Caribou Gear Tarp

Hydration drinks?

My 2¢:

Electrolyte drinks are very helpful in certain situations (like @wvhunter304's job, by the sound of it), but are MOSTLY unnecessary. That said, I often do necessary things, so do that makes you happy 😅.

Some basic concepts to keep in mind (from the wilderness medicine docs I work with on SAR):
  • The only helpful electrolytes are salt and sugar. Sugar-free / low-sodium "electrolyte" drinks are a gimmick. If you don't need more sugar and salt, drink water.
  • Our bodies are designed to get electrolytes from food. We can "cheat" the process by drinking them, but generally speaking you should only focus on drinking electrolytes if you can't get enough by eating (more on this below).
  • If you're dehydrated, meaning you haven't been drinking enough water to maintain your normal body volume, this means that you already have more electrolytes than you need and drinking an electrolyte drink will cause you to rehydrate more slowly than if you just drank water. You should just drink water in this case, not electrolyte drinks.
    • This is, in my experience, the most common misunderstanding / misuse of electrolytes. They do not help you rehydrate.
  • The ONLY time that healthy folks benefit from electrolyte drinks is when you're well-hydrated but not able to eat enough to replace the sugar your muscles are using and the salt you're sweating out. The only time I encounter this while hunting is during an intense pack-out. Otherwise, it's easier (and better for me, and cheaper) to simply snack and drink water.
    • I also use electrolyte drinks when I'm climbing at high elevations and can't eat without being nauseous.
All this said, again, do what makes you happy. If you like flavored drinks more than plain water, go crazy with those low-sugar low-sodium flavor products. Just don't kid yourself that it's any better for you, per se, than water.
I make my own LMNT blend per a recipe they provide. It’s helped me all but completely eliminate leg cramps in the night after a hard hunt.
I’ll have to look that recipe up, would rather doctor up my own mix vs the packets with added flavoring, just went easy route with the boxes of packets. Thanks for the insight!
Care to share?
I can take pictures of what I have when I get home. I got everything from Amazon, for less than $100. I think my calculated cost is around $0.10/serving. I have enough supplies for at least another hunting season.

100 g sea salt
16g potassium chloride (I use NoSalt)
30g Mg Malate
2 TBSP raspberry flavor
2 TBSP lime flavor

I don’t add any sugar. I use about a tablespoon per liter of water.
If I’m out scouting, hunting or just dirtbiking, nothing beats water. However with that being said while I’m working, the best thing I’ve started to do is add a Gatorade rapid rehydration or liquid IV to a tall bottle of smart water. I only drink half a bottle at a time before going and filling it back up. Typically by the end of the day the bottle is clear again ready for the next day.
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