College Faculties A Most Liberal Lot, Study Finds - Washington Post

I did enough research to know this:

Cheese: no degree (need proof? Read one of his posts).

By the way Cheese, how much "research" did you put into this statement? "I am guessing you are in your very early 20's"

What a dumbass...
elk cheese:

revised list

start list

Elk cheese
Ten Bears

End list...

Cheese- my research goes as such....if you can't spell college correctly, you probably haven't attended college. Where's your research that I am in my early 20's?
cjcj said:
Hey i would like to see the "List"... there are some guys here that might surprise you..hmmm it would be interesting to blow the "MYTH" up for examination.

I want to see not only the list of "have nots" as you see them, but also the list of "haves". :rolleyes: :p
LOL Matt...
So you are referring to any one that hasn't had the amount of education you have makes them a lower life form?
No Cheese, I'm sure Matt doesnt think a lack of education makes "them" a lower life form...

I do think he believes you are a lower form of life...and for good reason.

I mean what is anyone with half a brain supposed to think? Look at the pictures of you digging holes all over the NF, falling green trees, hump ing dead elk...

WOW, that isnt "normal" behavior and pretty much equates to a somewhat lower form of life.

The truth is sometimes painful.
I'm sure Matt doesnt think a lack of education makes "them" a lower life form...
AAAHhhhh!!!! Now you are doing the thinking for Matt... Good one Buzz... :)

I mean what is anyone with half a brain supposed to think? Look at the pictures of you digging holes all over the NF, falling green trees
Silly, silly comment...
I would bet there are far more things you use in your every day life that use timber products, and if you would have done your home work before making such a comment, would have found out there is very little "dead" trees utilized in the markets.

Matter of fact, the mills won't even hardly buy "dead" trees, they want fresh cut timber or trees that have "Just" died (Due to fire usually).

I know you hate to think this, but all of that stuff you use is harvested by individuals that are acting in a
"normal" behavior
so that you can have all of the luxuries you so desire.

I have put over a quarter million feet of timber into the open markets so that people just like you can have the luxuries in life that these trees gave their lives for.

The only place in my whole life I have ever cut trees down just so the bugs could have more food is out on the fire lines, different trade, different reasoning, every thing else had a purpose and end result for mans use.

Now with that explained again, I would ask where you get your knowledge of actual timber use and needs, you obviously didn't learn any thing when you attended Missoula about this or simple economics (to much partying?) ;).

P.S. I don’t think your professors would have appreciated the constant butchering of the English language… ;) “doesnt” needs a little added punctuation… Hey, I am only showing that you don’t walk on water like you would have every one believe… :)
Ten Beers,
Maybe you and ElkCheese can get together and read thru the previous posts, and you will find the list. It ain't that hard. And I'll give you a clue, if it is alphabetical, you are after ElkCheese on the list.
That’s pretty simple minded guner/sybil, lets see if you can do some thing better than that...
I thought you were supposed to be the all powerful cut and paster who could come up with dry reading from an internet search with a single key stroke... ;)

Or is it one of your alter egos that can't quite get past the level of running simple searches? :)
Did you have a point in your post? Or are you just trying to run up your post count?

How about you all tell us how many days you worked last year so we can all see the value of a High School Education....
Did you have a point in your post? Or are you just trying to run up your post count?

How about you all tell us how many days you worked last year so we can all see the value of a High School Education....

You are a very silly individual...

You just keep asking these questions, seemingly to get an answer... they will be forthcoming when you answer those I have asked you...

The street goes both ways here, even if you would rather it didn't... ;)
Jose' Cueervo, BUZZ said he could generate a list of those that, for a lack of better words "HAVE" college degrees and those that "HAVE NOT." I'm just waiting for the complete list. I don't care which list he/she/they/you put me on, but I am going to keep posting a request for the list until we see it (maybe he could PM everybody and ask them, that might help him out). I don't care how he does it, I expect him to follow through on his statements, or is lack of following through something else they teach in Misserableasoula.

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