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IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE v. WIGGINS (U.S. DISTRICT COURT – IDAHO) BlueRibbon, the Idaho State Snowmobile Association and the Northwest Access Alliance moved to intervene in this case on November 12, 2004, which involves Endangered Species Act claims affecting state managed lands in the vicinity of Priest Lake in northern Idaho. These lands provide highly-desirable summer and winter recreational access.
U.S. Magistrate Mikel Williams presided at a hearing on the Forest Service motion for remand which was held on December 7-9, 2004, in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. BlueRibbon and the Northwest Access Alliance were represented at the hearing by Paul Turcke. The purpose of the hearing is to determine how vehicle travel on the Coeur d'Alene River Ranger District will be regulated pending remand of the District's 2001 travel plan and amendments. The parties had not finished presenting evidence at the close of the allotted time on December 9th, and the hearing has been continued until January 18, 2005, for an additional day of rebuttal testimony.
KOOTENAI TRIBE, ET AL. v. GLICKMAN (ROADLESS II) (U.S. DISTRICT COURT – IDAHO & 9TH CIRCUIT) No change - proceedings remain stayed in the Idaho "Roadless Rule" cases pending the outcome of the 10th Circuit appeal addressing the validity of the final "Clinton" Roadless Rule. In that appeal the State of Wyoming filed its response brief and associated pleadings on November 8, 2004. BlueRibbon and other organizations filed a "friend of the court" brief in support of Wyoming's position on November 15, 2004. BlueRibbon also submitted comments on November 15, 2004, to the Forest Service's "new" proposed Roadless Rule, which would effectively supplant the Clinton Administration rule at issue in these lawsuits.
some examples.. want more gunner???
Hunters have the Right to choose to ride an atv if they choose and can afford to. hump
IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE v. WIGGINS (U.S. DISTRICT COURT – IDAHO) BlueRibbon, the Idaho State Snowmobile Association and the Northwest Access Alliance moved to intervene in this case on November 12, 2004, which involves Endangered Species Act claims affecting state managed lands in the vicinity of Priest Lake in northern Idaho. These lands provide highly-desirable summer and winter recreational access.
KOOTENAI TRIBE, ET AL. v. GLICKMAN (ROADLESS II) (U.S. DISTRICT COURT – IDAHO & 9TH CIRCUIT) No change - proceedings remain stayed in the Idaho "Roadless Rule" cases pending the outcome of the 10th Circuit appeal addressing the validity of the final "Clinton" Roadless Rule. In that appeal the State of Wyoming filed its response brief and associated pleadings on November 8, 2004. BlueRibbon and other organizations filed a "friend of the court" brief in support of Wyoming's position on November 15, 2004. BlueRibbon also submitted comments on November 15, 2004, to the Forest Service's "new" proposed Roadless Rule, which would effectively supplant the Clinton Administration rule at issue in these lawsuits.
some examples.. want more gunner???
Hunters have the Right to choose to ride an atv if they choose and can afford to. hump