Wyoming G&F funding news

I'd say Buzz handled the guys self introduction better than I would have. Reading that thread I'd say you have a problem with Buzz. Drink some courage and kick his @@@ if he bothers you so much. Take it outside and deal with it so the rest of us can enjoy the site.
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Mr. BigHornRam, If you have nothing of substance to offer, please just quietly read and learn. The thread title is "Wyoming G&F funding news". Your Buzz-bashing reflects adversely on your character and your knowledge base. Thank-you in advance.
On a positive note, I hadnt heard much about Mavis lately so googled up this article.


One very humble lady hunter who has done a lot for hunting, and someone who has hunted for the best of reasons.

The amazing part of the story about her ram, is that she found a herd of 3 rams, by herself, 2 of which were over 200 inches...and all 3 were definitely over 190. Even in the hay-days of upper Rock creek, that was impressive. Also makes me smile she didnt need a posse of guides to accomplish what she did. Sheep hunting in its purest form...lots to like.
Good that BHR brought up that 11 year old thread, as it shows who's the better man in this thread and it sure ain't him!!! Just as WB and SA stated, and I'll put it another way in plain old English to go take a flying leap and GET OVER IT! Geez, 11 years of pent up hostility over nothing and YOU'RE the one who has issues!!! EDIT: Just read the article on Mavis and I have to say that I'd damn sure love to meet and sit down with that lady for a chat or two, as what an amazing, full life she has led!
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While on the subject of old threads with Paul...

Did Paul ever give you that case of beer he owes you?

If you catch up to him...you can have the case he owes me too. Make sure its not some cheap beer...make him pay.

While on the subject of old threads with Paul...

Did Paul ever give you that case of beer he owes you?

If you catch up to him...you can have the case he owes me too. Make sure its not some cheap beer...make him pay.
Even with cheap beer hunttalk as a whole could have a pretty good party with the amount of brew that BHR owes folks from the wolf bets.

Guys, don't let Buzz fool you, he's playing nice right now, but he's a prick! :D :eek: :D
Even with cheap beer hunttalk as a whole could have a pretty good party with the amount of brew that BHR owes folks from the wolf bets.

Guys, don't let Buzz fool you, he's playing nice right now, but he's a prick! :D :eek: :D


That hurt......:D

Since this thread has been totally hi-jacked anyway, thought I'd give you an update on your new Wyoming hunting camp.

Its getting there, will be ready when you head over to shoot a couple cow elk.



Keep hurting my sensitive feelings and you'll be in the garage with the raghorns...;)
Buzz, what foundation form is that? Quadlock?

We used it on my Dad's log home he built. I was impressed as to how easy it was to use even for a guy such as myself who tends to over complicate the easiest of tasks.

That hurt......:D

Since this thread has been totally hi-jacked anyway, thought I'd give you an update on your new Wyoming hunting camp.

Its getting there, will be ready when you head over to shoot a couple cow elk.



Keep hurting my sensitive feelings and you'll be in the garage with the raghorns...;)
Ha! Very nice. Much nicer than most camps I've stayed in. Glad to see the weather's cooperating for a good start. Who's room's gonna be bigger, yours or Bellas? ;)

If I have to stay in the garage, can I make a fort out of the beer boxes from BHR? :D I'd need a fort to feel safe as I guess I'm scared of raghorns, considering I can't ever manage to shoot one...
Nice looking bunker, Buzz. Pour the concrete ceiling, backfill, and you're good to go.

Where's my beer Pointer? YOU lost the beer bet. For some reason, Buzz has never bothered to come collect his beer from me. You can give him the beer you owe me, next time you visit him at his bunker. He likes the good stuff, Keystone light in cans is what he told me to buy him. Thanks.
Thinking about all things application related, one area that Wyoming G&F could save probably several hundred thousand dollars is the way they handle credit card refunds.

Most states either charge a big fee for paying with a credit card on your apps, or they refund your credit card when you don't draw and save the % that the CC company charges them for processing the payment.

Surely if a backwards state like New Mexico can figure out how to refund unsuccessful applicants on their credit cards and save the %, Wyoming could do it.

Just doing ballpark math, if the credit card company is only charging 2% (which is low), Wyoming is paying $100,000+ just on credit card fees for nonresident sheep and mountain goat tags that are refunded with a check instead of crediting that back to the credit card.
Each state is different. What can be done by executive action in one state requires a legislative change in another. Not sure where WY is with this.
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