any dirt bikers or off roaders?

Sage ,
Definitely the 1st one , plenty of room for your groceries and beer , a slob hunters dream !
You must be so proud of your lack of ambition . Physical effort is so overrated .
As long as they are still legal, it really doesn't matter what any one say's about them.
Any one notice that these pics are all based on a road, unmarkable surface, or in a manmade back drop... ;)
Sage- Even if you are right, that is a sad commentary on hunting this day and age. I also see more and more restrictions on the use of ATVs for hunting in ID every year. I also see more and more closures of roads/trails to ATVs on BLM and USFS lands every year. :D
Most reasonable people have no problem with ATV`s as long as they are used "wisely" and "legaly" whether it is by hunters/farmers/ranchers/ and including the BLM/Forest Service/Game and Fish etc. But we have some who think they are going away [get a clue ] THERE NOT!!! they are a "TOOL" pure and simple. Get over it and get REAL.

I wonder if your odds of killing another average mule deer will increase since the road where you killed it is now open?

CJCJ, why is that all we read about is more and more roads, lands, etc. being closed to motorized access????
Good point cjcj, hunter's numbers are increasing yearly. If you are fortunate enough to draw a tag, your chances of infringing or being infringed upon are less than the hunter who doesn't get drawn and must resort to the the 'over the counter' tag seasons or not hunt at all...irregardless, the chances of bumping into motorized, horse, or foot hunters are growing.

I know firsthand how exasperating it is to hike 2-3 hours before sunrise to be on post then hear the drone of a 4-cycle engine on a closed logging road, but it happens...the officials catch some but most get by with it..

I'm also very sure I have blundered thru other hunter's post areas while hiking the mountains during my 'elk education' years. Thankfully those brief occasions were met with the same courtesy I try to extend to the 'orange army' that is today's reality.
Buzz ...They can close all of those illegal roads down [i`m all for it] but i`m just stating the facts....the more overpopulated the country becomes ..the more a-holes there will be, bad hunters,trash hikers, trash fisherman etc. and more jerks on ATV`s who tear up the forest and all lands in general......But the hard facts are without "STRICT ENFORCEMENT" it doesn`t matter.... Just look at our borders? If our federal government doesn`t get off their "FAT-ASSES" and start enforcing "existing laws" then people will just keep breaking them [all laws] Yes GW Bush is to blame as is 90% of congress and Bill Clinton and all the other bought off pricks who have sold us out.
As long as they are still legal, it really doesn't matter what any one say's about them.
Any one notice that these pics are all based on a road, unmarkable surface, or in a manmade back drop... ;)


Pay attention.... They AREN'T legal in many places, and they are being restricted more and more, every day. So yes, it does matter.

And when you find attitudes like Sage's, you can see why more and more people are working to ban the atv's. Look at this thread, it went from his initial claims that the Blue Ribbers help hunters (which was never shown to be the case), to the Blue Ribbers use the courts to help hunters (which was never shown to be the case), to now Sage just trying to make everybody who reads this thread have to tolerate is rude behavior. Kinda like real life, where hunters have to tolearte the incessant noise of the Fat-Assed aTV crowd.

Maybe someday Sage will realize he is not the best ambassador for the FAt-Assed aTV crowd, and realize that his positings like this probably just swayed one more person to write a letter the next time public comment is taken to ban Fat-Assed aTV riders.

i wouldnt consider a 7x8 ( average) yea wyoming has great 4 point bucks..
i spent alot of money to hunt in western wyoming and was disappointed when i hiked for 9 days and only seen 4 points....yea they were wide but 4 points is 4 points.. oh yea buzz i have other pics of this buck if you want to use photoshop to crop your photo in there... i


  • muledeer.jpg
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Hey Sage,

Back to the subject, are you ever going to post anything positive that the Blue Ribbers do for hunting, or have you now given up on your preposterous claim that they help hunters?
Unless you can predict the future, you will struggle to find anything good the Blue Ribbers have done. Their past has not been helpful to hunters, so your best chance of doing homework is looking to predict their future actions. But keep looking....

heres a map for anyone in the boise area that wants to go off road to view wildlife
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