College Faculties A Most Liberal Lot, Study Finds - Washington Post

This may be a more accurate value of a degree...and from a more reliable source than a 'rooter...

For instance, take these numbers from the U.S. Census Bureau (1998 data):

Degree Level Annual Income
No high school diploma $20,110
High school graduate $28,307
Associate's degree $36,392
Bachelor's degree $50,056
Master's Degree $63,220
Pretty good argument Buzz...too bad there's no statistical breakdown re: perpetual matriculation in curriculum such as art appreciation or philosophy, this being a 'liberal faculty' thread. To me the cultural aspect of university was one of the most surprising lifetime (or quality of life) benefits. However, many students get caught up in the moment and warm fuzzy themselves right into years of trying to save the world...translation: low pay.
A college degree is great to get your foot in the door... for a good job... but then you must face the "real world"... . how many really use their degree/major for what they end up doing? i bet its less than 50%. nuff said

I always love the "real world" comment about those going to college. I went back to college after 6 years in the Army. I was married had one kid and one on the way. I worked a job and went to school straight through. Finished 4 years in three years because I didn't take a summer break. How much more "real world" can you get then working and raising kids while balancing a job, family and passion for hunting and fishing on top of your college? Oh and I was not alone in this, there were thousands of people doing the same thing.

I don't work in the field I have my degree in but I would have never been hired if I didn't have a degree. It doesn't always matter if you use your degree in you "field" what matters is your employer knows you have the ability to stick with something and complete it. Plus along the way you have learned how to solve problems, communicate etc, etc. It isn't just a fluke that higher education=higher incomes. Are there people with good paying jobs who don't have an education? Of course but on average who earns more?

I live in the "real world".

You also have to factor in most PHD's don't start making money until well into their 30's and by then, have run up quite a bit of debt. And they are pretty much clueless when it comes to understanding anything other than their choosen field. They also are as whole, some of the most misserable, negative people out there, not mention rude, arrogant, condisending, pompus, ect..... Bill Gates never finished college, but that didn't seem to hurt his income potential.

I agree with you 100% on that last post.

That being said, you dont need a degree to be successful, depending on what your definition of successful is.

For instance...look at this thread. Sagehen thinks owning a gay-yellow corvette is a definition of he probably didnt need to get a degree to be successful in his mind.

For my choice in a career, I had no alternative but to get a degree if I wanted to get the job I wanted...I jumped through the hoops and got what I wanted. There wasnt any other way to do it.

College was a great particular the Forestry School at the University of Montana. Plenty of good professors there.

Nemont, good post, couldnt agree more.

Its not real tough to pick out the people on this board who have a college education and those that dont...
Anyone who thinks that a college degree is not a benefit isn't living in the "real world", they're living in some kind of fantasy "unreal world" full of denial and excuses for lack of motivation. And don't bother giving us some example of a few successful people without college educations---------look at the big picture. Thanks for the data, Buzz.

Would anyone with a brain advise their kids not to get a college education?
Interesting data... You get a 40% bump if you get your high school diploma but it only rises 28% above that with the AA. Then you get a 37% bump with the Bachelors but only another 26% atop that for the Masters.
BuzzH said:

Is that hot yellow color popular at the gay bars you frequent? I bet it makes you look like one sexy bitch when you're in drag...I bet you're favorite CD to play in old yeller is the village people...right?

Sagehen rolling to the village people (while in drag) in ol' yeller...that doesnt paint a pretty accurate one, but not pretty. :eek:

Be careful Buzz , I've heard Sagehen is going to put scope rings on that rifle of his this year , he'll be able to hit a garbage can lid at 25 yards with deadly accuracy and consistency .
Consider this if you have a 30 year career: the guy with a BS vs The guy with a high school diploma earns a total of $652,470 more during that career and the guy with the Masters will earn $1,047,390 more then the High School graduate. That is pretty good return on your investment(ie. the cost of college). Think of compounding those dollars over 30 years and the difference get even greater.

Good point (over time) Jeff. The wife is "considering" more paper herself once she finishes her dental hygeine thing. She already has a "backup" AA in Science and wants to do research in head and neck anatomy.

I've worked outside of my major (field) for over 20 years now :eek:
Nemont /Ithaca... My "Real World" referance was meant for the young pimple faced kid who never had a job in his life, but went to school and got his degree... then gets out in the "real world' finds out it takes more than his/her sheepskin to get ahead....Lots of jobs you can`t get your foot in the door without the degree...My post was a general statement and it was an accurate one [how could you take it personnel ?] What % do you think use their [major] in the real world?
Consider this. What's tutition room and board at CU these days? 30K per year? Instead of sitting in class listening to a bunch of liberal blowhards like Ward Churchill, take a couple bucks down to your local video store and rent the Michael Moore collection. Take a ten spot down to the book store and find Al Frankens lieing liars book in the discount bargin bin and buy that. Heck if you are really on a budget, come to Moosie's Hunt Talk and listen to Proffessor IT and Buzz blow it out their ass for free.

But I still can't figure out how this will make a person a more valuable employee.
Looney tune Proffessor IT,

I thought I was on your ignore list. If I was you would not have posted this....

"And don't bother giving us some example of a few successful people without college educations"

In response to this comment of mine.....

"Bill Gates never finished college, but that didn't seem to hurt his income potential."

Proffessor IT, your just as big of a liar as the whacko Proffessor Ward Churchill. All you kooky libs have zero credibility, and to think that's who's teaching all our young minds in this country. Glad I don't have kids.
BigHornRam said:
Glad I don't have kids.

I think we are all in agreement that your genetics are best served by not passing them along.

Do you really think that people are better off without educations? And do you really think PhD's don't make money until their mid-30's?
Jose Queerbutt,

My wife works with a number of young to mid 30's post docs who are all broke.

Did you see last weeks 60 minutes? A primitive tribe with no formal education in tsunami land instinctively knew there was danger and headed for safe ground or safe water. The "smart" people walked down to the beach to see why the tide was acting so funny. Who was better edumacated? I don't call spending 4 to 10 years listening to liberal blowhards like Ward Churchill an education. Maybe you want to send your kids off to college to listen to his rants. I wouldn't. It's your money, spend how you please.
BHR- Most of the modern conveniences were brought to you courtesy of someone with a degree. There are always exceptions to the rule (some primitive tribe), but they are exceptions. People with Doctorate Degrees have given us cures, better engineering, better methods of growing foods, methods to teach, methods to learn, etc..........The list would go on for a very long time. Most of what we use today is "touched" by someone with a degree. That even goes for "hick farmers in Montana", Mill workers, miners, etc.

JC- I would have to agree, it's best BHR's gene pool (in his case cesspool) be left out of the Human race.

BHR- I and others thank you for not having children.

I didn't think your crowd was into modern conveniences.

"better engineering" You mean the guys that design things like dams that produce electricity, that libs like you want to tear down? "better methods of growing foods" like genetic engineering that libs like you are opposed to? "Better methods to teach" like keeping deadwood profs like Ward Churchill around because libs like you like his rhetoric? "Better methods to teach" and yet the cost goes up and the test scores go down. Give me a break!

My entire degree cost me a whopping...9K.

Thats right, 9k, in-state tuition that I paid for without grants, loans, or anything else. I played pulaski motor for 5-7 months a some good job a forestry a full-time job when I was done.

I think the 9k was money well spent.

If you think the only profs are ward churchhill types, you have your head up your ignorant ass. My range someone you may know, I think he may be active in the MT chapter of FNAWS, he was thinking about it anyway. I havent talked to him in a year or so, but the last time I did he killed the biggest ram ever taken out of the West Fork of the Bitterroot. He killed a good desert sheep while attending graduate school in Utah. I introduced him to Dan Montgomery and he booked a hunt with Dan within 20 minutes of meeting him, and finished the third leg of his slam with a 43 inch white sheep (at age 61)...shot it within eyesight of where I killed mine in '95. He had plans of hunting stone sheep for a retirement gift to himself. Does that sound like a Ward Churchill? If you didnt know he had a PHD, you'd never suspect he does...about as pleasant and down to earth type-guy you'd ever want to meet.

College, like everything in life, is what you make of it.

I learned a lot more than forestry while attending college and met some damn fine people along the way...
What Nemont said!

Almost everybody in the office I work in has an MS, PhD, or an MBA, as well as a lot of directly related experience or expertise in specific fields. A friend of mine who comes hunts with me when he draws in MT.. lives in the desert of WY, raises and trains backcountry foxtrotters, and is a big wig in the NRCS.. has a PhD in range science. He's the best hunter I've met, think his thesis must have been on calling elk or judging antelope. I'm sure there's some deadbeats with PhDs, but usually it's a sign of focus and a goal oriented person.
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