exam is like a drivers licence test [take it enough times and you will pass] :D
Jose Queerbutt,

Most PHD's get PHD's because they can't get a real job so they keep going to school. As Jack said in CJ's movie..."you want the truth? You can't handle the truth."
TB- Erin Brockovich is a real person who IS a real lawyer who won a huge case. A Few Good Men, although a great movie, was not based on a true story. That would be the difference!

BHR- I hope you're not saying people with PHD's don't have real jobs. It may suprise you, but most have great paying jobs and do more for society than you could fathom. I guess you have never benefitted from the knowledge of a person who has a PHD. I have and am thankful they are out there.
MattK said:
TB- Erin Brockovich is a real person who IS a real lawyer who won a huge case. A Few Good Men, although a great movie, was not based on a true story. That would be the difference!
WTF is that about? I didn't give any movie reviews here. Are you feeling okay, or are you just looking for any reason to attack me? If so, please wait unitl I post something that you can attack. BTW, I brought back "steelhead are salmon" for you, go attack there. :p :D

My wife works with a lot of post docs. Common sense must not have been a requirement for most of them. My PHD brother still lives at home sponging of mom and dad. I haven't benefitted from his "knowledge" yet but maybe you can get together with him and share some wisdom.

Question: What do you get when you cross a whore and a Proffessor? Answer: A $*)Q!#@$ know it all.
BigHornRam said:

My wife works with a lot of post docs. Common sense must not have been a requirement for most of them. My PHD brother still lives at home sponging of mom and dad. I haven't benefitted from his "knowledge" yet but maybe you can get together with him and share some wisdom.

Question: What do you get when you cross a whore and a Proffessor? Answer: A $*)Q!#@$ know it all.

WOW!!! I just lost some serious respect for you...

I think it may run in the family...
A college degree is great to get your foot in the door... for a good job... but then you must face the "real world"... hump . how many really use their degree/major for what they end up doing? i bet its less than 50%. ;) nuff said
cjcj- That's part of the reason a person gets a liberal arts degree or goes to a liberal arts university instead of a specified degree at a technical institute.

When you get to the masters and PHD level, I think you will find they stick to their expertise a lot more. (I have no evidence of this). There are a lot of general degrees that can be used in many facets. Communication degrees aren't just for speech writers, business degrees aren't just for ceo's etc. A degree is a tool, the education is what a person uses in the "real world". It really depends on how a person wishes to use it. An education is something no one can take from you.
Hey cheese,

How about "THEY'RE not"...

I wonder if you even have a HS diploma...

I dont mean to pick on you, but in a thread about how worthless an education is, you're a walking example of the importance of a proper one. Thats pretty much basic grade school English you're slaughtering...
Hmmm, all i know about docs yes we need em but all chit they wanna give ya is worthless pills they need quit asskissin, and make whoever hides real herbs really heal instead of letin people die like they have another chance, im tire dof world all about moeny pills,drugs, do ya no good least most pills dont:) i dont try ofend but first time lastnite a friend had pills but was herbs good i was shocked but happy, anyway least got some good docs i need one wish i didnt:D
Quiet One, I hope you find a doc who can get you on the drugs you need. :D

I know of people who self medicate with herbs, but it doesn't help their health and it only makes them hungry. ;)

-I WOULD LIKE MY #5 SUPER SIZED WITH NO PICKLE_ could you hurry it up greenhorn..hey buzz i need a pack of marlboro light 100"s in the box and some lottery tickets...keep the change...dont be late delivering my pizza's or you wont get a tip !!!


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Is that hot yellow color popular at the gay bars you frequent? I bet it makes you look like one sexy bitch when you're in drag...I bet you're favorite CD to play in old yeller is the village people...right?

Sagehen rolling to the village people (while in drag) in ol' yeller...that doesnt paint a pretty picture...an accurate one, but not pretty. :eek:
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