Caribou Gear

2024 Garden!

We got 4.5 inches of rain the other day. I've never seen grass this tall. Feels like driving through tunnels going up and dowm grid roads.

That being said, we haven't had any decent temps. Too cold and barely anything has taken...

Recent harvest. We’re behind in growing this year but the plants are catching up.

I think I lost both my asparagus beds over winter. Four years old but only a few sprigs of asparagus appeared. Disappointing. I’m not sure if I chance they come back next year or try to replant this year.
Quit showing all the ripe veggies!!
We are so far behind this season and I'm not the only one around here.
Nice gardens everyone.
I've had a couple cucumbers and yellow peppers. I have a lot of tomatoes but nothing turning red yet.
Doesn't help we've went to 42* this morning so far. It'll go cooler at sunrise.
Quit showing all the ripe veggies!!
We are so far behind this season and I'm not the only one around here.
Nice gardens everyone.
I've had a couple cucumbers and yellow peppers. I have a lot of tomatoes but nothing turning red yet.
Doesn't help we've went to 42* this morning so far. It'll go cooler at sunrise.
It’s either rain or scorching hot and humid here. Perfect for fungus and weeds.
Slooow spring here but things are moving. Did a row layout three sisters that’s coming in well. Winter squash leaves are doing a good job of blocking bindweed growth. Pole beans haven’t started latticing on corn yet, but am looking forward to seeing that happen.

Summer squash has been going wild for a bit. I haven’t even started fertilizing with a flowering phase mix yet either. The tomatillos are usually late starters, but I expect them to be nice and bushy by August.

‘Maters are not to be touched by me, but mostly doing well so far. I’m planning to start early under lights and go big on heirlooms next year. The one ‘cuke plant in there never got big, but had a good dozen or so hatching on it right now.

As for bindweed - I did some reading and it leaches tons of calcium. Took about 10 minutes to pull a 5 gal bucket worth from the yard. Soaked it all in water and going to let it rot for a few weeks. Might add some kelp meal and piss into the mix. Hoping this fetid swamp water will recoup some of the nutrients the weeds have been leaching.

Backyard shadier garden not pictured, but the ground radishes and rat tail radishes are moving along. Planted shorter season carrots late, but they’re all up and need thinned. New round of mache and kale is all germinated and needs thinned as well.

Excited to have things coming along.

HOLY PHUGGIN JAPANESE BEETLES!!!! We are under attack. I've never seen anything like it. In one day they literally ate all the leaves off one of my apple trees. Now they've moved onto the garden and the inherent trees. It's insane.
They're horrible! I dust my potatoes and hope they stay off. I sprayed my peach tree when I had it and it sounded like it was raining when the bugs were dropping. Then more came. 😞
HOLY PHUGGIN JAPANESE BEETLES!!!! We are under attack. I've never seen anything like it. In one day they literally ate all the leaves off one of my apple trees. Now they've moved onto the garden and the inherent trees. It's insane.
Fingers crossed this has been the lightest year I can remember around here for Japanese beetles, usually I'm spraying my cherry and peach trees, roses and raspberries for them heavy this time of year, but so far only been a few around.
Fingers crossed this has been the lightest year I can remember around here for Japanese beetles, usually I'm spraying my cherry and peach trees, roses and raspberries for them heavy this time of year, but so far only been a few around.
What are you using? I used the same brand of stuff you recommended for the fungus ( which btw worked awesome so thanks again for that!)