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College Faculties A Most Liberal Lot, Study Finds - Washington Post

Ten beers,

I'll give you the first name on the list:

Ten beers has no College degree.

Hows that?
Now why in the world would it really matter if he has one or not?
I suppose to some it gives a sense of all power and pettiness to their lives to think that a degree is the end all when it comes to life as we know it... ;)
If that is the case, those individuals are very shallow people indeed... :)
Hey Cheese,

He wanted to see the list.

This is a perfect time to add another:

Elkcheese: No college degree
He wanted to see the list.

This is a perfect time to add another:

I would state that hypocrisy is alive and well in your posts...
Just not to long ago you posted that you Never talk out your ass because you are the epitome of doing your research before you do any posting, LMAO!!!! I have yet to see you do a lick of research on some of these topics, which this being one.

Now before you go off spouting about me never doing research, I have never purported to do the deep seated research that you would like. I usually only speak of things I have seen and experienced not relying on the gospel of what others have done.

I know some of the things I have stated don't fit into your little scheme of life, I would say that I can show you in person what you close your eyes to, but we both know that it would do no good to prove those that get paid to know some of these things and yourself wrong... :eek: :)
You still can't answer this....

Now why in the world would it really matter if he has one or not?
I suppose to some it gives a sense of all power and pettiness to their lives to think that a degree is the end all when it comes to life as we know it...

So I would suppose that in itself would answer my question… :)

I know some of the things I have stated don't fit into your little scheme of life, I would say that I can show you in person what you close your eyes to, but we both know that it would do no good to prove those that get paid to know some of these things and yourself wrong... :eek: :)
You still can't answer this....

Now why in the world would it really matter if he has one or not?
Cheese- did your brain do a hiccup? Not only does your last post not make sense but it says it twice.

Let me explain....TB wanted a list of those who didn't have a college degree. Buzz simply put TB's name on the list...then put your name on the list. What is hypocritical about that. Did you get a college degree? If you didn't his statement is correct. (not good or bad, just correct)
Since I have TB on "ignore" I didn't know there was a list we're supposed to be signing up on if we don't have a degree. Keep me off it. Mine are from the University of Vermont and the University of Hard Knocks (that one is a PhD). :D
Originally Posted by BUZZ
Its not real tough to pick out the people on this board who have a college education and those that dont...

Let's see the list.

I see IT even gave you some help. :D :D
TB- As I see it (so far). Ten Bears and Elkchsr are on the list...any disputes so far?
As I understand it, BUZZ believes it would be real easy to build a list of haves and have nots from the posters here (like having really makes anybody better). I just want to see the list, please be complete.
I want to be on the list...of folks drawing some killer tags!!! :D I'd also like to get off the one in the post office.
1_pointer- I didn't think there were lists in the post office...just pictures! :D
1_pointer- I didn't think there were lists in the post office...just pictures!
I was thinking the same thing, but he also mentioned something about "getting-off" in a post office, so I moved on. :D

OK, now we are officially off-topic. :D
If you put a bunch of pictures together is some sort of order, they can be a list.

As to miller's comments, I can send you the Victoria Secrets catalogs we get after my wife is done looking at them...or do you already get it??? :D
Hey i would like to see the "List"... there are some guys here that might surprise you..hmmm it would be interesting to blow the "MYTH" up for examination.
There ya go matt... I took out the one sentence that was messing up your "over intelligent" mind...
If you actually read the whole post, you might have made sense of it, but if not, your collage learning hasn't amounted to a hill of beans and that would be a ton of money wasted... I am guessing you are in your very early 20's, there are a lot of life's lessons that seem to pass you by on this board... :eek:

Buzz won't come up with a list because that takes more than he is able to put out in a quick search cut and paste...
So much for doing research before speaking/spouting huh Buzz? ;)
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