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2024 Garden!

Frosted again last night. I can’t decide if I’m having a late start to the summer or if it’s normal for my area. Technically, the frost free date is the last of May. I think Global Warming got me used to hotter May temps.
My little bee buddies are doing their thing on the raspberry and blackberry bushes. The apples, pears and peaches continue growing on the trees.
I need to get some weeding done in the garden and spray the fruit trees before we leave Saturday for Mexico. Always something to do in the yard this time of year.
Seems there’s some experts on here. Advice appreciated.

We inherited some neglected raised beds at our rental. Finally did some soil testing yesterday. PH is mostly good, as is my K value. N and P values are low to depleted. Plants are already in the ground.

Thinking of surface dressing then watering in blood meal for an N boost, then liquid bone meal for a P boost. Maybe a layer of compost over top of that. Test again in a month and see where I’m at.

On the right track here?

In addition to all the above these beds are riddled with bind weed. That stuff is the devil’s work.
So I decided to plant a spaghetti squash this year sense we love eating them so much. Never grown one and figured I'd plant one and see what happened. Well the dang thing has completely taken over one of my raised beds smothered out a couple banana pepper plants and a tomato plant. Already have 4-5 good size squash growing. Other then that everything is going well getting peppers and tomatoes daily. 20240606_192056.jpg20240606_192108.jpg20240606_125955.jpg20240606_125921.jpg
Today's haul including what will probably be my last asparagus of my best year ever.20240606_192217.jpg
View attachment 328107 Had me a fine mater sammich this evening out of the garden
Can't wait til we have a bunch of tomatoes to pick. We're getting close, I ate the first cherry tomato of the year when I was pruning the garden this evening. Got my eye on a Cherokee purple thats going to make a good sammich20240606_203942.jpg20240606_203948.jpg
Seems there’s some experts on here. Advice appreciated.

We inherited some neglected raised beds at our rental. Finally did some soil testing yesterday. PH is mostly good, as is my K value. N and P values are low to depleted. Plants are already in the ground.

Thinking of surface dressing then watering in blood meal for an N boost, then liquid bone meal for a P boost. Maybe a layer of compost over top of that. Test again in a month and see where I’m at.

On the right track here?

In addition to all the above these beds are riddled with bind weed. That stuff is the devil’s work.
I’m not half the expert of any of these guys, but I soil sample is where I would have started and it appears you did that. Look up your state agricultural extension I am sure they have tons of local knowledge to help with you.
Seems there’s some experts on here. Advice appreciated.

We inherited some neglected raised beds at our rental. Finally did some soil testing yesterday. PH is mostly good, as is my K value. N and P values are low to depleted. Plants are already in the ground.

Thinking of surface dressing then watering in blood meal for an N boost, then liquid bone meal for a P boost. Maybe a layer of compost over top of that. Test again in a month and see where I’m at.

On the right track here?

In addition to all the above these beds are riddled with bind weed. That stuff is the devil’s work.
Keep doing what you're doing. Be mindful some plants need fed more than once during a growing season. Listen to what @Gellar said.
Went away for a weekend and came back to a lot of cukes ready to pick, first round of beans, my first tomato (I picked it a couple days to early in my eagerness), and the end of the first squash blitz moving into the beginning of the second squash blitz. Also picked some serranos and sweet peppers. Serranos that I've tried so far haven't been that hot, hopefully just some first round duds. Sunflowers are about to emerge, possibly tomorrow or the next day.

Bean yield has not been great and the plants have been kind of sickly looking for a few weeks. Everything else has been pretty green. Not quite sure what the issue has been. 20240613_200739.jpg20240613_200742.jpg20240610_180829.jpg
I enjoy coming home from night shift this time of year and picking some berries covered in dew. Still getting a few strawberries and the first of the red raspberries are ripening. The blackberries still have a little while to go.
Nice gardens everyone!
Just now have corn, carrots, beans and so forth popping out of the ground.
Cooling off this weekend and night temps headed into the upper 30's for a couple of nights. Will have to get the frost blankets out and cover.
Potatoes are up and doing good so far.
Tomatoes in the greenhouses are doing well along with peppers. Planted acorn squash in the new greenhouse called Cobble Stonehenge. A lot of rocks! We usually get a killing frost in September then it warms back up and things could still be growing. So into the greenhouse the squash went. Along with some cucumbers. Tomatoes in cloth bags and are doing great.
We have had nothing but wind here all spring. Along with cottontail bunnies. They are about to drive me up the wall. Going to have to start fencing off the raised beds. Had to fence the strawberries.

Watch the horse manure! It doesn't soak up water and needs to be mixed with dirt and the water poured to it. I finally got a couple big loads of steer manure this spring. It needs more time to break down but so far seems to be better than the horse manure. Neighbor has horses and I have all I can use if I want it.

Fish is great for gardens but dogs, cats and coons will dig them up. Good luck.

Can't wait for the fresh produce to start coming in.
Any of you guys have a remedy for fungus on cucumber plants? Just about has killed em In a few days.

I use this on my fruit trees, flower beds and garden along with the BioAdvanced 3 in 1 spray. If the cucumbers are already getting real bad, might be too late for them already.
PEAX Trekking Poles

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