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Wyoming G&F funding news


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2001
Laramie, WY
Heres a recent article that some may find interesting regarding Wyoming Budget challenges...

— April 1, 2014 Kerry Drake

Wyoming has relied on hunters and anglers to fund the Game and Fish Department since the 1930s. It’s been a successful funding model, but it can’t be sustained in the future without making considerable revisions to how the agency does business.

That point was made clear at the Wyoming Game and Fish Commission’s budget meeting last Friday in Lander, during a discussion initiated by Commissioner Aaron Clark of Wheatland, who questioned why the agency’s revenue projections are often far off the mark. “Our cost projections are usually fairly good,” Clark said. “We are lousy, absolutely horrible, at producing decent revenue projections. … We made some significant reductions [last year] based on some revenue projections that were pretty poor.”

Deputy Director John Kennedy agreed, but pointed out Game and Fish does not have a consistent revenue stream because the number of hunting and fishing licenses sold can vary greatly from year to year.

The department was unable to obtain approval from the Legislature for a 10 percent fee hike supported by Wyoming’s sportsmen last year, even though the fees have not been increased since 2008. The commission cut its budget more than $7 million by eliminating key positions, reducing money available for vital habitat and research projects, cutting the number of issues of its popular Wyoming Wildlife publication and eliminating its annual Youth Hunting Expo in Casper.

But revenue for the year was much higher than forecast because more hunting and fishing licenses were sold than expected, and the agency received a windfall from an unanticipated increase in a temporary tax on weapons and ammunition when gun sales soared. The result is a cash flow reserve of more than $50 million, which reportedly has some mistakenly thinking Game and Fish has reversed the problems that led to the budget cuts. Actually, the agency’s high reserve — it tries to have about $17 million on hand at any given time — is just a snapshot of what the department had available at the end of fiscal year 2013.

In reality, those reserves have either already been allocated or will be lost through inflation. With the unpredictable ebb and flow of revenue, there are times — particularly September through November — when the department’s expenditures exceed revenue, and there is a negative cash flow.

- See more at: http://wyofile.com/kerrydrake/game-and-fish-funding-crossroads/#sthash.PUdeCrLJ.dpuf


If you follow the link, be sure to read the comments, in particular those made by Bob Wharff of WYSFW. Apparently he's upset that WYSFW is "being ignored".

I wonder why his group is being ignored?
If you follow the link, be sure to read the comments, in particular those made by Bob Wharff of WYSFW. Apparently he's upset that WYSFW is "being ignored".

I wonder why his group is being ignored?

As well he/WYSFW should be ignored!

I read the comment from Bob W.. Seemed like a reasonable comment to me. What is your problem with it? I've read some insane comments from you over the years. Should you be ignored as well?

You must be in the mood to pick a fight...or have recently renewed your SFW membership, hard telling which.

But, I'll explain exactly whats wrong with Bobs comments:

WY SFW has clearly stated that we have concern about spending within the department. WY SFW has called for a cost/benefit analysis of existing programs; furthermore, we have asked for the G&F to identify their priorities. WY SFW believes that it is imperative that we understand what our existing programs cost, that we look at ways to combine existing programs or eliminate programs which are not achieving their goals or objectives.

In response to this, Bob is asking for something that is already being provided via a 274 page annual report on expenditures. He's not really interested in where the funding is going, he's interested in being able to CONTROL where that money (that isn his) is spent. The WGF has a commission for a reason, and their job is to provide oversight on the GF operations, etc. But, Bob has been slapped around by the commission, so is now using the legislature in his quest for a hostile takeover of the WYGFD. He has the ear of 3-4 House TRW committee members, at least 2 of which will likely be gone come November. But, in the meantime its attack the budget, attack the programs, and stop all reasonable license fee increases.

When your income is reduced, it doesn’t make sense to cut programs without first evaluating them. WY SFW recognizes that G&F Department had to make the cuts initially where they were able to make them. The G&F Commission now has the time to work with sportsmen (the G&F department’s primary constituency), the G&F department and other wildlife advocacy groups to evaluate existing programs and make adjustments where applicable. During this process, the G&F Commission can also explore new ways to augment the G&F department via non-traditional mechanisms which are consistent with our current funding model; which is to say, that it should be tied to a user pay method rather than continually depending on general fund dollars.

To start with on this line of BS...the reason the GF budget was reduced was because of WYSFW and 5 members of the House TRW committee. They layed the pipe to Wyoming Sportsmen by denying any form of license fee increase, even though the GF has not asked for a fee increase since 2008. Then, when the cuts were made, that there was no choice about, Bob threw an absolute fit. He has no authority to tell the GF where the cuts should be made. As a result, the GF is now understaffed, the youth education programs were cut, the EXPO in Casper was cut, and fish stocking took a pretty good hit. WYSFW and the House TRW committee can both go pound sand, they asked for the cuts, they got the cuts.

Further, I've had many conversations with Bob that SFW is NOT willing to allow any non-traditional funding whatsoever to happen. I have emails to prove it. Bobs fear is that if non-traditional funds are used, those providing the funds will have a seat at the table. Well, like I've told him, they already occupy a seat at the table, may as well make them pay for it. Plus, he's a liar about relying on general fund money. The GF receives very little general fund money, and up until this year even employee health care costs were covered via license dollars. The WGF employees were the only State employees in Wyoming who's health coverage was NOT covered by the general fund (paid for via license dollars).

WY SFW would like to see any other users groups which are currently profiting from the wildlife resources of this state contributing to its management as well; however, WY SFW will always insist that hunting, fishing and trapping remain a priority within the G&F department.

Not true, Bob and WYSFW have offered NO solutions to finding alternative funding nor have they asked any other user groups to step and pay. But, who HAS approached some of the other non-consumptive users asking for funds, is the Wyoming Sportsmens Alliance, which Bob and WYSFW are not part of.

The article concludes with a quote from Steve Kilpatrick and his interpretation of why the state legislature has denied an increase in license fees the last two sessions. I would like to offer a differing view. In my opinion, the state legislators did listen to their constituents. They asked hard questions of the G&F department. They too, have been asking for cost/benefit analysis of existing G&F programs. There are many legislators which believe funding is not the issue, but rather spending.

Another big lie here. The Storer Foundation conducted a poll of sportsmen prior to this last legislative session asking if they were in favor of a fee increase and if they felt the WGF Department was doing a good job in managing the 800+ species they're responsible for. An over-whelming majority were in favor of license fee increases, and also had favorable comments regarding the job the WGF Department is doing. I can tell you that after attending the TRW committee hearings, there was exactly 2 people who testified against fee increases. One was Bob Wharff, the other was a tea party representative who was against having a government period. I'll have to call bullchit on the Legislature listening to their consitituents.

WY SFW has stated clearly, every time we have been able to articulate a specific need for funding, the legislature has answered by providing assistance for the department. We see that with general funds being used for capital construction costs, wolf management, AIS (Aquatic Invasive Species), brucellosis management and now the potential addition of covering health care costs and grizzly bear management. I believe, Mr. Kilpatrick is wrong to imply that the state legislature doesn’t like the current model; they simply would like to see spending issues addressed before increasing license fees.

Wow, saving the best lies for last I guess. Bob has never been in favor of asking the Legislature for general fund money. Matter of fact, Bob testified AGAINST SF45, which the WSA was in favor of. He tried every trick in the book to kill that bill. I was there when he asked for an amendment to SF45, to remove the grizzly bear portion of the bill. That would have killed SF45, but thanks to the WSA again, the amendment was removed on the Floor. If not for the work of the WSA, this bill would not have passed, no question.

I also find it quite entertaining that Bob doesnt think a non-huntable species (grizzly bears) should be paid for with general fund money. In particular since 35 million of Wyoming Sportsmens license dollars have been spent on grizzly bear mangement since the late 80's.
Oh, and BHR, its pretty entertaining to listen to Bob Wharff rail on the GF for "an accounting of where the money is going"...when he cant provide the same for one of his own Chapters in Wyoming.

The Bighorn Basin Chapter asked repeatedly for an accounting of where WYSFW money was being spent and got nothing. So, they quit SFW.

Pretty hypicritical to demand acounting of everyones money, but then deny one of your own chapters the same courtesy...dont you think?

I can go on all night busting WYSFW up...

Buzz - only a few people are as engaged as you are and help fight the good fight. Lies are easy to tell but hard to refute for most of us because we were not at the meetings and asking the questions. Thank you for clearing the lies out of the air.

The Devil is often in the details and SFW hates having a bright light shone on any back room political deals or their internal spending. Yet, those details reveal what they are and that is a pro-wealthy wolf in blue collar sheep's clothing looking to enrich the few by channeling hunting opportunities towards the wealthy.

UT, AK, WY, AZ...every time SFW does what is in the interest of the wealthy and prefers to use tags from the state to fund that abomination. SFW says they are blue-collar trying to increase numbers of big game yet look at stream access in UT which was so blatantly against the blue-collar outdoorsperson that even SFW could not keep a straight face when asked to defend that stance.

Thank you again.

I'm not a member of SFW and know little about them. Don't know much about Wyoming politics either. Sounds like you have issues with Bob and SFW. Over the years you have bad mouthed about every wild life organization out there. WSF, RMEF, ect. NRA has also been on your list. I'm sure your twisted version of reality is just that.

So maybe you should bring up your issues face to face with Bob, instead of bad mouthing him behind his back on the internet.
Thank you, Buzz, for separating fact from bullshit. And thanks for the effort and time out of your personal life that you spend looking out for the best interests of the average, hard working sportsman. Not many are as well informed and well spoken as you on the issues and I really appreciate how you represent.
I was planning on responding to BHR's drivel, but then I thought, why bother? So instead I'll just say Thanks Buzz.

I'm not a member of SFW and know little about them. Don't know much about Wyoming politics either. Sounds like you have issues with Bob and SFW. Over the years you have bad mouthed about every wild life organization out there. WSF, RMEF, ect. NRA has also been on your list. I'm sure your twisted version of reality is just that.

So maybe you should bring up your issues face to face with Bob, instead of bad mouthing him behind his back on the internet.


Why dont you give Bob a call and ask him if I've told him the same to his face...I've been in his grill many times in the last few years. I've also been on the phone with him a bunch as well, and I dont hold anything back.

I can assure you that anything I've said, or will say, on this or any board regarding WYSFW, I've either already said, or would say to his face.

If you need his phone number, send me a pm.

You didnt have to tell me you didnt know much about Wyoming politics, that was intuitively obvious from the get-go.
Thanks BuzzH! It's very obvious that BHR just took a knife to a gunfight by making those posts and got shot down big time! BuzzH, BigFin, myself, and several others have had more bouts with Bob regarding all his lies and BS just on the MM Wyoming thread alone to take a week or two to read. I also know through PMs and phone conversations that BuzzH has had a number of face to face conversations with Bob and I don't think there were any attaboys exchanged, LOL!. It's to the point now where Bob won't even come on websites because of guys like BuzzH and Big Fin that put him and the SFW in it's place and made a fool of him.
It's to the point now where Bob won't even come on websites because of guys like BuzzH and Big Fin that put him and the SFW in it's place and made a fool of him.

I wouldn't know this guy from sickem but am curious to know how he and SFW can continue to function and prosper? Seems like they're like a bad dream - just keep coming back and popping up when/wherever.
I wouldn't know this guy from sickem but am curious to know how he and SFW can continue to function and prosper? Seems like they're like a bad dream - just keep coming back and popping up when/wherever.

SFW will approach F&G sometimes but the state legislature every time. SFW says, "We are here to help. Give us some primo tags taken from non-residents so no voters will be upset and then we will create an Expo that will make 20x what is spent by drawing in visitors."

You may ask, 20x? Really? No. Not close. Look at the UT toilet flush Expo where draws about 4 dozen non-residents a day. Basically, a lot of locals and Idaho/Colorado students at BYU drive a few minutes and apply for the tags. No hotel rooms, no fancy meals, etc.

Money is made by SFW though and virtually no strings with multi-year back room contracts written so only SFW could possibly be awarded the deals. Need a campaign donation? Want us to go lobby the Feds? No problem.

Great news if you are a rich person since you have a lot more tags to buy. Outfitters love rich guys buying tags since they will buy outfitter services. Rich guys with private land love rich guys needing to gain access to hunt.

The tag deal in UT was a done deal before people caught on. SFW tried the same song and dance in the back room in AZ and got slapped like a little bitch.

NM, WY, AK, ID...SFW would like free tags from you as well. If you have big elk, deer, sheep or moose then SFW would like some of your tags with no strings attached.

SFW is politically savvy at getting more of taxpayer money and public tags. Helping out wildlife is not their strong suit but they have attracted some hard-working foot soldiers that do some good conservation projects in spite of the leadership that would rather hand out with Karl Malone or some other deep pocket whale.

Politics is a game SFW plays well in the back rooms. The lies catch up to them though such as when they try to pivot and take claim for progress in controlling wolves or denying they fought to make sure rich guys would not have blue collar fishermen using streams on private property.

I rarely actually hate something. SFW is easy to dislike.
Buzz, thanks for your work in Wyoming and thanks for letting us know what you are doing there. Very educational and helpful.
Buzz, thanks for the post and alert to the comments. There are some other good commenter posts, some with links to additional material that was beneficial. When I found out that the two sportsmens groups that were on the WY Gov. appointed Wyoming Brucellosis Coordination Team were SFW and an outfitter group, I began reading up on SFW. That Coordination Team determines policy on elk and a lot more.
Thanks Buzz for your work and explaining things so I can see between the lines easier and actually have clear reasoning to talk about with people and at least explain things to them. I don't back away from another conversation with a opposing/offending view now days. I should add as long as I know what I am talking about and can back it up!

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